Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Abiliities are special actions that can be brought into use at the click of a mouse; however, they have a cool down period that prevents them from being used too often and they can only be used when the appropriate Crusader is present in the formation.

Listed in the table below are the current abilities:

Crusader Ability Hotkey Gained at upgrade Base duration[1] Base Cooldown[2]
TheBushWhacker 48 The Bush Whacker Click-o-rama

Key-1 2 30 seconds 10 minutes
RoboRabbit 48 RoboRabbit 2
GrahamTheDriver 48 Graham the Driver 4
WarwickTheWarlock 48 Warwick the Warlock 2
SlisiblypTheAlienScientist 48 Slisiblyp, the Alien Scientist 3
DetectiveKaine 48 Detective Kaine Magnify

Key-2 2 Instant 30 minutes
MisterTheMonkey 48 Mister the Monkey 2
LarryTheLeprechaun 48 Larry the Leprechaun 4
BernardTheBartender 48 Bernard the Bartender 3
ZombieWinter 48 Zombie Winter 3
ThePrincess 48 The Princess Fire Storm

Key-3 5 Instant 30 minutes
RoboTurkey 48 RoboTurkey 3
RangerRayna 48 Ranger Rayna 5
BaenarallAngelOfHope 48 Baenarall, Angel of Hope 3
WillyTheWeregoat 48 Willy the Weregoat 3
ArtaxesTheLion 48 Artaxes, the Lion Savage Strikes

Key-4 5 30 seconds 30 minutes
DrizzleTheDarkElf 48 Drizzle the Dark Elf 6
BubbaTheSwimmingOrc 48 Bubba, the Swimming Orc 4
SisaronTheDragonSorceress 48 Sisaron the Dragon Sorceress 3
GoldPanda 48 Gold Panda Gold-o-rama

Key-5 5 30 seconds 30 minutes
RoboSanta 48 RoboSanta 3
LeerionTheRoyalDwarf 48 Leerion, the Royal Dwarf 5
TheGoldhound 48 The Goldhound 2
KingReginaldIV 48 King Reginald IV Royal Command

Key-6 4 5 seconds 30 minutes
QueenSiri 48 Queen Siri 4
MrBogginsTheSubstitute 48 Mr. Boggins, the Substitute 4
BearyMcBearFace 48 Beary McBearFace 3
ThaliaTheThunderKing 48 Thalia, the Thunder King Storm Rider

Key-7 6 Instant 8 hours
FrostyTheSnowman 48 Frosty the Snowman 5
Littlefoot 48 Littlefoot 4
CindyTheCheerOrc 48 Cindy the Cheer-Orc 3
TheExchangeStudent 48 The Exchange Student 2
MerciTheMadWizard 48 Merci, the Mad Wizard Alchemy

Key-8 1 30 seconds 30 minutes
TheBatBillionaire 48 The Bat Billionaire 3
PollyTheParrot 48 Polly the Parrot 3
Skeletom 48 Skeletom 3


  1. Time-o-rama talent not considered
  2. Trinkets, gear and talents not considered
  3. Katie the Cupid can not use the Gold-o-rama ability.
  4. Squiggles the Clown can not use the Royal Command ability.
  5. Petra the Pilgrim can not use the Alchemy ability.