Amusement Park of Doom(APoD) is the eighth permanent campaign, released on Friday 9 December 2016. It was released with six initial objectives, then four additional objectives were added Friday 12 December 2016; the 11th objective was added Friday 7 July 2017.
The Amusement Park of Doom itself is a theme park from a parallel dimension. Our bold Crusaders must explore this terror split over six objectives to start. To tackle the park, the team will need to be at their pushiest to get through the throngs of visitors to avoid the long queues for the rides.
On their mission to cram as much fun as possible into their trip, they are also seeking out the legendary mascot, Sagaven. Alobong the way, you'll come across the monsters created for the Extra Life event.
Extra Life Event[]
Check out the creations below.
Requested by Tass.
LARP Elf[]
Requested by Paul McGrath.
Requested by Chris Bobridge.
Mr. Flappy[]
Requested by Dominic Leo.
Nils Olav[]
Requested by Vingummi.
Requested by Amanda Kolecke.
Welsh Dragon[]
Requested by Mrs. Crane.
Park Pass[]
Reach area 400 to unlock the rest of the park.
Must have 10,000+ Idols
300 Red Rubies
Roller Coaster[]
Tier 1
Reach area 500 while your DPS goes UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Your DPS fluctuates randomly between severely debuffed and decently buffed
300 Red Rubies
Your DPS goes UP to 2x of normal DPS then goes DOWN to 0, then stop contribute DPS for 5 seconds, and repeat again. (DPS changes like this: n_n_n_n_n_n)
At boss level, your DPS won't go UP and DOWN, it will return to normal.
Tier 2
Reach area 700 while your DPS and Gold goes UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Your DPS fluctuates randomly between severely debuffed and decently buffed
Tier 2: Your Gold bonus also fluctuates, separately from DPS
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Reach area 800 while your DPS and Gold go UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Your DPS fluctuates randomly between severely debuffed and decently buffed
Tier 2: Your Gold bonus also fluctuates, separately from DPS
Tier 3: Your DPS and Gold find stay at 0 for twice as long
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 900 while your DPS and Gold go UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Your DPS fluctuates randomly between severely debuffed and decently buffed
Tier 2: Your Gold bonus also fluctuates, separately from DPS
Tier 3: Your DPS and Gold find stay at 0 for twice as long
Tier 4: Cameras spawn at random, and prevent your total DPS from changing while active
450 Red Rubies
Tier 1
Reach area 500 with a limited selection of Crusaders.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Only six contiguous bench slots are available to use at a time, wrapping around at the 20th slot
If you have Crusaders in the 21+ bench slots, they are available any time the 20th slot is available
300 Red Rubies
Note: Crusader selection changes every 25 levels. For area 1-25 only seats 1-6 are available, for area 26-50 only seats 2-7 are available, and so on.
Tier 2
Reach area 700 with a limited selection of Crusaders.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Only six contiguous bench slots are available to use at a time, wrapping around at the 20th slot
If you have Crusaders in the 21+ bench slots, they are available any time the 20th slot is available
Tier 2: Only five contiguous bench slots are available
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Reach area 800 with a limited selection of Crusaders.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Only six contiguous bench slots are available to use at a time, wrapping around at the 20th slot
If you have Crusaders in the 21+ bench slots, they are available any time the 20th slot is available
Tier 2: Only five contiguous bench slots are available
Tier 3: Only four contiguous bench slots are available
Tier 3: 21+ bench slots are no longer grouped with the 20th bench
400 Red Rubies
Note: Crusader selection changes every 25 levels. For area 1-25 only seats 1-4 are available, for area 26-50 only seats 2-5 are available, and so on. This objective will require 11th objective Crusaders and Event crusaders from Tier 3 and above, because the four-seat rotation continues past seat 20 on through seat 31. For example, at area 700, the only available seats are 29, 30, 31, and 1.
Tier 4
Reach area 900 with a limited selection of Crusaders.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 15,000+ Idols
Only six contiguous bench slots are available to use at a time, wrapping around at the 20th slot
If you have Crusaders in the 21+ bench slots, they are available any time the 20th slot is available
Tier 2: Only five contiguous bench slots are available
Tier 3: Only four contiguous bench slots are available
Tier 3: 21+ bench slots are no longer grouped with the 20th bench
Tier 4: Crusaders in the two highest available slots (wrapping around) disable the DPS and abilities of adjacent Crusaders
450 Red Rubies
Note: During the first 25 areas, where only seats 1-4 are available, seats 3 and 4 will have their DPS will disable adjacent Crusaders, then area 26-50 will have seats 2-5 available, with seat 4 and 5 disabling nearby Crusaders, and so on.
You Must Be THIS Tall[]
Reach area 600 to unlock the big kid rides.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Must have 20,000+ Idols
300 Red Rubies
Log Ride[]
Tier 1
Reach area 650 while avoiding getting drenched.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 30,000+ Idols
Every few seconds one of your Crusaders gets drenched, reducing their DPS and disabling their formation abilities for 10 seconds
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Reach area 750 while avoiding getting drenched.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 30,000+ Idols
Every few seconds one of your Crusaders gets drenched, reducing their DPS and disabling their formation abilities for 15 seconds
Tier 2: Splashes occur more often
350 Red Rubies
Note: Splashes now occur every 5 seconds.
Tier 3
Reach area 850 while avoiding getting drenched.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 30,000+ Idols
Every few seconds one of your Crusaders gets drenched, reducing their DPS and disabling their formation abilities for 15 seconds
Tier 2: Splashes occur more often
Tier 3: After regaining their Formation Abilities, splashed Crusaders regain their DPS over the next 15 seconds, instead of instantly
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 950 while avoiding getting drenched.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 30,000+ Idols
Every few seconds one of your Crusaders gets drenched, reducing their DPS and disabling their formation abilities for 15 seconds
Tier 2: Splashes occur more often
Tier 3: After regaining their Formation Abilities, splashed Crusaders regain their DPS over the next 15 seconds, instead of instantly
Tier 4: DPS takes longer to recover, but Tank Crusaders recover theirs instantly, and invincible towels spawn at random
450 Red Rubies
Ferris Wheel of Doom[]
Tier 1
Reach area 700 while your formation goes for a ride.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
A Ferris Wheel takes up space in your formation
The Crusaders adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved around it in a clockwise manner
300 Red Rubies
Note: The 6 Crusaders directly adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved every 10 seconds.
Tier 2
Reach area 800 while your formation goes for a ride.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
A Ferris Wheel takes up space in your formation
The Crusaders adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved around it in a clockwise manner
Tier 2: After being moved, Crusaders have their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled for 5 seconds
350 Red Rubies
Note: The 6 Crusaders directly adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved every 10 seconds.
Tier 3
Reach area 900 while your formation goes for a ride.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
A Ferris Wheel takes up space in your formation
The Crusaders adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved around it in a clockwise manner
Tier 2: After being moved, Crusaders have their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled for 5 seconds
Tier 3: The ferris wheel disables the DPS of all non-adjacent Crusaders
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 1000 while your formation goes for a ride.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
A Ferris Wheel takes up space in your formation
The Crusaders adjacent to the Ferris Wheel are moved around it in a clockwise manner
Tier 2: After being moved, Crusaders have their DPS and Formation Abilities disabled for 5 seconds
Tier 3: The Ferris wheel disables the DPS of all non-adjacent Crusaders
Tier 4: One of the rotated Crusaders keeps their DPS and abilities, but a non-rotated Crusader is turned into a useless tentacle
450 Red Rubies
The House of Horrors[]
Tier 1
Reach area 700 in a haunted house of horrors.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
The play area randomly goes pitch black, and a random effect occurs before light returns
Beware! Danger! Scary! Not for the faint of heart
300 Red Rubies
On non-boss areas roughly every 20 to 25 seconds the lights go out for about 3 seconds, reducing your DPS and Click Damage to 0.
Additionally when the lights go out, a random subset of the following things may happen:
A big group of enemies appears.
Enemies speed to your front line.
Enemies grow in size.
Two of your Crusaders die.
Tier 2
Reach area 800 in a haunted house of horrors.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
The play area randomly goes pitch black, and a random effect occurs before the light returns
Beware! Danger! Scary! Not for the faint of heart
Tier 2: All the random effects are stronger
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Reach area 900 in a haunted house of horrors.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
The play area randomly goes pitch black, and a random effect occurs before the light returns
Beware! Danger! Scary! Not for the faint of heart
Tier 2: All the random effects are stronger
Tier 3: The random effects are even stronger
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 1000 in a haunted house of horrors.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 40,000+ Idols
The play area randomly goes pitch black, and a random effect occurs before the light returns
Beware! Danger! Scary! Not for the faint of heart
Tier 2: All the random effects are stronger
Tier 3: The random effects are even stronger
Tier 4: A powerful zombie monster spawns after each blackout
450 Red Rubies
Mauled By Mascots[]
Tier 1
Reach area 750 without hurting any beloved characters.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 50,000+ Idols
Well known beloved characters attack your formation
Don't hurt them! Just accept their abusive behavior until you can move on to the next area
300 Red Rubies
Note: Mascots do not take damage, but are susceptible to effects like Polymorph and Time Stop.
Tier 2
Reach area 850 without hurting any beloved characters.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 50,000+ Idols
Well known beloved characters attack your formation
Don't hurt them! Just accept their abusive behavior until you can move on to the next area
Tier 2: Each mascot reduces global DPS by 50% (stacks multiplicatively)
400 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Reach area 950 without hurting any beloved characters.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 50,000+ Idols
Well known beloved characters attack your formation
Don't hurt them! Just accept their abusive behavior until you can move on to the next area
Tier 2: Each mascot reduces global DPS by 50% (stacks multiplicatively)
Tier 3: Mascots move much more quickly
450 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 1050 without hurting any beloved characters.
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 50,000+ Idols
Well known beloved characters attack your formation
Don't hurt them! Just accept their abusive behavior until you can move on to the next area
Tier 2: Each mascot reduces global DPS by 50% (stacks multiplicatively)
Tier 3: Mascots move much more quickly
Tier 4: Two mascots occupy slots in the formation. If they die, so do all attacking mascots.
500 Red Rubies
Note: To clarify, the death of either mascot in the formation will wipe out attacking mascots, they do not both have to die.
Couples Day[]
Tier 1
Reach area 800 with an evenly distributed formation
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 75,000+ Idols
You must have an equal* number of male and female Crusaders in your formation at all times
* At any point you may have one more male than female, or one more female than male
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Reach area 900 with an evenly distributed formation
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 75,000+ Idols
You must have an equal* number of male and female Crusaders in your formation at all times
* At any point you may have one more male than female, or one more female than male
Tier 2: A succubus takes up a formation slot, and disables the DPS of either male or female Crusaders every few seconds.
400 Red Rubies
Note: Every 20 seconds, the succubus disables the DPS of either male or female Crusaders for 15 seconds.
Tier 3
Reach area 1000 with an evenly distributed formation
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 75,000+ Idols
You must have an equal* number of male and female Crusaders in your formation at all times
* At any point you may have one more male than female, or one more female than male
Tier 2: A succubus takes up a formation slot, and disables the DPS of either male or female Crusaders every few seconds.
Tier 3: Male Crusaders disable the DPS of adjacent Male Crusaders, and likewise for Female Crusaders and adjacent Female Crusaders
450 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Reach area 1100 with an evenly distributed formation
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 75,000+ Idols
You must have an equal* number of male and female Crusaders in your formation at all times
* At any point you may have one more male than female, or one more female than male
Tier 2: A succubus takes up a formation slot, and disables the DPS of either male or female Crusaders every few seconds.
Tier 3: Male Crusaders disable the DPS of adjacent Male Crusaders, and likewise for Female Crusaders and adjacent Female Crusaders
Tier 4: Only Crusaders in the top row of the bench may be used
500 Red Rubies
It's Over Nine... Hundred?[]
Reach area 900. You can do it!
Complete 'You Must Be THIS Tall'
Must have 100,000+ Idols
All you have to do is reach Area 900. I believe in you!
300 Red Rubies
Water Guns of Doom[]
Tier 1
Brave the water gun firefight to reach area 775
Complete all other Amusement Park of Doom objectives (tier 1 or better)
Complete the Reversion objective in Idols Through Time
All enemies have water guns that constantly shoot at the formation
Occasionally, SoakerBots appear and shield other monsters until killed
SoakerBots are damage capped, but can be affected by stun, slow, polymorph, and other effects.
At boss level, SoakerBots don't appear, but all enemies and boss still have water guns.
Too Much Candy
Tier 2
No such thing, you say? Reach area 925 and see how you feel then.
Complete all other Tier 2 Amusement Park of Doom Objectives
Complete ‘History Lesson’
The Candy Man takes up a slot in your formation
Candy monsters spawn at random
The Candy Man reduces your DPS for every candy killed
Unlock Bonus Idols
Buffs all Bonus Idol drops by 25% (additive) and unlocks them for this Campaign.
Note: Candy monsters cannot be killed for 0.5 seconds, and each one killed reduces DPS by 50% until moving to another area.
Queue Up
Tier 3
Reach area 850, but wait your turn!
Complete all other Tier 3 Amusement Park of Doom objectives
Complete 'Rewind'
Areas start out more difficult
Monsters drop significantly less gold
Royal Crusaders cannot be used
Quest Multiplier
Adds a 20% chance for monsters to give double quest progress
Hall of Mirrors
Tier 4
Reach area 1800... or is it 0081? Hard to know.
Complete all Tier 4 Amusement Park of Doom objectives
Complete "Moon"
Areas become difficult much more quickly
Rolling Mirrors spawn randomly
Rolling mirrors live at least 5 seconds
While a mirror is alive, the whole formation takes 15% damage every second
When a mirror is killed, a random Crusader gets bad luck and has their DPS and formation abilities disabled for 20 seconds (lasts through area changes)
Gigantic Numbers
Increases your max number to 1.00e1100
Boulders of Space Hill
Tier 5
Beat area 1350 while shooting down asteroids.
Complete all Tier 5 Amusement Park of Doom objectives
Requires having completed the The One objective from the Idols Through Time campaign
Areas get difficult much quicker
Good or Evil tagged Crusaders cannot be used
Sluggo monsters spawn randomly and live at least 5 seconds, but can be killed faster if targeted by Imani or Garnet
Only Crusaders with 950 or more personal EP can be used
Asteroids spawn with each wave of monsters and require 3 projectile hits to be killed
Enormous Numbers
Increases your max number to 1.00e2200
Free Play[]
Play without an objective. No Red Rubies are given on reset.
Complete 'Park Pass'
Increased gold to match other Free Play objectives