Thursday 6 August 2020[]
Version: v0.253
- Quality of Life Upgrades
- Saved formations now include taskmasters.
- Old saved formations will be updated when they are used, adding any current taskmasters to the saved formation.
- Buffs can now be activated in multiples of 5, 10, or 25 by holding Ctrl/Cmd and Shift.
- Players with 25 or more resets now have an option to show all bench slots at all times.
- Added a week-long Idol buff to the Dungeon shop.
- Added buttons to the chest-opening screen to open the chest shops.
- (Jul 31) Fixed the chest inventory not loading properly on loading the game.
- (Jul 31) Fixed the scaling on Kaine's Golden Epic and Legendary Magnifying Glass items.
- (Aug 4) Fixed the Dungeon bonuses not rotating properly.
- Fixed the left arrow in the Dungeon window not being enabled when the window is first opened.
- Fixed players’ “highest dungeon level reached” stat not updating properly after levels’ point costs were reduced.
- Fixed Li’l Reaper appearing as “Coming Soon” in the Dungeon shop even when unlocked through Dungeon levels.
Thursday 13 August 2020[]
Version: v0.254
- Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage, Tier 5
- Updated Dr. Evil’s Summer Sabotage for Tier 5
- New Crusader: Oona, Para Rugby Star (slot 34)
- New Skin: Voxelated skin for Milgrid
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Oona, Para Rugby Star: Reach area 400 with an all-star athlete.
- Quadrathlon: Reach area 450 with a bunch of copycats.
- Mountain of Flame: Reach area 475, if you can take the heat.
- Sporting Supplies: Reach area 500 with a bunch of supplies in the way.
- Golden Gun: Reach area 525 in secrecy.
- (Aug 6) Fixed saved formations removing un-purchased Crusaders when loaded.
- (Aug 7) Fixed the new option to show the whole bench not persisting when reloading the game.
- (Aug 7) Fixed multiple instances of the chest screen appearing when opening the chest shop from the chest screen and redeeming a code.
- Fixed the “Use” button for buff cards reverting to “Use” instead of the appropriate amount when activating buffs with the modifier keys held down.
- Fixed the buff card tooltip disappearing when activating a buff.
Wednesday 26 August 2020[]
Version: v0.255
- New Packs!
- Added the Azazel the Imp Taskmaster pack.
- Added Drosenthes' Epic Starter Pack
- Added a button in the options menu to show all your user data, for use with fan sites.
- Fixed Oona's Blueshift upgrade’s scaling on objectives with different difficulty scaling.
- Fixed a case where objective monsters that should prevent other objective monsters from spawning were not doing so.
- Minor text fixes.
Friday 28 August 2020[]
Version: v0.256
- New Objectives and the Flash Sale Frenzy
- Added Tier 4 objectives to Mme. Finklebottom’s Revenge.
- Added the Soulful Weekend weekend buff, starting at noon PT.
- Added the Flash Sale Frenzy weekend event, providing flash sales for featured golden loot over the course of the weekend.
- Fixed Gemthel’s Gourmand Gourmet not gaining multiple stacks when activating multiple buffs at once.
- Fixed buff usage daily quests not updating with the correct amount when activating multiple buffs at once.