Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Thursday 5 August 2021[]

Version: v0.301

Littlefoot’s Big Adventure, Tier 6


  • Updated Littlefoot’s Big Adventure for Tier 6
  • New Crusader: Mitsuko the Six-Tailed (slot 32)
  • New Skin: Express Train To Hell skin for Langley the Conductor
  • 5 New Objectives:
    • Recruit Mitsuko: Reach area 600 with the assistance of a Fox.
    • A Slow Nature Walk: Reach area 650 with no auto-clicking.
    • Tanks vs Tanks: Reach area 675 while taking on... the military?
    • Always on Time: Reach area 700. Quickly.
    • Koivu and the Florets: Reach area 725 by commanding an army of Flora.


  • Rayna's slot 2 legendary effect has been changed to "Increase Hero DPS by 25% for each Animal adjacent to Rayna, stacking multiplicatively"


  • Fixed codes rewarding Challenge Tokens causing the client to report having twice as many in inventory until you reloaded.
  • Fixed a corner case in the fast-merging panel where some merge options may not have appeared when targeting a high level with a Rune already slotted.

Friday 6 August 2021[]

Version: v0.301.1

Soothing Stones Weekend


  • Added the Soothing Stones weekend buff, starting at Noon Pacific Time today.


  • Corrected the description for the Hall of Mirrors objective.
  • (Aug 5th) Fixed recipe missions not awarding recipes despite not owning all possible recipes.
  • (Aug 5th) Fixed Tier 6 chest being the weekend anniversary chest instead of the tier 6 Bigfoot chest.

Friday 6 August 2021[]

Version: v0.301.2

Bug Fixes


  • Changed the Strike Some Balance achievement to show the total number of seconds tracked.


  • Fixed Mitsuko's Mask's legendary effect going negative when targeted by upgrade buffs.
  • Fixed the Strike Some Balance achievement not saving partial progress on closing the game. If you previously completed this achievement, you will have to complete it again.

Monday 9 August 2021[]

Version: v0.301.3

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the Strike Some Balance achievement not displaying properly on reloading the game. If you previously completed this achievement, you will NOT have to complete it again.
  • Fixed a missing connection in the formation on Koivu and the Florets.

Tuesday 17 August 2021[]

Version: v0.301.4

Miscellaneous Content


  • Added weekend promo data.


  • Season 4 has been extended by 3 weeks and will now run until September 15th.


  • Added a workaround for area quests which required a monster dropping a pickup to complete occasionally becoming impossible as the designated monster did not drop anything when playing with certain upgrades in use. If this happens, the area will now continue spawning more quest monsters to make it possible to complete the quest.

Thursday 19 August 2021[]

Version: v0.302

Tier 5 Ready Player Two Objectives


  • Added Tier 5 objectives for the Ready Player Two campaign.
  • Added the gear and recruit missions for Qadir and Zuczek.

Friday 20 August 2021[]

Version: v0.302.1

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue with the Tier 5 Glitch Out objective crashing the game when reaching area 151.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tier 5 Video Game of Thrones objective was not setting the correct area quest requirement.

Thursday 26 August 2021[]

Version: v0.303

Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage, Tier 6


  • Updated Dr. Evil’s Summer Sabotage for Tier 6
  • New Crusader: Regent Sawtooth (slot 31)
  • New Skin: Heavenly Defender skin for Euodia
  • 5 New Objectives:
    • Recruit Regent Sawtooth: Reach area 600 without making eye contact with the shark.
    • Sniffing Out Sabotage: Reach area 650 while dodging the robots' attacks.
    • Doctor Doctor: Reach area 675 while the two rival doctors take it outside.
    • Bout With Evil: Reach area 700, if the quests ever complete.
    • Rugby Perils: Reach area 725, lead by a rugby player in a wheelchair.


  • Flagged Torakichi to be allowed on objectives that are restricted to Winged Crusaders only.


  • Capped the amount shown for the Quest Rewards Drop Rate effect from Sjin’s Let’s Build upgrade to reflect that having it higher than 100% doesn't cause more drops.

Friday 27 August 2021[]

Version: v0.303.1

Bug Fix


  • Added group information to the Crusader info panel in order to make it possible to see who Crusaders are paired with in the Pair Up objective.
  • Fixed the Shark Chomp achievement potentially being awarded prematurely.

See Also[]
