Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Carmen and Petunia are the new Crusader in the fifth tier of the Carnival of Sorrows Event, and they both love stage magic. Petunia's specialty is tricks with turning balls into fruits while Carmen is so good at sleight of hand, you'll wonder how she did it. Finding less than stellar success advertising as just a magic act, they've embraced being conjoined twins and have been making the money ever since with their new marketing angle: conjoined magicians!

Once you've recruited Carmen and Petunia, you'll find them providing support to your formations that contain female and human Crusaders, and they'll provide their financial skills to help your gold find.

Note: Carmen and Petunia's Legendary brochure does not increase exponentially, but by 10% for each level.


Short, Stacked
With their new skin, Carmen and Petunia shrink down and try to sneak into the formation in a big coat! Short, Stacked has a doubled set of tag changes:

Minus-red MTag Human Human
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf
Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Chinese Rings
50 256D Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50%.
Quote: "Alas, not all things are so easily unlinked."
Work the Crowd
100 1.02Qt Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each pair of adjacent human Crusaders, stacking multiplicatively. The Twins count as a pair, and count twice for each human adjacent to them
Quote: "They'd better not ask for the saw trick again."
Cups and Balls
200 41Qd For every 25 levels over and including 200, Carmen and Petunia's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: "Petunia's signature is to turn the balls to fruits!"
300 1.64St Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each pair of adjacent female Crusaders, stacking multiplicatively. The Twins count as a pair, and count twice for each female adjacent to them
Quote: "For this trick, we'll need some help from the crowd."
The French Drop
400 655N Increases all Gold found by 100%
Quote: "Carmen is so good at this one, it'll reappear in your back pocket."
Rabbit from a Hat
600 2.62e69 Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50%
Quote: "Never skip the fundamentals."
The Power of Two
800 1.05e72 Increases the effect of Work the Crowd and Volunteers by 100% for every power of 2 levels the Twins have
Quote: Where one might suffice, two can excel.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Top Hat Common
Plastic Cap
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 10%

Magician's Hat
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 25%

Spiffy Top Hat
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 50%

Duo's Double Doffers
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Summoner's Hat of Deepest Desires
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 150%

'Our Rabbit Problem'
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Human Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Summoner's Hat of Deepest Desires
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Human Crusaders by 100%

Wand Common
Inert Wand
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 10%

Hidden Flower Wand
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 25%

Double Wands
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 50%

Polarized Twin Wands
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Gemini Brands of True Enchantment
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 150%

Ornate Foci of Misdirection
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 50%

Golden Legendary
Gemini Brands of True Enchantment
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 50%

Brochure Common
Expired Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 10%

Torn Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 25%

Free Admission Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 50%

Fanciful Flyer of Hype
Increases all Gold found by 100%

Golden Epic
Disposable Folding Screen of the Wasteful Marketer
Increases all Gold found by 150%

Wonderland Park Guide
Increases all Gold found by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's The Power of Two ability by 50%

Note: Effect increases by 10% per level instead of doubling.%

Golden Legendary
Disposable Folding Screen of the Wasteful Marketer
Increases all Gold found by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's The Power of Two ability by 50%

Note: Effect increases by 10% per level instead of doubling.%

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

  • Between Work the Crowd, Volunteers, The Power of Two, and their legendary brochure effect, Carmen and Petunia are among the strongest Human Support crusaders, which can be very helpful for the Human-only objective The Machine Stops.
  • Their abilities strongly support a formation with as many Human and Female tags as possible. With about 11 of each tag (including both Carmen and Petunia) and a brochure around level 11, their total buffs can exceed e150.
  • The Human and Female tags do not need to be base tags, so the effects of The Evanescent and Odile, Snowflake Defender can help with increasing the number of tags without replacing crusaders. Odile is usually preferable for this since she already has base Human and Female tags. Unfortunately, they will only apply a single Human and Female tag, even if Carmen and Petunia are contributing their tags.
  • The Short, Stacked skin effect is actually detrimental to Work the Crowd. The skin effect does not change the effect of Work the Crowd, so it simply loses 2 Human tags. Even if Human is given back to them via Evanescent or Odile, they would only get 1 tag back instead of both Human tags.

