Carnival of Sorrows was the first event, running from October 1st to 13th 2015, from Thursday, September 29th to Tuesday October 11th in 2016, from Thursday, October 5th to Tuesday October 17th in 2017, from Thursday, October 4th to Tuesday October 16th in 2018, from Thursday, October 3rd to Tuesday October 15th in 2019, from Thursday, October 1st to Tuesday, October 13th in 2020, and from Thursday, October 14th to Tuesday, October 26th in 2021. All reruns of this event 2022 onward will run from October 13th to October 25th due to the sunsetting.
Event Description[]
In Crusaders of the Lost Idols very first in game event, The Carnival of Sorrows, the Crusaders venture into a demon possessed carnival ground collecting tickets to unlock two brand new permanent Crusaders, Pete the Carney and Mister the Monkey, to their lineup, as well as the ability to collect special carnival chests to equip these new allies, and earn special permanent achievement boosts.
This dark and demonic funfair has rolled into the Crusader's world with some twisted new objectives to complete again. For the replay of the event a second tier was added. To play this part of the event you are required to first finish all of the Tier 1 Objectives and have the Doing It Again Talent.
In Tier 2 you get to unlock two brand new crusaders, Mindy the Mime and The Half-Blood Elf. There are also three other new objectives, The Great Trapeze, The Menagerie, and The Price of Admission.
The Carnival of Sorrows arrives in Crusaders of the Lost Idols once again, bringing twisted new objectives to complete and a new Crusader to unlock.
We are now entering our third year for Crusaders, and in order to celebrate the occasion this year’s Carnival of Sorrows is our first event featuring a Tier 3 Crusader to unlock and add to your roster.
Darkness descends upon the Crusaders, bringing with it unknown horrors and twisted new Tier 4 Objectives. Crusaders arrive from beyond the veil: Chiyome, The Half-Blood Elf, Mindy the Mime, Mister the Monkey, and Pete the Carney have stepped out from the shadows. A new Crusader joins them. The Carnival of Sorrows as returned. Do you have what it takes to unlock our latest Crusader in our first-ever Tier 4 Event?
Buckle up for the first Tier 4 event! Carnival of Sorrows Tier 4 brings with it five challenging new objectives, and a handy new Crusader. More Tier 4 changes are coming in a future event, but for now, enjoy free Enchantment Points on new Tier 4 Crusaders, and the removal of the Gold cap. This event runs until October 16th at noon PDT, when everyone will be thoroughly tired of carnival food.
Come one, come all, and step right up for the first Tier 5 event! This carnival features some familiar sights and sounds, plus some new bonuses to make your days ever more spectacular. Take on 5 new death-defying objectives, unlock a mysterious new Crusader, and discover a new look for a carnival classic!
This event runs until October 15, when the main pavilion burns down.
Come one, come all and step right up! That's right! No mirrors, no tricks! It's just magic!
The sixth edition of the Carnival of Sorrows event is now live, and adds a new leader to its attractions!
In an unpredictable world, you can still be sure of one thing: the Carnival of Sorrows is back in town! Leave your cares behind, and indulge in 5 objectives tougher than any carnival before. Score top prize and you could win yourself a dazzling new Crusader, and an adorable new skin.
This event runs until October 13th, when things start getting a little too spooky.
Come one, come all and step right up! That's right! No mirrors, no tricks! It's just magic!
The seventh edition of the Carnival of Sorrows event is now live, and adds a new Crusader to its attractions! She's fabulous, fashionable, and here to tell you that capes are so last season, but wings are always in.
Does anyone else hear that? It sounds like... is that old-timey Carnival music? That's right, come on down to the midway and try your hand at some rigged... err, challenging objectives! You're in line for a new Moth friend and, for the first time ever, a random Rune!
This event runs until October 26th, at which point the Carnival will pack up and move on to the next town.
New Crusaders[]
Tier 1[]
The opening two objectives are the first time you'll meet Pete the Carney and Mister the Monkey, two prisoners of the Carnival of Sorrows whom you need to rescue. The evil circus members have trapped them in their warped traveling carnival.
You must help break them out of the demonic spell by liberating them from the carnival. It won't be easy as they will debuff your Crusaders and take up a slot in your formation. However, completing the objectives will release them from their captivity, and they'll join your ranks.
Pete the Carney[]
Pete the Carney packs some new unique upgrades. A lifetime of traveling with the twisted carnival has built up his arsenal of improvements. His Bad Jokes are so bad that the Crusaders furthest from Pete receive a 50% boost to their DPS. As well, his level 200 bonus is Clown Rage that even has Pennywise diving for cover.
Mister the Monkey[]
Mister the Monkey is no slouch either. He can buff all the Crusaders in the column behind him to find 25% more Gold, and fling a little poop while he's at it. Monkey see, monkey do.
Tier 2[]
Mindy the Mime[]
The new Tier 2 Crusaders are equally creepy as their event forebears. Mindy the Mime replaces Sasha the Fierce Warrior. Mindy can randomly mimic her adjacent Crusaders' formation abilities for 15 seconds at level 100. At level 300, the duration of her ability lasts twice as long.
The Half-Blood Elf[]
The second of the new Crusaders is The Half-Blood Elf, or Halfy for short, and she replaces Khouri, the Witch Doctor. Halfy is half-orc, and favours the non-human compatriots in the formation. Every non-human Crusader next to her will receive a 50% DPS boost at level 150. At level 400, her Swipe Right ability enables her to heal all non-adjacent male Crusaders.
Tier 3[]
Chiyome is the first tier 3 Crusader and she unlocks the new 25th slot. She is a female ninja with many skills to increase her attack! At level 100 Blend with Shadows give her +100% to DPS for every column in front of her. Unlocking Blend with Crowd at level 400 granted 50% more DPS for every adjacent Crusader, and finally Blend with Enemies (unlocked at level 800) gives another 200% bonus when 3 or more enemies are on the screen.
Tier 4[]
Sashimi the Seal[]
Her name is Sashimi the Seal.
She happily supports for a meal (of fish).
She finds gold for you all,
while bouncing her ball,
and this limerick is terrible.
So lets just say she's really, really good at improving your Gold Find. Like, really good.
Tier 5[]
Carmen and Petunia[]
Carmen and Petunia both love stage magic. Petunia's specialty is tricks with turning balls into fruits while Carmen is so good at sleight of hand, you'll wonder how she did it. Finding less than stellar success advertising as just a magic act, they've embraced being conjoined twins and have been making the money ever since with their new marketing angle: conjoined magicians!
Once you've recruited Carmen and Petunia, you'll find them providing support to your formations that contain female and human Crusaders, and they'll provide their financial skills to help your gold find.
Tier 6[]
Mogra, the Ring Leader[]
Mogra the Ringleader is a demon tiger who refused to fall into the trope of being an act in the carnival and instead runs the show himself, and offers his support to other animals in the carnival.
Once you've recruited Mogra, the Ringleader you'll find him providing support to your formations that contain animal and human Crusaders. Mogra takes seat 36 on the bench.
Tier 7[]
Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit[]
The hairs on the back of your neck rise as you enter the tent, a pungent smell filling your nostrils, something that smells like dust and dry earth. You look around for the source, hoping your eyes adjust to the dim lighting soon. You try to think back on what the sign outside the tent said, but you were running too fast to have read it properly.
That odd sound happens again, closer this time. You turn around, trying to find the entrance to the tent again, thinking it might be worth facing the creatures outside rather than whatever is in here. And then you feel the hand on your back.
A small squeak slips out of your mouth, adventurer or no, and you turn back to whatever touched you. All you can see is wings.
Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit is a Support Crusader. When you want to add her to your formation, you can find her in slot 39.
Tier 1 Objectives[]
Note: Event Token costs for Tiers 1-3 were lowered with Tier 5 events.
Recruit Pete the Carney[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: The DPS reduction is 25%
Recruit Mister the Monkey[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: Monkey reduces the DPS of Crusaders in the column behind him by 33%
Elephants of DOOOOM[]
Restrictions Reward
Carnival of Death[]
Restrictions Reward
Restrictions Reward
- (This objective was added in 2016.)
- The elephant is damage capped and will last at least 5 seconds.
Free Play[]
Restrictions Reward
Tier 2 Objective[]
Recruit Mindy the Mime[]
Restrictions Reward
Recruit the Half-Blood Elf[]
Restrictions Reward
The Great Trapeze[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: Every 15 seconds, the trapeze artist will swap two Crusaders from those in the columns in front of and behind him.
The Menagerie[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: The animals, which do not appear during boss levels, include:
- Stomper - damage capped, lasts a long time (survives at least 20 seconds)
- Leo - invisible and invulnerable until it attacks you or it is manually clicked
- Tootoo - kills crusader instantly once reach the formation, damage capped (survives at least 6.33 seconds)
- Clapper - moves fast across screen, damage capped (survives at least 10 seconds)
The Price of Admission[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: Crusader levels cost 2040 times as much as usual and monster's HP is bigger than usual
Tier 3 Objectives[]
Recruit Chiyome[]
Restrictions Reward
Crusaders which are adjectent to Chiyome take 5% of their max HP as damage every second.
Chiyome occupies the following formation slots:
o o o o o o x o o
x o o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o x o
o o o o o x o o o
o o o o x o o o o
o o x o o o o o o
o x o o o o o o o
o o o x o o o o o
o o o o o o o o x
Be A Man[]
Restrictions Reward
Best In Show[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: The livestock, which does not appear during boss levels, includes:
- Bullseye - damage capped, lasts longer (survives at least 2.5 seconds)
- Secret Cow - invisible and invulnerable until it attacks you or it is manually clicked
- Clicky - kills crusader instantly once reach the formation
Fair Food[]
The Creepiest Carnival[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: Clowns appear in the following order:
Tier 4 Objectives[]
Recruit Sashimi the Seal[]
Restrictions Reward Occupies the 29th bench slot. |
Note: Fish appear in the following order:
Out of the Crowd[]
Restrictions Reward
My Balloon![]
Restrictions Reward
Cleanup Crew[]
Note: Only Animal Crusaders are allowed:
Tier 5 Objectives[]
Recruit Carmen and Petunia[]
Restrictions Reward
The Prestige[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: A crusader is disabled every 5 seconds.
The Illusionist[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: The illusions are "Future Self", which damages entire columns, and "Alternate Self" which will instantly kill a Crusader on impact. Both are indestructible, and spawn every 5 seconds in non-boss areas.
The Carnivorous Carnival[]
Restrictions Reward
Note: The beasts, which do not spawn on boss areas, resist DPS damage (7% max health per second) and Click damage (1.5% per second), other damage types are unaffected.
Fortune's Fool[]
Restrictions Reward
Unlocks the Star Juggler skin for Chiyome |
Tier 6 Objectives[]
Recruit Mogra, the Ring Leader[]
Vaudeville for Life[]
Acrobatic Endeavors[]
Audience Feeding[]
Practical Effects[]
Restrictions Reward
Unlocks the Cub skin for Sashimi the Seal |
Tier 7 Objectives[]
Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit[]
Carnival of Attraction[]
Carnival of Sushi[]
Carnival of Magic[]
Carnival of Evil[]
Tier 1[]
Recruit Pete the Carney[]
Unlock Pete the Carney by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Recruit Mister the Monkey[]
Unlock Mister the Monkey by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Ticket Please[]
Spend 16,500 Carnival Tickets starting objectives in the "Carnival of Sorrows" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Mister Dress Up[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Mister the Monkey.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Pete's Package[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Pete the Carney.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Speedy Show[]
Reset in the Carnival Free Play in less than 45 minutes WITHOUT using any Spawn Speed buff cards.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 2[]
Recruit Mindy[]
Unlock Mindy the Mime by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Recruit Halfy[]
Unlock The Half-Blood Elf by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Mindy.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Fully Dressed[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Halfy.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
More Tickets Please[]
Spend 33,000 Carnival Tickets starting objectives in the "Carnival of Sorrows" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Mime Time[]
Duplicate both Pete the Carney and Mister the Monkey's formation abilities at the same time.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 3[]
Recruit Chiyome[]
Unlock Chiyome by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Gear Chiyome[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Chiyome.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Master Carny[]
Complete all Carnival of Sorrows Tier 3 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Everlasting Sorrow[]
Beat area 900 in Carnival of Sorrows Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Have Chiyome affected by Blend with Shadows (at least 200%), Blend with Crowd (at least 300%), and Blend with Enemies (at least 400%) at the same time.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Ticket Master[]
Spend 50,000 Carnival Tickets starting objectives in the "Carnival of Sorrows" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 4[]
Recruit Sashimi the Seal[]
Unlock Sashimi the Seal by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Gear Sashimi the Seal[]
Get a piece of equipment for all three slots of Sashimi the Seal.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Complete all Carnival of Sorrows Tier 4 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Again! Again![]
Beat area 1200 in Carnival of Sorrows Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Star of the Show[]
Buff 5 formation abilities using Sashimi's "Main Attraction" upgrade.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Ticket or Leave It[]
Spend 75,000 Carnival Tickets starting objectives in the "Carnival of Sorrows" campaign. Carnival Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 5[]
Recruit Carmen and Petunia[]
Unlock Carmen and Petunia by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Double Trouble[]
Get a piece of equipment for all three slots of Carmen and Petunia.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
American Spooky Tales[]
Complete all Carnival of Sorrows Tier 5 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
World's Longest Carnival[]
Beat area 1800 in Carnival of Sorrows Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Create 40 or more pairs using one of Carmen and Petunia's "Work the Crowd" and "Volunteers" abilities.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
The Greatest Show[]
Spend 100,000 Carnival Tickets starting objectives in the "Carnival of Sorrows" campaign. Carnival Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 6[]
Recruit Mogra, the Ring Leader[]
Recruit Mogra, the Ring Leader by completing "Recruit Mogra, the Ring Leader".
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
New Stripes[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots for Mogra, the Ring Leader.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Oogifesta Spookery[]
Complete all Tier 6 'Carnival of Sorrows' Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Acres of Diamonds[]
Beat area 3000 in "Carnival of Sorrows" Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Unforgettable Show[]
In a full formation, have Mogra's Ring Leader affect every Crusader at the same time.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Carnival of Healing[]
In a full formation that includes Pete the Carney and Mister the Monkey, use The Half-Blood Elf to heal every other Crusader for 10,000 seconds.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 7[]
Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit[]
Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit by completing "Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit".
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Moth-ful Possibilities[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots for Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
5 Tickets to Ride[]
Complete all Tier 7 'Carnival of Sorrows' Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
10,000 Carnivals[]
Beat area 5000 in "Carnival of Sorrows" Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Carnival Troops[]
Clear area 5000 on Carnival of Sorrows' freeplay using only the Crusaders earned from that event.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Global Pollination[]
Have Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit activate the Pollinate ability 5,000 times
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%