Thursday 2 December 2021[]
Version: v0.312
- New Tier 5 11th Objectives
- Added Tier 5 11th-slot objectives for World's Wake, Descent Into Darkness, Ghostbeard's Greed, Grimm's Idle Tales, Mischief at Mugwarts, Ready Player Two, Idols Through Time, Amusement Park of Doom, and Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge.
- Added new missions that will unlock after completing some of the new objectives:
- Completing The Wellerman from Ghostbeard's Greed will unlock an extra slot for Ruby missions as well as allowing the 5 new Ruby missions to begin showing up.
- Completing Taken from Mme. Finklebottom's Revenge will allow the new missions for Arcane Geode and Runic chests to begin appearing (there’s one of each type).
- Added a cap to Jiaolong’s Laden Clouds at 1e3500%.
- Changed Kaala Rigel's Bamboo Collection tooltip to show total projectiles thrown instead of current stack progress.
- Removed Ruby missions from the Rare/Epic cooldown category.
- (Nov 22nd) Fixed Kaala Rigel’s Bamboo Collection stacks not persisting through resets.
- Fixed Challenge Tokens not raining down upon starting a challenge objective with the Cash In Hand talent purchased.
- Fixed a rare bug where gear received from a chest would not appear until after reloading if the chest opening happened right as a boss was killed.
- Minor text fixes.
Friday 3 December 2021[]
Version: v0.312.1
- Runic Grab Bag Weekend
- Added data for this weekend’s Runic Grab Bag event. Runic Grab Bags are like Runic Chests, except they offer much better Runes - one guaranteed level 5 and seven level 4s. Upon purchase, the Grab Bag will be added to your chest inventory to be opened as a normal chest.
Friday 10 December 2021[]
Version: v0.312.2
- Miscellaneous Content
- Added weekend promo data.
- Swapped RoboRudolph’s slot 1 and slot 3 GE graphics and names (the effects are unchanged).
- Adjusted The Void’s graphic vertically to better align with similar taskmasters.
Wednesday 15 December 2021[]
Version: v0.313
- The Nate Before Christmas Tier 7
- Updated The Nate Before Christmas for Tier 7
- New Crusader: Springy, the Patchwork Plush (Seat 39)
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Springy, the Patchwork Plush: Hippity-hop your way to area 650.
- Island of Misfit Presents: Reach area 750 in small groups.
- Krampus is Watching: Reach area 800 while staying on your best behaviour.
- Carpet of Pine Needles: Reach area 850 without further angering the trees.
- My Snowman and Me: Try to warm up on your way to area 900.
- Added a scheduled dungeon points buff running from Friday, December 17th to Tuesday January 4th. This will buff the amount of dungeon points earned from Dungeon objectives and Dungeon missions.
- Fixed bonus boss idols no longer scaling past area 10000.
Wednesday 15 December 2021[]
Version: v0.313.1
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed Xochitl’s Sisterly Water Spirit’s monsters not counting towards quest progress.
- Fixed Springy’s Button Bling showing as active but not actually increasing gold buff.
Thursday 16 December 2021[]
Version: v0.313.2
- Bug Fixes
- Updated Christmas Beasts from Tier 3 Nate Before Christmas.
- Fixed an unintended interaction with Springy that could cause DPS to go to infinity.
- Fixed the escort’s stacks not multiplying on the Recruit Springy objective.