Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Drosenthes is the new Crusader in the fifth tier of the Gardeners of the Galaxy Event. Growing... consuming... Drosenthes has germinated in the beyond and brings with it a unique symbiotic relationship for the Crusaders in your formation.

Slow Digestion grants a charge for every 5 monsters killed, stacking up to 10. Once per second, if any Crusader is below 50% health, Slow Digestion consumes one stack to heal all Crusaders for 50% of their total health. This pairs with Induced Bioluminescence, which damages human and animal Crusaders for 10% of their maximum health each second while at the same time increasing Global DPS for every human and animal Crusader, stacking multiplicatively.

Drostenthes offers unique utility to your formation:

  • Endless Hunger spawns an additional monsters based on the number of monsters killed and Drosenthes' equipment.
  • Patient Hunter increases the drop rate of Quest Items.
  • Cosmic Botany increases the DPS from Induced Bioluminescence for each Flora Crusader in the formation.
  • Entomophage helps your formation to grow, boosting Global DPS.

The Mischievous
In Gardeners of the Galaxy 2021, Drosenthes goes emo. This creates a single set of tag changes:

Minus-red MTag Flora Flora
Plus-green MTag Elf Elf


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Slow Digestion
50 1.60U Drosenthes gains a healing charge for every 5 monsters killed, up to 10 charges. Each second, when any Crusader is under 50% health, they can spend a charge to heal all Crusaders by 50% of their max health
Quote: Prey stays alive and paralyzed to keep the juices fresh.
Endless Hunger
100 6.40D For every 10 monsters killed, Drosenthes spawns an additional monster
Quote: They exist to feed.
200 256T For every 25 levels over and including 200, Drosenthes's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: Black light is shockingly effective.
Patient Hunter
300 10.2Qd Increases the rate at which monsters drop quest items by 15%
Quote: Good things come to those who lie in wait.
Induced Bioluminescence
400 4.09O Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Human and Animal Crusader (stacking multiplicatively) but damages all Animal and Human Crusaders by 5% of their max health every second.
(Can't be Propagated)
Quote: Their bodies weren't made for this.
600 16.3v Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50%
Quote: Insects can't resist bright colors.
Cosmic Botany
800 6.55c Increases the effect of Induced Bioluminescence by 100% for each Flora Crusader
Quote: A beautiful ecosystem.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Leaf Common
Stray Leaf
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 10%

Spare Leaf
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 25%

Luminous Leaf
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 50%

Crowning Leaf of the Enriched
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Superconductive Leaf of Sublimation
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 150%

Eye-Catching Leaf of Primal Trickery
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Alien Crusader, stacking additively

Golden Legendary
Superconductive Leaf of Sublimation
Increases the effect of Drosenthes's Patient Hunter ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Alien Crusader, stacking additively

Goo Common
Unknown Residue
Increases monster spawn speed by 10%

Alien Mucus
Increases monster spawn speed by 15%

Drosenthes Nectar
Increases monster spawn speed by 25%

Preserved Drosenthes Nectar
Increases monster spawn speed by 40%

Golden Epic
Writhing Space Goo
Increases monster spawn speed by 40%

Ionized Nutrient Capsule
Increases monster spawn speed by 80%
Legendary: Increases the DPS effect of Induced Bioluminescence by 100%

Golden Legendary
Writhing Space Goo
Increases monster spawn speed by 80%
Legendary: Increases the DPS effect of Induced Bioluminescence by 100%

Food Common
Dried Fly
Reduces the number of monsters required by Endless Hunger by 1

Snack Fly
Reduces the number of monsters required by Endless Hunger by 2

Scrumptious Lizard
Reduces the number of monsters required by Endless Hunger by 3

Free-Range Rat
Reduces the number of monsters required by Endless Hunger by 4

Innocent Woodland Critter
Reduces the number of monsters required by Endless Hunger by 6
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Crusaders next to Flora Crusaders by 200%

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Patient Hunter increases a stat called "Drop Rate Multiplier" (or DRM), which is visible in the Other Stats tooltip near the DPS counter. DRM affects area quests which require items, and has no effect on "kill x monsters" area quests. With the default x1 DRM, it can take more than 1 monster kill to drop 1 item, if the area requires more than 30 items; for quests with 1 item drop, it takes 30 kills to get that item. As DRM increases, the kills required per item decreases, down to 1 kill for a 1-item quest at x30 DRM. The exact effect is

