Emo's New Moon was a CotLI event, running from October 23rd to November 4th 2015, October 21st to November 2nd 2016, October 26th to November 7th 2017, October 25th to November 6th 2018, October 24th to November 5th 2019, October 29th to November 10th 2020, and October 28th to November 9th 2021. All reruns of this event 2022 onward will run from October 27th to November 8th due to the sunsetting.
Event Description[]
It's Halloween in the land of the Crusaders and we're being given the opportunity join the hunt for love. Eddard, Ella, The New Moon. What could be happening? Where could they be? Follow the trail of glitter, destroy the candy hunting zombies that stand in your path for true love on this Halloween! Oh... Eddard!
Break out the holy water and stakes, dig out the pumpkin carver and silver bullets, Crusaders. You'll need to this Halloween.
Halloween is here! It always makes Emo reflective on the time he was in ghoul school. Relive his memories as he tells you the tale of what makes him emo, and tackle the 2016 edition of Emo's New Moon event!
Revisit the halls of his old school and the neighbourhood he used to call home, as you help to defeat the ghouls and haunts of his past. Don't be frightened; you're likely to survive.
This year's event update includes a very unique new Crusader, Viktor the Vampire, whose support abilities are based upon the tags of those around him. We hope you enjoy him, and the 4 other new objectives available this year!
It's close to midnight, and something Emo's lurking in the dark...
Under full moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart!
Wait — this thriller-night has happened three times before! And it's back again tonight! Emo's New Moon has returned, bring ghosts and ghouls to the neighborhood schools where Crusaders fight for their lives from now until November 6th at noon Pacific!
The entity stood before them on four legs, a malignant hulk of flesh and skulls and candles. It had no eyes. It had too many teeth. Yet despite its gruesome appearance, the Crusaders found themselves strangely comforted by its presence. The Evanescent welcomed the Crusaders like a shepherd would their flock, ready take them on a journey into the beyond.
"Come with us," spoke The Evanescent, its mouth filled with row after row of jagged teeth. "We will show you the way..."
The skies have darkened and Emo's New Moon has risen once again. For our second Tier 5 Event, we welcome a new and truly otherworldly new Crusader. Are you ready to journey across the veil with this eldritch monstrosity?
This time of year, every hour is witching hour! Don you now your spooky apparel, and tear through 5 new Emo's New Moon objectives. Oh, and don't forget to grab a shiny new Crusader along the way!
This event runs until November 5th, when the world insists it's the holiday season.
The moon rises, and spirits fall, as the season of spooking begins. Embark once again on a terrifying adventure with Emo Werewolf and all his friends, and try not to let it change you.
Dash through 5 tough new objectives to earn a peculiar new Crusader, and a spooky new look for your favorite vampire.
This event runs until November 10th, when it's just not spooky anymore.
- It's close to midnight, and something Emo's lurking in the dark...
- Under full moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart!
Wait — this thriller night has happened six times before! And it's back again tonight! Emo's New Moon has returned, bringing ghosts and ghouls to the neighborhood schools where Crusaders fight for their lives from now until November 9th at noon Pacific!
I hope you aren't busy, we need to you to walk through the Dark Woods of Many Deaths. Of course it's perfectly safe, what do you mean, what's wrong with the name? Hurry up, you don't have much t-- err, we need this delivery made quick.
Hurry through 5 new objectives in order to befreind a translucent new Crusader and try your luck with a random level 7 Rune!
This event runs until November 9th, when the sun comes up and suddenly the forest isn't so dark and scary anymore.
New Crusaders[]
Tier 1[]
Wendy the Witch[]

Wendy the Witch is the first new Crusader you'll unlock. She draws power from her enemies and deals more damage the more monsters there are on the screen. Once she's on your side, she can be swapped with Prince Sal, the Merman.
Jack O'Lantern[]

The second new Crusader is Jack O'Lantern, a tank that pairs well with Jason, Master of Shadows to bust down boss levels and tank up a storm. Each monster attacking him, trying to knock out his bonus health, will add a 10% DPS boost to your whole formation! He can be swapped in for Natalie Dragon.
Tier 2[]
Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul[]

Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul just wants to be left alone curled up in a corner with his blanket, but since you're nice enough to ask, he'll lend you his DPS power. When you swap out The Washed Up Hermit for Henry, as long as no one is directly behind him, Henry's skill Spooked boosts his DPS by a whopping 250%.
Fright-o-Tron 4000[]
Swapping with the Fire Phoenix, the Fright-O-Tron 4000 can't help being scary: it's how she was made. But she'll be supportive of your Crusaders when you use her. Oogy-Boogy decreases the maximum health of the monsters, and Remote Detonation has an explosive surprise for those looking to do you harm.
Tier 3[]
Viktor the Vampire[]

The newest Crusader, Viktor the Vampire, has support abilities are based upon the tags of those around him. Viktor is a buffer that converts adjacent Crusaders into vampires, granting them supernatural abilities and additional effects.
Tier 4[]
Trixie the Treater[]
Trixie the Treater is a Support/Gold Find Crusader who buffs the formation the more varied and different every Crusader in it is. When you unlock her, she swaps with The Exterminator and Gloria the Good Witch. Trixie also takes her trick-or-treating very seriously, which is great news for her fellow Crusaders because she brings home the Gold!
At level 100, New and Exciting will boost Crusader DPS for having different tags than Trixie has. Likely her best ability is Trick or Treat, increasing the rate of quest items dropped. (Note: Trick or Treat is not a Formation Ability, so it can't be copied by Mindy, or negated by certain objectives.)
Tier 5[]
The Evanescent[]
Stories tell of beings that escort souls from one existence to another. The Evanescent is one such being, an entity tied to the entropy and transition of all things into... what comes next.
When it comes to your formations, The Evanescent brings something unique to Slot 22. They use The Great Equalizer to grant the base tags of each Crusaders in The Evanescent's column to each other Crusader in the column. For example, if you have Zoraeban, Demonic Angel in your column along with The Evanescent, every Crusader in that column will be an Angel and a Demon in addition to their other base tags.
Vanitas, Bring Me to Life, and Memento Mori each offer more straightforward Global DPS buffs. Candle in the Window buffs Crusaders behind The Evanescent in the formation for each Enchantment Point (EP) from heroes not in the formation, while Until the Mourning increases the potency of the buff. Finally, Samhain increases Global DPS for each unique tag in the formation.
The Evanescent awaits all things. After all, we all die eventually...
Tier 6[]
Crooked Crow[]
That’s not their real name, but no one knows what is, so this is the nickname they’ve acquired among the Crusaders. They seem to have different names in different regions!
Once you've recruited Crooked Crow you'll find them a friend to bugs, selling beneficial potions and charms alongside cursed objects and scavenged bodyparts. You'll find Crooked Crow in seat 30.
Tier 7[]
Xochitl, La Llorona[]
Rayna, Snickette and Morrigan were off hiking in a forest they'd found on the edge of a desert, exploring the interesting foliage and chatting away. The sun, still visible through the canopy, bathed the trees in a warm glow.
As they ventured further down the path, Rayna started getting an eerie feeling and glanced around, but all she noted was that the light seemed a little less bright. She watched as Snickette and Morrigan ran forward to investigate a stream that ran alongside the path and her feeling of wrongness grew stronger.
Right before Rayna's eyes, Snickette was suddenly dragged under the water. Morrigan tried to grab her friend's feet but Snickette was already gone. Rayna raced up to the water and pulled Morrigan behind her, readying a Fire Storm charge, which she directed at the spot where she could still see Snickette's cloak.
Nothing immediately happened. 5 heartbeats...10 heartbeats….20 heartbeats, and then the water erupted, revealing a ghostly figure.
"Give me the other child," it rasped. Rayna and Morrigan exchanged puzzled looks. The ghost pointed at Morrigan.
"Oi, I ain't no child ghostie," Morrigan said. "I'm a leprechaun, thank ye very much. And so's my friend you got there. Give her back!"
"I'm not a ghost, I'm Xochitl, La Llorona!" the ghost announced. Rayna and Morrigan looked at her blankly. The ghost hissed and tears started flowing down her cheeks. "Surely you must have heard of me?"
"Sorry dearie, but we've been lots of places and can't learn the myths of all of 'em," Morrigan replied. "Now, give back my friend!" Rayna readied another Fire Storm charge and gestured toward the ghost.
The ghost clenched her fists and the river splashed around her, but then she let out a sigh. With a flick of her wrist, a drenched Snickette was thrown from the river and started choking out water on the bank. "Fine, have her back. Just no more fire." She started to drift back down into the water.
Sucking in a breath of air, Snickette gasped "Treasure!" and Xochitl paused. More coughs racked her small frame, but Snickette managed to say, "the ghost had a lot of treasure down there."
Xochitl raised an eyebrow. "Those trinkets? They just happen to collect around me."
The three crusaders exchanged looks. Treasure was always handy. "Say, how about you come with us for a little while?" Rayna asked as she dismissed her Fire Storm. "I think you might have some fun."
Xochitl looked at the river and the tranquil forest. It had been getting a bit quiet lately, as the rumours had started to spread. "I'm in."
Xochitl, La Llorona is a Support and Gold Crusader. When you want to add her to your formation, you can find her in slot 24.
Tier 1 Objectives[]
Moonrise with Emo[]
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Restrictions Reward
Bring Forth the Pumpkin[]
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Restrictions Reward
Note: (In 2015 this was the 3rd objective. It cost 1300 Halloween Candies to start and required area 125 completion. Adjusted in 2016 to match other events.)
Power of the Wyrd Sister[]
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Restrictions Reward
Note: (In 2015 this was the 2nd objective. It cost 700 Halloween Candies to start and required area 100 completion. Adjusted in 2016 to match other events.)
Pumpkin Spice Tanke[]
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Restrictions Reward
Note: (In 2015 this required area 150 completion, and monster speed was only doubled. Adjusted in 2016 to match other events.)
Trick or Treat[]
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Restrictions Reward
Free Play[]
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Restrictions Reward
Tier 2 Objectives[]
The Scaredy-Ghoul[]
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Restrictions Reward
Research and Development[]
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Restrictions Reward
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Restrictions Reward
Scared to Death[]
Note: Fear is a % value that increases by a 5-15% on one of your crusaders for every kill. When it reaches 100% on a crusader, they stop contributing DPS & Formation Abilities.
Halloween Hoopla[]
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Restrictions Reward
Other thematic Crusaders like Emo Werewolf are not available.
Tier 3 Objectives[]
Recruit Viktor the Vampire[]
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Bloody Mess[]
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Restrictions Reward
- Blood Puddles do not spawn on boss levels.
- Blood Puddles can not be killed, but disappears when it reaches the formation.
Witching Hour[]
Grelda, Gertrudie, and Bergilda occupy the following formation slots:
o o x o o o o o x o x o
x o o x o o x o o o o o
o o o o x x o o x o o o
o x o o o o o o o x o x
x o o o o x o x o o o o
o o o o o o o o x x x o
o x x o o o x o o o o o
x o o o o o o o o x x o
After area 800, the pattern repeats.
- Infection do not occur on boss levels.
- All the slots will become infected in 24 seconds for the worst case, you may need to change the area to reset infected slots.
Full Moon[]
Tier 4 Objectives[]
Recruit Trixie the Treater[]
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Restrictions Reward
Carved Out[]
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Restrictions Reward
Note: Seeds fall every 10 seconds, damaging Crusaders for 50% of their health
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Restrictions Reward
Darkness Rising[]
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Restrictions Reward
Note: Only crusaders with magic, demon, or undead tags are available.
Wait Up![]
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Restrictions Reward
Tier 5 Objectives[]
Recruit The Evanescent[]
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Restrictions Reward
Rest in Pieces[]
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Restrictions Reward
Only select Crusaders are available.
Dreams on Yew Street[]
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Restrictions Reward
The Henry Spooky Photo Show[]
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Restrictions Reward
Halloween Potluck[]
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Unlocks The Entreater skin for Trixie the Treater |
Note: The Trick is -99% DPS for 15 seconds.
Tier 6 Objectives[]
Recruit Crooked Crow[]
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Frightening Ghouls[]
Note: Only undead crusaders are available.
Bite Night[]
Candy Mania[]
Soulful Escort[]
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Unlocks the Night Wing skin for Viktor the Vampire |
Tier 7 Objectives[]
Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona[]
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Ghost Story[]
Tooth Fairy[]
Tier 1[]
Recruit Wendy[]
Unlock Wendy by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Recruit Jack[]
Unlock Jack by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Wendy's Wardrobe[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Wendy the Witch.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Jack's Armoire[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Jack O'Lantern.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
My Tummy Hurts[]
Spend 16,500 Halloween Candies starting objectives in the "Emo's New Moon" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Mosh Pit[]
In "Emo's New Moon" Free Play, Get 20 Enemies on the screen at once, then defeat them and continue to the next level.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 2[]
Recruit Henry, the Scaredy Ghoul[]
Unlock Henry, the Scaredy Ghoul by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Recruit Fright-o-tron 4000[]
Unlock Fright-o-Tron 4000 by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Security Blanket[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Henry.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Fright-o-tron.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Spend 33,000 Halloween Candies starting objectives in the "Emo's New Moon" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Kill four additional enemies at once using Fright-o-tron's Remote Detonation upgrade.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 3[]
Recruit Viktor the Vampire[]
Unlock Viktor the Vampire by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Equip Viktor the Vampire[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots of Viktor.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Nightmare Tales[]
Complete all Emo's New Moon Tier 3 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
A Long Night[]
Beat area 900 in Emo's New Moon Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Diverse Victims[]
Have six unique Vampire Germ effects active at once.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Spend 50,000 Halloween Candies starting objectives in the "Emo's New Moon" campaign. Tickets spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 4[]
Recruit Trixie the Treater[]
Unlock Trixie the Treater by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Gear Trixie the Treater[]
Get a piece of equipment for all three slots of Trixie the Treater.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Complete all Emo's New Moon Tier 4 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
The Longest Night[]
Beat area 1200 in Emo's New Moon Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Childish Wonder[]
Use Trixie's "New and Exciting" ability to buff every other Crusader in a full formation by at least 300%
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Dentist Bane[]
Spend 75,000 Halloween Candies starting objectives in the "Emo's New Moon" campaign. Halloween Candies spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 5[]
Recruit The Evanescent[]
Unlock The Evanescent by completing the respective objective.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Summoning Accoutrements[]
Get a piece of equipment for all three slots of The Evanescent.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Trick or Treat Forever[]
Complete all Emo's New Moon Tier 5 Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
All Hallows Year[]
Beat area 1800 in Emo's New Moon Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Eldritch Works[]
Get a Crusader to 15 or more tags using The Evanescent's "The Great Equalizer" ability.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
The Candyman[]
Spend 100,000 Halloween Candies starting objectives in the "Emo's New Moon" campaign. Halloween Candies spent on purchasing chests don't count!
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 6[]
Recruit Crooked Crow[]
Recruit Crooked Crow by completing "Recruit Crooked Crow".
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Beautiful Shinies[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots for Crooked Crow.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
New Nightmare[]
Complete all Tier 6 'Emo's New Moon' Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Beat area 3,000 in "Emo's New Moon" Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Friend to Bugs[]
Keep Crooked Crow’s Carrion Picks effect active for 5 minutes straight
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Have Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul deal the most DPS in a full formation of undead Crusaders.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Tier 7[]
Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona[]
Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona by completing "Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona".
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Mother's Best Treasures[]
Get a piece of equipment in all three slots for Xochitl, La Llorona.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
Scary Tales to Tell at Night 7[]
Complete all Tier 7 'Emo's New Moon' Objectives.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
5,000 Pumpkins[]
Beat area 5000 in "Emo's New Moon" Free Play.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
5,000 Deadly Dreams[]
Clear the first 5000 areas on Emo's New Moon's freeplay using only the Crusaders earned from that event.
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%
River of Tears[]
Use Xochitl, La Llorona to buff DPS by 10,000% from Deadly Waters while having at least 500 stacks of Blind Rage
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 1%