Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Slot 31[]

Bridget the Painter[]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Brush Common
Painter's Carrot
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Rigid Brush
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Well-Balanced Brush
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Angel-Hair Brush of Mastery
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Artisan's Brush Set of Versatility
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Egg Painting ability by 100%

Palette Common
Dried Palette
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 10%

Sloppy Palette
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 25%

Tidy Palette
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 50%

Painter's Palette of Artful Dollops
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Immaculate Palette of the Pure
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 150%

Mixer's Palette of the Artiste
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 200%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Good Crusaders in the formation

Golden Legendary
Immaculate Palette of the Pure
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Pastel Palette ability by 300%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Good Crusaders in the formation

Smock Common
Musty Smock
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 10%

Backup Smock
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 25%

Splotchy Smock
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 50%

Splendidly Splattered Smock
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Impervious Robes of the Unpainted
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 150%

Painting Patron's Second Skin
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 200%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of DPS Crusaders by 100% when at least one DPS Crusader is adjacent to Bridget

Golden Legendary
Impervious Robes of the Unpainted
Increases the effect of Bridget the Painter's Getting Along ability by 300%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of DPS Crusaders by 100% when at least one DPS Crusader is adjacent to Bridget


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Item Description
Tool Common
"Cordless" Multi-Tool
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Simple Multi-Tool
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Sonic Multi-Tool
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Wave-Harmonic Omni-Tool
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Haptic Reality Reconfigurator
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Syncroversal Panfibulation Instrumoleculizer
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Xygallix's New Friends ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Haptic Reality Reconfigurator
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Xygallix's New Friends ability by 100%

Mask Common
Plastic Welding Mask
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 10%

Standard Welding Mask
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 25%

Plasteel Technician's Mask
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 50%

Phase-tanium Mask of Stellar Welding
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Dark Matter Shield of Perfect Metallic Bonding
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 150%

Anti-Reality Field Mask of the Over-Equipped
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50%

Golden Legendary
Dark Matter Shield of Perfect Metallic Bonding
Increases the effect of Xygallix's We Can Rebuild It ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50%

Fuel Cell Common
Depleted Energy Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 10%

Basic Energy Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 25%

Premium Energy Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 50%

Overcharged Duracite Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Negative Energy Fuel Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 150%

Pocket Black Hole Converter
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Robot Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Negative Energy Fuel Cell
Increases the effect of Xygallix's Fleet Tactics ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Robot Crusaders by 100%

Alacrity the Matchmaker[]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Love Meter Common
Love Thermometer
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 10%

Shipper's Love Detector
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 25%

Precise Love Gauge
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 50%

Hopeful Paramour's Love Meter
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Hypersensitive Love Scanner
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 150%

Love-Inducing Test of False Positives
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 25%

Golden Legendary
Hypersensitive Love Scanner
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 25%

Fountain Pen Common
Prop Pen
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Familiarity ability by 10%

Simple Pen
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Familiarity ability by 25%

Classy Pen
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Familiarity ability by 50%

Amorous Scribe's Pen
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Familiarity ability by 100%

Golden Anniversary Fountain Pen
Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Familiarity ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Crusaders next to Angel or Demon Crusaders by 100%

Letterhead Common
Cheap Stationery
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 5%

Seasonal Stationery
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 10%

Lovely Letterhead
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 15%

Letterhead of the Poet Laureate
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 20%

Golden Epic
Wistful Stationery of Voiceovers
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 20%

Unwritten Romance Novel
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 40%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scoundrel ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Wistful Stationery of Voiceovers
Reduce the cooldown of Summon Trickster by 40%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scoundrel ability by 100%

Slot 32[]

Aphelion the Distant[]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Hair Dye Common
Charcoal Hair Dye
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 25%

Weak Hair Dye
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 50%

Jet Black Dye
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 100%

Follicle's Folly
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 400%

Golden Epic
Screeching Inner Darkness
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 600%

Darkness in a Bottle
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 800%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Evil Crusaders in the formation

Golden Legendary
Screeching Inner Darkness
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Evil Crusaders in the formation

Jacket Common
Costume Coat
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 25%

Pleather Jacket
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 50%

Heavy Jacket
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 100%

Blackened Coat of Buckles
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 400%

Lordly Coat of the Edge
Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 800%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waning Crescent ability by 100%

Necklace Common
Planetarium Souvenir
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 10%

Crescent Necklace
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 25%

Lunar Medallion
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 50%

Cosmic Phase Amulets
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Lunar Phase Choker
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 150%

Umbral Sky Gazer's Pendant
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 150%

Golden Legendary
Lunar Phase Choker
Increases the effect of Aphelion the Distant's Waxing Gibbous ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Aphelion the Distant by 150%

Carmen and Petunia[]

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Item Description
Top Hat Common
Plastic Cap
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 10%

Magician's Hat
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 25%

Spiffy Top Hat
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 50%

Duo's Double Doffers
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Summoner's Hat of Deepest Desires
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 150%

'Our Rabbit Problem'
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Human Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Summoner's Hat of Deepest Desires
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Work the Crowd ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Human Crusaders by 100%

Wand Common
Inert Wand
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 10%

Hidden Flower Wand
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 25%

Double Wands
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 50%

Polarized Twin Wands
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Gemini Brands of True Enchantment
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 150%

Ornate Foci of Misdirection
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 50%

Golden Legendary
Gemini Brands of True Enchantment
Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's Volunteers ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 50%

Brochure Common
Expired Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 10%

Torn Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 25%

Free Admission Flyer
Increases all Gold found by 50%

Fanciful Flyer of Hype
Increases all Gold found by 100%

Golden Epic
Disposable Folding Screen of the Wasteful Marketer
Increases all Gold found by 150%

Wonderland Park Guide
Increases all Gold found by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's The Power of Two ability by 50%

Note: Effect increases by 10% per level instead of doubling.%

Golden Legendary
Disposable Folding Screen of the Wasteful Marketer
Increases all Gold found by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Carmen and Petunia's The Power of Two ability by 50%

Note: Effect increases by 10% per level instead of doubling.%

Ichtaca, the Keeper[]

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Item Description
Crystal Common
Brittle Crystal
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 10%

Flawed Crystal
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 25%

Glowing Crystal
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 50%

Crystal Cluster of Rampant Energy
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Ancient Crystallized Specimen
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 150%

Scintillating Geode of the Deep
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 200%
Legendary: Earth and Sky: Increases the DPS of Supernatural Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Ancient Crystallized Specimen
Increases the effect of Ichtaca's Mesozoic Born ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Supernatural Crusaders by 100%

Key Common
Fake Key
Increases all Gold found by 10%

Old Key
Increases all Gold found by 25%

Ancient Key
Increases all Gold found by 50%

Key of Lost Knowledge
Increases all Gold found by 100%

Key to the First City
Increases all Gold found by 200%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 50%

Fossil Common
Ancient Imprint
Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Riddles and Keys ability by 10%

Prehistoric Marking
Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Riddles and Keys ability by 25%

Dinosaur Fossil
Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Riddles and Keys ability by 50%

Immaculate T-Rex Fossil
Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Riddles and Keys ability by 100%

Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Riddles and Keys ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Ichtaca, the Keeper's Earthen Family ability by 25%

Slot 33[]

Jiaolong the Guardian[]

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Item Description
Lily Pads Common
Lily Pads
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 25%

Plucked Lily Pads
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 50%

Blooming Water Lily
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 100%

Fresh Spring Bloom
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 400%

Golden Epic
Rain Sage's Bloom
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 600%

Shimmering Indigo Lily
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 800%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Dragon Crusader in the formation

Golden Legendary
Rain Sage's Bloom
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Dragon Crusader in the formation

Pearl Common
Lumpy Pearl
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 25%

Misshapen Pearl
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 50%

Small Pearl
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 100%

Lustrous Pearl of Wisdom
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 400%

Golden Epic
Aqueous Pearls of True Desire
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 600%

Aqueous Spirit Pearl
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 800%
Legendary: Increases the effects of Jiaolong the Guardian's Azure Skies, Razor Claws, and Nine Sons by 50%

Golden Legendary
Aqueous Pearls of True Desire
Increases the DPS of Jiaolong the Guardian by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the effects of Jiaolong the Guardian's Azure Skies, Razor Claws, and Nine Sons by 50%

Bottle Common
Fog Bottle
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 10%

Cloud in a Bottle
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 25%

Storm in a Bottle
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 50%

Pocket Rainstorm
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Personal-Size Monsoon
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 150%

Miniature Water Cycle
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Laden Clouds ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Personal-Size Monsoon
Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Eternal Waterfall ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Jiaolong the Guardian's Laden Clouds ability by 100%

Morrigan the Furious[]

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Item Description
Cleats Common
Shiny Cleats
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 200

Metal Cleats
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 300

Spiked Cleats
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 500

Jagged Cleats of Trampling
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 700

Golden Epic
Galvanic Cleats of the Bull Rush
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 1050

Head Hopper's Skull Stompers
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 1000
Legendary: Increases the effect of Morrigan the Furious's Leprechaun Rage by 100%

Golden Legendary
Galvanic Cleats of the Bull Rush
Increases the max level of Morrigan the Furious by 1500
Legendary: Increases the effect of Morrigan the Furious's Leprechaun Rage by 100%

Uniform Common
Makeshift Uniform
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 25%

Rookie's Uniform
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 50%

Armored Uniform
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 100%

Spiked Uniform of Aggression
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 400%

Golden Epic
Charger's Bloodproof Battleplate
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 600%

Garb of the First-Season MVP
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 800%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Morrigan the Furious's I'll Make My Own Team by 50%

Golden Legendary
Charger's Bloodproof Battleplate
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Morrigan the Furious's I'll Make My Own Team by 50%

Raven Common
Stuffed Raven
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 25%

Wretched Raven
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 50%

Peculiar Raven
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 100%

Mischievous Raven of Trickery
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 400%

Golden Epic
Evil Raven of Tremendous Chaos
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 600%

Team Mascot of Mimicry
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 800%
Legendary: Fantasy Football: Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 100% for each Elf, Dwarf and Orc Crusader

Golden Legendary
Evil Raven of Tremendous Chaos
Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 1200%
Legendary: Fantasy Football: Increases the DPS of Morrigan the Furious by 100% for each Elf, Dwarf and Orc Crusader

Slot 34[]

Imani Saskien[]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Belt Common
Crusty Leather Belt
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 10%

Leather Belt
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 25%

Fine Leather Belt
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 50%

Studded Belt of the Hunt
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Star-Forged Clasp of the Dread Pact
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 150%

Monster Slayer's Battle Belt
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 200%
Legendary: Buffs Global DPS effects from Formation Abilities in the column in front of Imani by 50%

Golden Legendary
Star-Forged Clasp of the Dread Pact
Increases the effect of Imani's A Fine Reward ability by 300%
Legendary: Buffs Global DPS effects from Formation Abilities in the column in front of Imani by 50%

Potion Common
Tasty Beverage
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 10%

Diluted Potion
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 25%

Energy Potion
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 50%

Greater Potion of Might
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Mystery Transmuting Rainbow Liquid
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 150%

Elixir of Immunity
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Magic Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Note: Effect increases by 50% per level instead of doubling.

Golden Legendary
Mystery Transmuting Rainbow Liquid
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Special Kin ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Magic Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Note: Effect increases by 50% per level instead of doubling.

Sword Common
Replica Sword
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Spell Practice ability by 10%

Sturdy Blade
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Spell Practice ability by 25%

Hunter's Blade
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Spell Practice ability by 50%

Sword of the Beast Slayer
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Spell Practice ability by 100%

The Brain Spade
Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Spell Practice ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Imani Saskien's Marked for Death ability by 100

Note: Effect increases by 100% per level instead of doubling.%

Slot 35[]

Queen Ysjorgnak[]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Crest Common
Simple Crest
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 10%

Family Crest
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 25%

Symbol of Dominion
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 50%

Ruler's Crest of Conquest
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Crest of Cyclic Dominion
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 150%

Ornamented Mark of the Matriarch
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 100

Note: Effect increases by 100% per level instead of doubling.%

Golden Legendary
Crest of Cyclic Dominion
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Supplication ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 100

Note: Effect increases by 100% per level instead of doubling.%

Marble Common
Stardust Marble
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 10%

Nebula Gem
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 25%

Pocket Dimension
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 50%

Galaxy in Glass
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 100%

Subjugated Galaxy
Increases the effect of Queen Ysjorgnak's Cybernetic ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each female Crusader adjacent to Ysjorgnak, and grants them the Royal tag

Spine Common
Prosthetic Spine
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 1%

Cybernetic Spine
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 2%

Robotic Spine
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 3%

Reflex-Augmenting Spinal Attachment
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 4%

Golden Epic
Extended Spinal Mechano-Cortex
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 6%

Nervous System 2.0
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 8%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Alien Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Golden Legendary
Extended Spinal Mechano-Cortex
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 12%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Alien Crusader, stacking multiplicatively
