Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Farmer Brown is the new Crusader in the seventh tier of the Hermit's Premature Party Event.

Farmer Brown was a very fine farmer. He watched over his fields, tending them with attentiveness, rotating fields every few years, rotating the crops in those fields, even reading them bedtime stories over the PA system. His vegetables were known as the best and biggest in the area and though other farmers asked for his secrets, they just couldn't implement them as well as he did.

That might have been because of the other secret to his success: magic!

Though one day, tragedy struck and Farmer Brown lost control of his combine, leading to an unfortunate accident. Thankfully, his beloved crops merged with his body and resurrected him. Though his community was a little wary around him now.

When you come across him in your travels and offer him the chance to join your motley crew, he accepts!


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Reciprocal Production
50 4.10E+46 For every 25 levels over and including 200, Farmer Brown's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: I help the plants grow, the plants help me have a body again. Win win.
Valley of Dew
100 1.63E+50 Buffs Global DPS effects from Formation Abilities in the rear column of the formation by 1000%
Quote: Come back and experience nature with me.
Green Thumb
200 6.56E+54 Unlocks the 'Gold-o-rama' ability
Quote: Skill and magic, working together.
Companion Planting
300 2.62E+59 Increases all Gold found by 100% for each Human and Flora Crusader, stacking multiplicatively
Quote: Like the sister plants, let's support each other's growth.
Truffle Forest
400 1.05E+68 Increase the Gold Find by 100% for each Crusader adjacent to Farmer Brown (stacking multiplicatively) but injures adjacent Crusaders by 10% of their maximum health per second.
Quote: The secret to plant growth and income. Dangerous though.
Agricultural Society
600 4.19E+74 Unlocks the 'Savage Strikes' ability
Quote: For when you want to put down roots and wander no more.
Liquid Gold
800 1.68E+77 Increases global DPS by 10% each time you activate a Gold buff, stacking additively. These stacks last forever.
Quote: Well, it's more a combo of water and plant food, but it's worth its weight in gold in the crop return.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Pumpkin Common
Foam Pumpkin
Reduce the cooldown of Gold-o-rama by 5% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Ripe Pumpkin
Reduce the cooldown of Gold-o-rama by 10% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Produce Sample
Reduce the cooldown of Gold-o-rama by 25% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Vegetable Selection
Reduce the cooldown of Gold-o-rama by 50% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Fall Harvest
Reduce the cooldown of Gold-o-rama by 75% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)
Legendary: Increases the effect of Farmer Brown's Valley of Dew ability by 100%

Fork Common
Old Fork
Increases the effect of Valley of Dew ability by 10%

Grandfather's Fork
Increases the effect of Valley of Dew ability by 25%

Iron Pitchfork
Increases the effect of Valley of Dew ability by 50%

Quad-Tined Pitchfork
Increases the effect of Valley of Dew ability by 100%

Hand-Made Pitchfork
Increases the effect of Valley of Dew ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Farmer Brown's Liquid Gold ability by 100%

Cow Common
Stuffed Cow
Reduce the cooldown of Savage Strikes by 5% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Hungry Cow
Reduce the cooldown of Savage Strikes by 10% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Field Cow
Reduce the cooldown of Savage Strikes by 25% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Prized Dairy Cow
Reduce the cooldown of Savage Strikes by 50% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Spoiled Cow
Reduce the cooldown of Savage Strikes by 75% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% for each Human Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

  • Uniquely, Farmer Brown is the only crusader that can reduce the cooldowns of Gold-o-rama and Savage Strikes.
  • Valley of Dew has an identical effect to Imani Saskien's legendary belt effect, but with a different target. Normally this would make it stronger than Imani's belt, but the inflexible targeting of Valley of Dew can make it less practical to build around. Copying both Center of the Universe and propagation can alleviate this, but spending both copies on this is a significant opportunity cost.

