Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Friday 2 February 2018[]

Version: v0.143

The Grand Finale Weekend Buff


  • Added the Grand Finale weekend buff (starting at noon PST today)


  • (Jan 26) Updated Drizzle's Running Play tooltip to be clearer.
  • Play history now clarifies which event tokens you spent. For example, tokens spent during the Carnage Cup event will read “event tokens (Helmets)”
  • Play history entries are now visible for Challenges, the Challenge Store, and starting Objectives.
  • (PC) The reset idols breakdown will now show full amounts for all bonuses, instead of abbreviating.
  • Updated the description of the Tier 3 Invisibility Cloak objective to mention that Clicker Crusaders are allowed.


  • Multiple buffs to reset idols will now stack multiplicatively, reflecting the reset tooltip.
    • This affects “Empowered Crusading” and “Challenger’s Glory”
  • (PC) Fixed descriptions for several stacking abilities, which read as 0% per stack.
  • (PC) Tier 4 X Marks the Spot from Ghostbeard's Greed now correctly applies the DPS debuff for being away from the center of the X.
  • Minor text fixes.

Tuesday 6 February 2018[]

Version: v0.144

New Starter Packs


  • Added new premium starter packs for Billy, Baenarall, and Mindy (Facebook, Kongregate, ArmorGames, and Steam only)


  • (PC) Fixed Turps’ “Tasty” ability failing to apply
  • (PC) Tooltips in the Challenge store are now easier to bring up
  • (PC) When opening silver chests while you are at the maximum amount of Gold allowed, you no longer get an error message. You will just receive 0 Gold.
  • Minor text fixes.

Thursday 8 February 2018[]

Version: v0.145

Merci's Mix-Up Year 3!


  • Updated the Merci's Mix-Up event for year 3:
    • Added 5 tier 3 objectives:
      • Recruit Frankie the Demon Crooner: Reach area 500 while Frankie warms up.
      • Swoon: Reach area 600 with only Frankie and his truest fans.
      • Three's a Crowd: Reach area 650, but no third-wheeling!
      • Lovesickness: Reach area 700, and just try not to think about it.
      • Matchmaker: Reach area 750 as your Crusaders are paired off.
    • Tier 1/2 recruit objectives will automatically be marked as complete if you recruited their Crusaders via missions.
    • Objectives for a specific tier will now drop tier specific event chests, which only contain loot for Crusaders unlocked in this event at that tier.
    • Free play will continue to drop all-tiers silver and jeweled event chests.
    • You can now select the tier of event chest you wish to purchase in the store. All chest tiers (and the all-tiers chests) will award the bonus golden epic if you make a real-money purchase.
  • Added five new Challenge objectives to the rotation


  • (PC) The timers on abilities like Click-o-Rama and Gold-o-Rama are counting down normally again.
  • (PC) Fixed the debuff on the Too Much Candy objective to be the correct multiplicative debuff.
  • Minor text fixes.

Friday 23 February 2018[]

Version: v0.146

Mischief at Mugwarts Tier 4!


  • Added tier 4 objectives to Mischief at Mugwarts.
  • Added the Mischief Unmanaged weekend buff (starting at noon PST today)


  • (PC) The game will warn you when it changes materials while you are crafting Legendary items. I.E. If you are crafting with Common, and it switches to Uncommon, it will pop-up a warning.
  • The "Teacher's Pet" objective now polymorphs slot 21+ Crusaders
  • (16 Feb) Frankie the Demon Crooner now has the “Supernatural” tag
  • (14 Feb) (PC) Mousing over Golden items in the Challenge Token shop now shows which Crusader they’re for


  • (PC) Frankie the Demon Crooner's Volume Up upgrade now works properly again.
  • (PC) Fixed Gloria's Polymorph tooltip and the Priestess of Time's Time Stop tooltip duplicating "Every x seconds"
  • (PC) Fixed Mindy’s “Mimic” tooltip not updating its duration with “Perfect Mime”
  • (PC) When viewing the Starter Packs on Kongregate, all the values are now properly shown in Kreds.
  • (16 Feb) Warwick’s “Curse of Weakness” is no longer extremely vague in its formation bubble tooltip
  • (14 Feb) (PC) Frankie’s “Croon” stacks are no longer reset by other timed abilities.
  • (14 Feb) (PC) Frankie’s Legendary shoes now provide the intended bonus of 10% global DPS per 1% of your critical click chance (at level 1.)
  • (14 Feb) (PC) Fixed Bat Billionaire’s “Bat-o-Level”, “Sidekicks”, and “Smart Investing” abilities.
  • (14 Feb) (PC) The Enchantment Point tooltip for clicking Crusaders now reflects that their click damage is increased.
  • Minor text fixes.

See Also[]
