Rum, pirates, black magic, and sailing on the high seas. Ghostbeard's Greed has it all. To begin this campaign, you need at least 300 Idols (and a taste for adventure).
Crusader level costs increases faster, but DPS remains the same
350 Red Rubies
Note: The crusader level cost and upgrade cost are 40 times as much as usual.
Tier 3
Get all Crusaders to level 2,000
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 800+ Idols
Crusader level costs increases faster, but DPS remains the same
400 Red Rubies
Note: The crusader level cost and upgrade cost are 160 times as much as usual.
Tier 4
Get all Crusaders to level 2,000
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 800+ Idols
Tier 4: Crusader level costs increases much faster, but DPS remains the same
Tier 4: Gold dropped by monsters is decreased and difficulty is increased
(Note this includes all slots, including any 25+ slot Tier 3 Crusaders you may have)
450 Red Rubies
Tier 5
Get all Crusaders to level 2,750
Crusader level costs increases much faster, but DPS remains the same
Gold dropped by monsters is decreased and difficulty is increased
Tier 5: You must level ALL bench slots owned to level 2750
Tier 5: Alivebeard randomly spawns and survives a short amount of time
600 Red Rubies
For All Tiers:
All of your current crusaders, even if they are on a mission, but not including swaps, need level up to 2000.
If you unlocked slot 21+ crusaders, you need level up them too.
X Marks the Spot[]
Tier 1
Sail your way to area 300 while maintaining an X formation
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 500+ Idols
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Sail your way to area 500 while maintaining an X formation
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 500+ Idols
The further from the center of the X, the less DPS Crusaders do
350 Red Rubies
Note: Base DPS reduced by 45% for the number of slots they are away from center.
Tier 3
Sail your way to area 700 while maintaining an X formation
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 500+ Idols
The further from the center of the X, the less DPS Crusaders do
Gold Find bonus is reduced by 10% for each Crusader in the formation
400 Red Rubies
Note: Base DPS reduced by 45% for the number of slots they are away from center, and the Gold Find reduction stacks additively.
Tier 4
Sail your way to area 900 while maintaining an X formation
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
Must have 500+ Idols
The further from the center of the X, the less DPS Crusaders do
Tier 4: Gold Find bonus is reduced by 19% for each Crusader in the formation
450 Red Rubies
Tier 5
Sail your way to area 500 while maintaining an X formation
The further from the center of the X, the less DPS Crusaders do
Gold Find bonus is reduced by 19% for each Crusader in the formation
Tier 5: Alivebeard randomly spawns and survives a short amount of time
Tier 5: Captain Ghostbeard occupies a slot in the formation and provides a 25% DPS buff, stacking additively, for each Alivebeard killed
Tier 5: Areas become difficult much more quickly
600 Red Rubies
Shiver Me Timbers[]
Complete 'Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum'
300 Red Rubies
Cursed Treasure[]
Tier 1
Bring the cursed treasure to area 450 and beat it
Complete 'Shiver Me Timbers'
Must have 5000+ Idols
A cursed treasure chest takes up a slot
A treasure chest periodically changes slots
The treasure chest disables the formation abilities of all adjacent Crusaders
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Bring the cursed treasure to area 650 and beat it
Complete 'Shiver Me Timbers'
Must have 5000+ Idols
Two cursed treasure chests takes up slots
The treasure chests periodically changes slots
The treasure chests disable the formation abilities of all adjacent Crusaders
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Bring the cursed treasure to area 850 and beat it
Complete 'Shiver Me Timbers'
Must have 5000+ Idols
Two cursed treasure chests takes up slots
The treasure chests periodically changes slots
The treasure chests disable the formation abilities of all adjacent Crusaders
The treasure chests also decrease the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 25%. This effect stacks
400 Red Rubies
Note: The DPS reduction from the treasure chests stacks additively.
Tier 4
Bring the cursed treasure to area 950 and beat it
Complete 'Shiver Me Timbers'
Must have 5000+ Idols
Two cursed treasure chests takes up slots
The treasure chests periodically changes slots
The treasure chests disable the formation abilities of all adjacent Crusaders
The treasure chests also decrease the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 25%. This effect stacks
Tier 4: Treasure Chest monsters are cursed. While they're alive, and for a short time after they're killed, your gold find is reduced to 0.
450 Red Rubies
Note: The DPS reduction from the treasure chests stacks additively, and the gold find reduction from Treasure Chest monsters lasts for 5 seconds after they die.
Tier 5
Bring the cursed treasure to area 500 and beat it
Two cursed treasure chests takes up slots
The treasure chests periodically changes slots
The treasure chests disable the formation abilities of all adjacent Crusaders
The treasure chests also decrease the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 25%. This effect stacks.
Treasure Chest monsters are cursed. While they're alive, and for a short time after they're killed, your gold find is reduced to 0.
Tier 5: Only Undead, Evil or Demon Crusaders can be used
Tier 5: Alivebeard randomly spawns and survives a short amount of time
Tier 5: Areas become difficult much more quickly
600 Red Rubies
Note: The DPS reduction from the treasure chests stacks additively, and the gold find reduction from Treasure Chest monsters lasts for 5 seconds after they die.
For Tier 5, only undead, evil and demon Crusaders are available.
When Ghostbeard's ship appears, don't use time warps or open silver chests, you will have 0 gold gain.
When Ghostbeard's ship reaches the formation and disappears, it counts the monster kill.
Ghostbeard's Revenge
Tier 2
Survive Ghostbeard's broadside on your way to area 800.
Complete all other Tier 2 Ghostbeard's Greed objectives
Complete 'Light In The Darkness'
Cannonballs fall from above, killing a random Crusader every 10 seconds
Gold Find is reduced by 50% every 10 areas (stacking muliplicately)
Unlock Bonus Idols
Buffs all Bonus Idol drops by 25% (additive) and unlocks them for this Campaign.
To Infinity and Beyond!
Tier 3
T minus 1300 areas, prepare to launch.
Complete all other Tier 3 "Ghostbeard's Greed" objectives
Complete "Corrupting Darkness"
A rickety rocket ship takes up a slot in the formation
Once 200 monsters have been killed, the rocket takes off, killing all adjacent Crusaders
The rocket ship moves every 25 areas.
Bigger Numbers
Raises the maximum number to 1e400
Tier 4
Reach area 1500 with new leadership.
Complete all other Tier 4 "Ghostbeard's Greed" objectives
Complete "Inner Darkness"
A bunch of the most popular Crusaders have been tossed in the brig
This includes: RoboRabbit, Arachnobuddy, Mindy the Mime, President Billy Smithsonian, Sjin the Builder, Gemthel the Gourmet, Frosty the Snowman, Milgrid the Mining Mage, Bruno the Unicorn, The Evanescent, Mycall the Mushroom, Ana Guinness, Viktor the Vampire, Chef Casey, Langley the Conductor, Wrena the Fair, Xygallix, Carmen and Petunia, and Jiaolong the Guardian
Areas become difficult much more quickly
Bigger Numbers
Raises the maximum number to 1e900
Note: The following Crusaders are not allowed in this objective:
The Wellerman
Tier 5
Beat area 1200 while collecting supplies.
Complete all Tier 5 Ghostbeard's Greed objectives
Requires having completed the The Memory Remains objective from the Descent Into Darkness campaign
Areas get difficult much quicker
Animal tagged Crusaders cannot be used
Alivebeard randomly spawns, living at least 1.5 seconds. Alivebeard has a projectile attack
Only Crusaders with 700 or more personal EP can be used
Crusaders' level and upgrade costs are increased
Every non-boss area is now one of "collect 75 tea crates", "collect 75 sugar sacks", or "collect 1 rum cask"
More Ruby Missions
Adds 1 additional slots for Ruby missions and unlocks 5 new Ruby missions
Free Play[]
Play without an objective. No Red Rubies are Given at reset.
Complete 'A Pirate's Life For Me'
Increased gold drops to put it in line with other Free Plays