It's time for dark and brooding tales of old crones, malevolent giant wolves, man-sized living straw effigies, blood and guts. Hang on a minute! That can't be correct, can it?
Oh, but it is. With Grimm's Idle Tales, we are revisiting your favorite fairy tales but darkly rooted in the best traditions of the Brothers Grimm tales with a dash of other worlds! To begin this campaign, you need at least 800 Idols.
Below are the objectives for Grimm's idle Tales in order from left to right.
Big Phony Wizard[]
Beat area 200
Must have 800+ Idols
250 Red Rubies
Not in Kansas Anymore[]
Tier 1
Beat area 200 with Dorothy, meeting friends along the way!
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1200+ Idols
New companions appear along the way
Each companion has a unique debuff
250 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Beat area 400 with Dorothy, meeting friends along the way!
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1200+ Idols
New companions appear along the way
Each companion has a unique debuff
The companions move around the formation occasionally
300 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Beat area 600 with Dorothy, meeting friends along the way!
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1200+ Idols
New companions appear along the way
Each companion has a unique debuff
The companions move around the formation occasionally
The companion's debuffs are more powerful than earlier tiers
350 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Beat area 800 with Dorothy, meeting friends along the way!
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1200+ Idols
New companions appear along the way
Each companion has a unique debuff
The companions move around the formation occasionally
The companion's debuffs are more powerful than earlier tiers
Wicked Witches spawn with random, attempting to get her pretties!
400 Red Rubies
Note: Witches spawn on non-boss levels, with different special abilities:
Invisible until clicked or reaching the Crusaders
Tough but gives double the gold (survives at least 10 seconds)
Ranged attacker (survives at least 4 seconds)
Very fast (survives at least 3 seconds)
Tier 5
Beat area 525 with Dorothy, meeting friends along the way!
New companions appear along the way
Each companion has a unique debuff
The companions move around the formation occasionally
The companion's debuffs are more powerful than earlier tiers
Wicked Witches spawn at random, attempting to get their pretties!
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: All boss areas have 4 waves of monsters before the boss spawns
Tier 5: Bossing Around talent does not apply
Tier 5: All bosses are replaced with the Silver Slipper boss monster
Tier 5: All companions start in the formation in area 1
Tier 5: The companions rearrange every 50 areas now
625 Red Rubies
For all Tiers:
Following the original plot in The Wizard of Oz, you start with Dorothy, who decreases your formation DPS, and meet with the Scarecrow, who decreases the DPS of adjacent crusaders, at area 51. The Tinman, who decreases your overall gold find, arrives at area 101, and lastly the Cowardly Lion, who decreases the HP of all crusaders, joins in at area 151.
For Tier 2 or above:
The placement of your companions is pre-set. It can be found here.
What Big Teeth You Have[]
Tier 1
Guard Red from the Big Bad Wolf on her way to area 250
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Beware random wolf attacks
250 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Guard Red from the Big Bad Wolf on her way to area 450
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Beware random wolf attacks (they're faster!)
300 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Guard Red from the Big Bad Wolf on her way to area 650
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Beware random wolf attacks (they're faster, stronger, and there are more of them!)
350 Red Rubies
Note: In comparison with Tier 2, the Wolf appears more often and has 3x the HP
Tier 4
Guard Red from the Big Bad Wolf on her way to area 850
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Beware random wolf attacks (they're faster, stronger, and there are more of them!)
While any wolves are alive, and for a short time thereafter, your gold find is reduced to 0
400 Red Rubies
Note: The gold find debuff from wolves continues for 2.5 seconds after they die.
Tier 5
Guard Red from the Big Bad Wolf on her way to area 525
Beware random wolf attacks (they're faster, stronger, and there are more of them!)
While any wolves are alive, and for a short time thereafter, your gold find is reduced to 0
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: All Crusaders except Crusaders with the Magical tag can be used
Tier 5: Gold find is reduced even longer after a wolf is killed
625 Red Rubies
Note: The gold find debuff from wolves continues for 5 seconds after they die.
For all Tiers:
The Big Bad Wolf appears randomly in any area, and possesses HP and gold reward the same as those of the boss at the end of that region.
Sleeping Beauty[]
Tier 1
Beat area 250 with occasionally drowsy Crusaders
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Groups of Crusaders randomly fall sleep and stop contributing DPS and buffs
250 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Beat area 450 with occasionally drowsy Crusaders
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Groups of Crusaders randomly fall sleep and stop contributing dps and buffs
Sleeping Crusaders reduce the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 95%
300 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Beat area 650 with occasionally drowsy Crusaders
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Groups of Crusaders randomly fall sleep and stop contributing dps and buffs
Sleeping Crusaders reduce the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 95%
Your Gold Find is reduced by 25% for each sleeping Crusader in your formation (maximum 100%)
350 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Beat area 850 with occasionally drowsy Crusaders
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Must have 1400+ Idols
Groups of Crusaders randomly fall sleep and stop contributing dps and buffs
Sleeping Crusaders reduce the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 95%
Your Gold Find is reduced by 25% for each sleeping Crusader in your formation (maximum 100%)
A hunky prince attacks your formation, automatically killing any Crusader he reaches with his death kiss
400 Red Rubies
Note: On non-boss levels, a 'Hunky Prince' with damage reduction (survives at least 5 seconds) will spawn and kill one of your Crusaders on impact.
Tier 5
Beat area 525 with occasionally drowsy Crusaders
Groups of Crusaders randomly fall asleep and stop contributing dps and buffs
Sleeping Crusaders reduce the DPS of adjacent Crusaders by 95%
Your Gold Find is reduced by 25% for each sleeping Crusader in your formation (maximum 100%)
A hunky prince attacks your formation, automatically killing any Crusader he reaches with his death kiss
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: Sleeping Crusader rotations now randomly affect 12 Crusaders out of the first 36 bench seats, changing every 50 areas
Tier 5: Monsters move towards the formation more quickly
625 Red Rubies
Note: On non-boss levels, a 'Hunky Prince' with damage reduction (survives at least 5 seconds) will spawn and kill one of your Crusaders on impact.
The roster has a set pattern and changes every 25 areas as follows:
26—50, 251—275, 476—500
51—75, 276—300, 501—525
76—100, 301—325, 526—550
101—125, 326—350, 551—575
126—150, 351—375, 576—600
151—175, 376—400, 601—625
176—200, 401—425, 626—650
201—225, 426—450, 651—675
226—250, 451—475, 676—700
†When a Crusader falls asleep, any others sharing the same Crusader slot will fall asleep too.
Witches and Wizards[]
Reach area 300
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
300 Red Rubies
Down the Rabbit Hole[]
Tier 1
Escort the caffeinated White Rabbit to area 350
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 1800+ Idols
The White Rabbit randomly changes slots
The White Rabbit buffs your formation
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Escort the caffeinated White Rabbit to area 550
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 1800+ Idols
The White Rabbit randomly changes slots
The White Rabbit buffs your formation
A Mad Hatter also joins your formation, debuffing adjacent Crusaders DPS
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Escort the caffeinated White Rabbit to area 750
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 1800+ Idols
The White Rabbit randomly changes slots
The White Rabbit buffs your formation
A Mad Hatter also joins your formation, debuffing adjacent Crusaders DPS
The Queen of Shades sends her powerful card minions against you!
400 Red Rubies
Note: On non-boss levels, boss-like Card monsters attack you.
Tier 4
Escort the caffeinated White Rabbit to area 900
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 1800+ Idols
The White Rabbit randomly changes slots
The White Rabbit buffs your formation
A Mad Hatter also joins your formation, debuffing adjacent Crusaders DPS
The Queen of Shades sends her powerful card minions against you!
The card minions spawn more often, are more powerful, and have a variety of annoying abilities
450 Red Rubies
Note: On non-boss levels, boss-like Card monsters attack you, now with special properties:
Slow but tough, and spawns 3 fast cards when dying (survives at least 6.3 seconds)
Fast with damage reduction (survives at least 1 second)
Insta-kills a crusaders on contact (survives at least 3 seconds)
Tier 5
Escort the caffeinated White Rabbit to area 575
675 Red Rubies
Note: On non-boss levels, boss-like Card monsters attack you, now with special properties:
Slow but tough, and spawns 3 fast cards when dying (survives at least 6.3 seconds)
Fast with damage reduction (survives at least 1 second)
Insta-kills a crusaders on contact (survives at least 3 seconds)
For all Tiers:
The position of the rabbit (and Mad Hatter, on Tiers 2, 3 and 4) follows a set pattern, which can be found here.
Let It Go[]
Tier 1
Beat area 350 with the Snow Queen!
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 2500+ Idols
The Snow Queen occupies a formation slot
Crusaders adjacent to the Snow Queen will be randomly frozen by her
Frozen Crusaders don't deal damage but still buff other Crusaders
250 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Beat area 550 with the Snow Queen!
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 2500+ Idols
The Snow Queen occupies a formation slot
Crusaders adjacent to the Snow Queen will be randomly frozen by her
Frozen Crusaders don't deal damage but still buff other Crusaders
The Freezing ability can now affect any Crusader in your formation
300 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Beat area 750 with the Snow Queen!
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 2500+ Idols
The Snow Queen occupies a formation slot
Crusaders adjacent to the Snow Queen will be randomly frozen by her
Frozen Crusaders don't deal damage but still buff other Crusaders
The Freezing ability can now affect any Crusader in your formation
The Freezing ability now lasts longer
350 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Beat area 950 with the Snow Queen!
Complete 'Witches and Wizards'
Must have 2500+ Idols
The Snow Queen occupies a formation slot
Crusaders adjacent to the Snow Queen will be randomly frozen by her
Frozen Crusaders don't deal damage but still buff other Crusaders
The Freezing ability can now affect any Crusader in your formation
The Freezing ability now lasts longer
All of your Crusaders feel the chill - they all take unavoidable damage over time
400 Red Rubies
Note: Your Crusaders will suffer 2% damage every second, which can kill them.
Tier 5
Beat area 575 with the Snow Queen!
The Snow Queen occupies a formation slot
Crusaders adjacent to the Snow Queen will be randomly frozen by her
Frozen Crusaders don't deal damage but still buff other Crusaders
The Freezing ability can now affect any Crusader in your formation
The Freezing ability now lasts longer
All of your Crusaders feel the chill - they all take unavoidable damage over time
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: The Snow Queen's heart is even colder now
675 Red Rubies
Note: Your Crusaders will suffer 2% damage every second, which can kill them.
For all Tiers:
The Snow Queen freezes one crusader every 10 seconds (every 7 seconds on Tier 5), the frozen condition lasts for 15 seconds (20 seconds on Tiers 3 and 4, 21 seconds on Tier 5).
I Like Potatoes[]
Tier 1
You were robbed! Potato mayor, Spuds MacGee, stole all your idols! Beat area 150 without your Idol and Talents
Complete Big Phony Wizard
Must have 2500+ Idols
Idols do not award bonus DPS or Gold Find during this objective
Talents have no effect during this objective
200 Red Rubies
Tier 2
You were robbed! Potato mayor, Spuds MacGee, stole all your idols! Beat area 175 without your Idol and Talents
Complete Big Phony Wizard
Must have 2500+ Idols
Idols do not award bonus DPS or Gold Find during this objective
Talents have no effect during this objective
250 Red Rubies
Tier 3
You were robbed! Potato mayor, Spuds MacGee, stole all your idols! Beat area 200 without your Idol and Talents
Complete Big Phony Wizard
Must have 2500+ Idols
Idols do not award bonus DPS or Gold Find during this objective
Talents have no effect during this objective
300 Red Rubies
Tier 4
You were robbed! Potato mayor, Spuds MacGee, stole all your idols! Beat area 300 without your Idol and Talents
Complete Big Phony Wizard
Must have 2500+ Idols
Idols do not award bonus DPS or Gold Find during this objective
Talents have no effect during this objective
350 Red Rubies
Tier 5
You were robbed! Potato mayor, Spuds MacGee, stole all your idols! Beat area 575 without your Idol and Talents
Idols do not award bonus DPS or Gold Find during this objective
Talents have no effect during this objective
Tier 5: All Crusaders except Crusaders with the Dragon tag are allowed on this objective
675 Red Rubies
For All Tiers: The boss at the end of every region is Spuds MacGee instead of the usual bosses, but the HP and gold reward remains the same.
The Grinch takes up a random formation slot and debuffs adjacent Crusaders even more
The original Crusaders (aside from the Bush Whacker and Nate) attack your formation, angry at your blatant discrimination!
450 Red Rubies
Note:Mr. Grinch debuffs adjacent crusaders for 95% of their DPS and Gold Find by 10% per adjacent crusader. His position can be found here.
The 'Original Crusader' monsters attacking during Holiday Hoopla Tier 4 are all damage-capped and will survive for a certain amount of time. In addition, some have special effects.
Survives At Least
Jim the Lumberjack
3 sec
Increased attack dmg
Emo Werewolf
5 sec
Kills on contact
Sasha the Fierce Warrior
10 sec
The Washed Up Hermit
3 sec
Increased attack dmg
Detective Kaine
2 sec
Drops no gold
The Princess
4 sec
Ranged attacks
Natalie Dragon
10 sec
Jason, Master of Shadows
1 sec
Invisible until clicked/attacks
Artaxes, the Lion
1 sec
Invisible until clicked/attacks
Khouri, the Witch Doctor
1 sec
Heals other monsters
Dark Gryphon
1.3 sec
Very fast, Increased attack
Sarah, the Collector
3 sec
Increased attack dmg
Gold Panda
2 sec
Drops no gold
Prince Sal, the Merman
3 sec
Fast, Increased attack dmg
Fire Phoenix
5 sec
Insta-kills on impact
King Reginald IV
3 sec
Fast, Increased attack dmg
Thalia, the Thunder King
1 sec
Fast, Increased attack dmg
Merci, the Mad Wizard
4 sec
Ranged attacks
Tier 5
Beat area 575 using mostly event Crusaders
Aside from The Bush Whacker and Nate Dragon, only unlocked Event Crusaders can be used
The Grinch takes up a random formation slot and debuffs adjacent Crusaders even more
The original Crusaders (aside from the Bush Whacker and Nate) attack your formation, angry at your blatant discrimination!
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: The Grinch now moves every 50 areas
Tier 5: Only Tier 2 and Tier 3 event Crusaders can be used
675 Red Rubies
Available crusaders are The Bush Whacker, Nate Dragon, and Tier 2 and 3 Event Crusaders.
Previously you can reset the counter by loading a saved formation, however starting from ver0.129, this trick no longer works.
The Evil witch has capped damage/second. She will always reach your formation. To idle this objective, it's helpful to use a formation with a tank, a healer, and a crusader that damages all monsters on the screen (Merci, the Mad Wizard, Petra the Pilgrim, or Viktor the Vampire with an orc).
Unhappy Ending
Tier 2
Reach area 825 and live happily ever after. Too bad the ghosts won't.
Complete all other Tier 2 Grimm's Idle Tales objectives
Complete 'Ghostbeard's Revenge'
When killed, monsters come back to life as unhappy ghosts
Ghosts cannot be killed and move much faster than normal monsters
Unlock Bonus Idols
Buffs all Bonus Idol drops by 25% (additive) and unlocks them for this Campaign.
On October 1, a bug fix was pushed to resolve a problem where boss area quests could not be cleared while unkillable ghosts are present.
Ghosts are invincible and do not draw damage from other enemies, but they can be affected by Polymorph, Time Stop, etc.
Ghosts don't spawn at boss levels.
Which is Witch?
Tier 3
Reach area 1400 with selective smiting.
Complete all other Tier 3 "Grimm's Idle Tales" objectives
Complete "To Infinity and Beyond!"
Wicked women and innocent ladies spawn at random
Both can only be damaged by clicking
Wicked women kill the front column of Crusaders upon reaching the formation
Innocent ladies disappear harmlessly upon reaching the formation
Killing an innocent lady spawns an invulnerable ghost which deals high damage
Extra Rubies
Increases Rubies gained by 10% (applies retroactively for objectives)
Note: Bonus Rubies are applied both retroactively and going forward, rewarding for objectives completed in the past and future. All other rubies gained, from missions or daily quests, also receive a bonus in the future.
Deadly Tales
Tier 4
Reach area 1400 with a calming influence.
Complete all other Tier 4 "Grimm's Idle Tales" objectives
Complete "Mutiny"
A wayward witch occupies a slot in the formation
She disables the DPS and upgrades of adjacent non-undead Crusaders
Gloria the Good Witch starts in the formation
Other Crusaders' DPS and upgrades are disabled when Gloria is not there to soothe their nerves
Areas become difficult much more quickly
Faster Area Transitions
Doubles the speed at which Crusaders walk from one area to the next.
Note: Note that the Wayward Witch cannot be moved, but Gloria can.
The Writing Desk
Tier 5
Send your letter all the way to area 1250.
Complete all Tier 5 Grimm's Idle Tales objective
Requires having completed the The Wellerman objective from the Ghostbeard's Greed campaign
Areas get difficult much quicker
Supernatural tagged Crusaders cannot be used
Only Crusaders with 750 or more personal EP can be used
A raven occupies a random slot in the formation and rotates every 100 areas
Writing desk monsters randomly spawn
For every desk killed, the raven buffs adjacent Crusaders by 100%, stacking additively
Enormous Numbers
Increases your max number to 1.00e1700
Free Play[]
Play without an objective. No Red Rubies are Given at reset
Complete 'Big Phony Wizard'
Increased gold drops to put it in line with other Free Plays