Idols Through Time is the 7th regular campaign, all about time travel.
Our dauntless Crusaders are tasked with hunting down rogue robots that are wreaking havoc on their friend Doctor Finklebottom's laboratory. It's a desperate race to save Finklebottom's breakthrough experiments that concern matters of quantum physics and black holes that enable him to invent time travel.
His experiments have made history, figuratively and literally, as now the Crusaders can travel through time from the age of the dinosaurs all the way through to the future!
Beat Area 650 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs and asteroids
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 20000+ Idols
Special skilled dinosaurs attack your formation. Beware!
An asteroid occasionally squashes one of your crusaders at random
300 Red Rubies
Note: An asteroid drops every 15 seconds, kills a random crusader randomly, on non-boss levels only.
Tier 2
Beat Area 750 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs and asteroids
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 20000+ Idols
Special skilled dinosaurs attack your formation. Beware!
An asteroid occasionally squashes one of your crusaders at random
Tier 2: Asteroids strike more frequently
350 Red Rubies
Note: Asteroids now drop every 10 seconds.
Tier 3
Beat area 850 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs and asteroids
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 20000+ Idols
Special skilled dinosaurs attack your formation. Beware!
An asteroid occasionally squashes one of your crusaders at random
Tier 2: Asteroids strike more frequently
Tier 3: Only Supernatural Crusaders can be used
Tier 3: Note the Reset the World ability is available on the Fire Phoenix at level 250
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Beat area 1150 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs and asteroids
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 20000+ Idols
Special skilled dinosaurs attack your formation. Beware!
An asteroid occasionally squashes one of your crusaders at random
Tier 2: Asteroids strike more frequently
Tier 3: Only Supernatural Crusaders can be used
Tier 3: Note the Reset the World ability is available on the Fire Phoenix at level 250
Tier 4: A sedated T-rex takes up a slot in the formation. After 30 seconds in an area, it goes on a rampage, wiping the formation
450 Red Rubies
Tier 5
Beat area 650 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs and asteroids
Special skilled dinosaurs attack your formation. Beware!
An asteroid occasionally squashes one of your Crusaders at random
Tier 2: Asteroids strike more frequently
Tier 3: Only Supernatural Crusaders can be used
Tier 4: A sedated T-rex takes up a slot in the formation. After 30 seconds in an area, it goes on a rampage, wiping the formation
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds
Tier 5: Fire Phoenix has their missing ability back, and now you can just reset the world using any reset Crusader, even if they're locked
Tier 5: A giant rat takes up a slot in the formation, providing a 50% additive buff for each special dinosaur monster killed to any Crusaders with the Evil tag in the formation
725 Red Rubies
For All Tiers: There are 5 different special skilled dinosaurs spawn on non-boss levels:
Invisisaurus - invisible and invulnerable until it attacks or is clicked on
Tankasaurus - damage capped (survive for at least 30 seconds)
Rangosaurus - ranged attacks, also damage capped (survive for at least 5 seconds)
Speedisaurus - moves fast, also damage capped (survive for at least 5 seconds)
Gibbasaurus - kills crusader instantly on impact, also damage capped (survive for at least 5 seconds)
Beat Area 700 while your Crusaders are constantly dying
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 30000+ Idols
Your crusaders take 1% of their max HP as damage every second
Health is restored by healing or changing areas
300 Red Rubies
Tier 2
Beat Area 800 while your Crusaders are constantly dying and the gold is drying up
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 30000+ Idols
Your crusaders take 1% of their max HP as damage every second
Health is restored by healing or changing areas
Tier 2: Crusaders now take 2% of their max HP as damage every second
Tier 2: A Time Bandit takes up a formation slot, and reduces Gold found by 2% for each monster killed.
350 Red Rubies
Tier 3
Beat area 900 while your Crusaders are constantly dying and the gold is drying up
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 30000+ Idols
Your crusaders take 1% of their max HP as damage every second
Health is restored by healing or changing areas
Tier 2: Crusaders now take 2% of their max HP as damage every second
Tier 2: A Time Bandit takes up a formation slot, and reduces Gold found by 2% for each monster killed.
Tier 3: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 3%
400 Red Rubies
Tier 4
Beat area 1200 while your Crusaders are constantly dying and the gold is drying up
Complete 'Lone Pine Mall'
Must have 30000+ Idols
Your crusaders take 1% of their max HP as damage every second
Health is restored by healing or changing areas
Tier 2: Crusaders now take 2% of their max HP as damage every second
Tier 2: A Time Bandit takes up a formation slot, and reduces Gold found by 2% for each monster killed.
Tier 3: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 3%
Tier 4: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 4%
450 Red Rubies
Tier 5
Beat area 650 while your Crusaders are constantly dying and the gold is drying up
Your Crusaders take 1% of their Max HP as damage every second
Health is restored by healing or changing areas
Tier 2: Crusaders now take 2% of their Max HP as damage every second
Tier 2: A Time Bandit takes up a formation slot, and reduces Gold found by 2% for each monster killed.
Tier 3: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 3%
Tier 4: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 4%
Tier 5: Areas get harder much more quickly
Tier 5: Godo spawns randomly, living for at least 1.5 seconds
Tier 5: Damage and Gold reduction are increased to 5%
725 Red Rubies
Tier 1
Reach area 750? You're getting too young for this.
Complete all other Idols Through Time objectives (tier 1 or better)
Complete the Wowza! objective in Ready Player Two
Every 25 area, all your Crusaders lose 25 levels, but their cost to level up remains the same. Crusader (level) 25 and under will see their costs increase.
The cost to recruit and level up all crusaders will be increased every 25 areas, whether they've been recruited or not. (They will not actually remain the same for crusaders at level 1.)
The first level reduction and cost increase occurs upon unlocking area 26 by defeating the level 25 boss.
Returning to area 1 will not undo the leveling cost increases.
Crusaders' abilities will be disabled when their level falls below an ability's required level. But leveling back up restores the ability; it will not need to be repurchased.
History Lesson
Tier 2
Reach area 900 while you learn to hate history.
Complete all other Tier 2 Idols Through Time Objectives
Complete ‘Cheaters’
Famous figures from history spawn at random
Unlock Bonus Idols
Buffs all Bonus Idol drops by 25% (additive) and unlocks them for this Campaign.
Note: The historical figures, which do not appear during boss levels, include:
Genghis Khannot Die - cannot be killed
George Clickington - invulnerable until it is clicked (survives at least 2 seconds)
DPS Caesar - damage capped (survives at least 10 seconds) and deal damage to all crusaders (1% of health/s)
Quick Victoria - moves fast across screen, heals & protects regular enemies, damage capped (survives at least 8 seconds)
Tier 3
Reach area 1550 with a media relic.
Complete all other Tier 3 Idols Through Time objectives
Complete 'Bullet Hell'
A VHS escort occupies the front of the formation
Viewer monsters spawn at random, with a projectile attack
When the VHS is hit by a projectile, your quest progress is reduced (unless the quest is already complete)