Thursday 5 January 2017[]
Version: v0.92
- Princess' Pool Party Year 2!
- Updated the Princess' Pool Party event for year 2:
- Added five new tier 2 objectives:
- Recruit Bernard: Beat area 300 while your Crusaders are getting tipsy
- Recruit Princess Val: Beat area 300 while escorting an entire royal party
- The Great Migration: Beat area 400 while avoiding suicidal birds
- Girls' Getaway!: Beat area 450 with only female Crusaders (and Bernard)
- Don't Get Sunburnt: Beat area 500 before your DPS gets completely burnt
- Tier 1 recruit objectives will automatically be marked as complete if you recruited their Crusaders via missions.
- Requirement for the two Sunscreen spending achievements lowered to 16,500 and 33,000 respectively
- Pool Party Chests have been updated to drop loot for any of the four Crusaders, however gear for tier 2 Crusaders will only appear if those Crusaders are recruited.
- As before, the event dialog now lets you toggle between tier 1 and tier 2 of an event; you can still complete achievements, earn loot, and do objectives in either year at any time.
- Added five new tier 2 objectives:
- (PC) Reduced lag during area transitions
Friday 13 January 2017[]
Version: v0.93
- The Royals' Vacation Weekend Buff!
- Added "The Royals' Vacation" buff weekend event.
- Buffed Crusaders include Jim the Lumberjack, the Princess, Thalia the Thunder King, Princess Val the Mermaid, or Queen Siri.
- Added a new chest type containing gear for just the five Crusaders above, plus a special Golden Epic for Thalia with the first purchase of any special chest package. Note: You will only receive gear for Princess Val and Queen Siri in the Royal Vacation Chest if you have unlocked them during an event or through a mission.
- Fixed several instances of Detective Kaine being referred to as Investigator Kaine.
- Improved FPS slightly.
Friday 20 January 2017[]
Version: v0.94
- New Ready Player Two Tier 2 & 3 Objectives!
- Added tier 2 and 3 objectives to the following objectives:
- Couch Co-op
- No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination
- More Random Encounters
- Glitch Out
- Video Game of Thrones
- Tetris
- Polkamans Go!
- Acme Dark Souls
- Added "Ski Trip!" buff weekend event:
- Buffed Crusaders include Emo Werewolf, Jason Master of Shadows, Khouri the Witch Doctor, Merci the Mad Wizard, and President Billy Smithsonian.
- Added a new chest type containing gear for just the five Crusaders above, plus a special Golden Epic for Emo Werewolf with the first purchase of any special chest package. Note: You will only receive gear for President Bill Smithsonian in the Ski Trip Chest if you have unlocked him during an event or through a mission.
Balance Changes:
- Polkamans in the Polkamans Go! objective will appear sooner on average.
- Objectives which increase Crusader cost now properly update Crusader costs after a reset
- (PC) Fixed multiple projectiles all damaging the same monster, even when they appeared to be hitting different monsters.
Thursday 26 January 2017[]
Version: v0.95
- Carnage Cup Year 2!
- Renamed the Blood Bowl to Carnage Cup
- Updated the Carnage Cup event for year 2:
- Added five new tier 2 objectives:
- Recruit Karl the Kicker: Beat area 300 with an egomaniacal kicker
- Recruit Cindy the Cheer-Orc: Beat area 300 with a demoralizing cheer-orc
- Flag on the Play: Beat area 400 without getting too many penalties
- Stand-by For This Important Word From Our Sponsor: Beat area 450 while avoiding aggravating advertisements
- Half-time Show: Beat area 500 while constantly recovering from a song-induced headache
- Tier 1 recruit objectives will automatically be marked as complete if you recruited their Crusaders via missions.
- Requirement for the two Helmet spending achievements lowered to 16,500 and 33,000 respectively
- Carnage Cup Chests have been updated to drop loot for any of the four Crusaders, however gear for tier 2 Crusaders will only appear if those Crusaders are recruited.
- As before, the event dialog now lets you toggle between tier 1 and tier 2 of an event; you can still complete achievements, earn loot, and do objectives in either year at any time.
- Added five new tier 2 objectives:
- (PC) Refreshing the game during the Couch Co-Op objective will no longer cause crusaders to lose some formation abilities.
- (PC) "Glitch" abilities in the Glitch Out objective will now properly apply when starting the game.
- Fixed an edge-case where a golden epic item could potentially be downgraded to a normal epic if you started a gear mission when you already had all slots filled with epic items.
- Clarified how Val's self-healing works in the tooltip