Thursday 10 January 2019[]
Version: v0.182
- Princess' Pool Party, Tier 4
- Updated Princess’ Pool Party for Tier 4
- New Crusader: Bruno the Unicorn
- New Tier 4 Objectives:
- Recruit Bruno the Unicorn: Reach area 600 with a pointy horse.
- The Princesses' Party: Reach area 700 while surrounded by princesses.
- Loss of Cabin Pressure: Reach area 750 in the coolest seats on the plane.
- Hot Tub: Reach area 800 while getting steamed.
- First Class: Reach area 850 while very important passengers enjoy extra leg room.
- (PC) Border colors for all-rare and all-epic Crusaders in the crafting menu should be easier to distinguish
- (Dec 23) (PC) Toggling an upgrade now resets the stacks of any associated formation abilities.
- Addresses an exploit for Thoonoose’s Snap
- (Jan 7) (PC) The tooltip for Idols in the bottom panel now shows the exact amount again, for any amount.
- (Mobile) Added a number of missing ability descriptions
- (Mobile) Removed the icons for the old versions of Speed Runner and Bonus Training from the Talent screen.
- (PC) Fixed a numerical precision issue that resulted in some powers of 10 displaying incorrectly (eg 1e6 showing as 1e5)
- (PC) Fixed the Lingering Buffs amounts for critical click buffs (such as Accuracy) displaying incorrectly
Friday 18 January 2019[]
Version: v0.183
- The Queens Aren't Dead Weekend Buff
- Weekend promo starting at Noon PST on Friday.
- (PC) Assigning 4 Taskmasters to clicking monsters now causes Auto-Progress to trigger instantly upon area completion.
- Previously starter-pack-exclusive Golden Epics for Veronica, Bubba, Leerion, and Brogon can now appear in the Challenge shop and flash sales.
- Updated the description of the “Endurance Training” talent to reflect that it doesn’t apply to buffs from the Challenge shop.
- (PC) The stats tooltip in the upper left now shows monster spawn speed as a bonus instead of a total
- (Mobile) Fixed Wrena’s multiplicative formation abilities having buffs applied after the multiplicative calculation, instead of before.
- (Jan 15) (PC) Fixed Bruno’s “Marvelous Gold” occasionally resetting, and getting stuck at certain values.
- (Jan 11) (PC) Fixed Sashimi’s “Main Attraction” not applying when first loading the game, and not toggling like other upgrades.
- (Jan 11) Princess’ Pool Party objectives now properly require the previous tier to be complete
- Minor text fixes
Tuesday 22 January 2019[]
Version: v0.184
- Milgrid's Epic Starter Pack
- Added a new premium starter pack for Milgrid, the Mining Mage
- Lowered the cooldown for abandoning objectives from 4 hours to 15 minutes
- (PC) Upgrades that unlock abilities can no longer be disabled
Thursday 24 January 2019[]
Version: v0.185
- Carnage Cup, Tier 4
- Updated Carnage Cup for Tier 4
- New Crusader: Nargulg Granitehand
- New Tier 4 Objectives:
- Recruit Nargulg Granitehand: Reach area 600 with a jealous clicker.
- Revenge of the Cheerleaders: Reach area 700 with EXTREME cheerleaders.
- Crowds are Contagious: Reach area 750 with a viral sensation.
- Concession Time!: Reach area 800 under a deluge of snacks.
- Raging Dates of Death: Pair up to reach area 850.
- (PC) Hovering loot cards in the multiple chest opening window now expands the cards, instead of placing a larger card next to them.
- (PC) Clicking empty space in the chest screen no longer opens a chest
- Added Jeweled Chests to the Ruby shop, in several convenient quantities.
- (PC) Loot cards in the chest opening screen now show which Crusader they’re for.
- (PC) Fixed a visual bug where multiple loot cards (such as in mission rewards) would animate in the wrong order.