Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Jim the Lumberjack is the second Crusader available. Jim deals passive damage, or DPS damage, and does not require the player to click. Jim's best upgrade Sharpen Party boosts the DPS of Crusaders in the same column by 50%. He is commonly used in early game formations because of the DPS boost given to main damage dealers.

He carries a hammer, for some reason.


True Lumberjack
Available in Jeweled Chests or with a one-time token purchase from The Ruby Exchange, Jim can change his appearance.
(This is a cosmetic change only.)


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Buddy System
5 100 Increases the Base DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 100% when a Crusader is next to Jim the Lumberjack.
Quote: Jim works better with a friend.
Chainsaw Kickback
10 1.25K Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 100%
Quote: Beware of the extra damage of the Chainsaw Kickback.
Sharpen Party
25 5.00K Increase the Base DPS of Crusaders in the same column as Jim the Lumberjack by 50%.
Quote: Keeps your allies' weapons sharp, increasing their attack.
Slick Shave
50 40.0K Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 100%
Quote: When the ramps of my axe are smooth and polished it aids in my cutting efficiency
Institute of Lumberjackology
75 400K Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 150%
Quote: When you have walked the Four Stages of Sharpening without leaving a trace, then you will have learned.
Uber Axing
100 2.00M Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 20%
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: The ultimate in axing power. Now we can cut through monsters like butter... butter cut with an axe!
Okay Lumberjack
200 7.52B For every 25 levels over and including 200, Jim the Lumberjack's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: I cut down trees, I wear high heals, suspenders, and a bra.[1]

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Axes Common
Rusty Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 25%

Less Rusty Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 50%

Shiny Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 100%

Super Friggin' Sharp Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 400%

Golden Epic
Super Friggin' Sharp Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 600%

Dwarven Forged Axe of Slaying
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 800%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Sharpen Party ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Super Friggin' Sharp Axe
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Sharpen Party ability by 100%

Caps Common
Motheaten Toque
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Itchy Wool Cap
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Snug Cashmere Cap
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Titanium-Infused Angora Beret
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Super Scary Bear Hat of Roaring
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Cashmere Cap of Unsustainable De-Forestation
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Buddy System ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Super Scary Bear Hat of Roaring
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Buddy System ability by 100%

Gloves Common
Furry Work Gloves
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 25%

Stiff Leather Work Gloves
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 50%

Cobra Hide Mittens
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 100%

Dragon Scale Gauntlets
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 400%

Golden Epic
Awakened Gauntlet of the Ultimate Lumberjack
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 600%

Gold Inlaid Plaid Gloves of Lumberjacking
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 800%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Crusaders in the same column as Jim the Lumberjack

Golden Legendary
Awakened Gauntlet of the Ultimate Lumberjack
Increases the DPS of Jim the Lumberjack by 1200%
Legendary: Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are at least 3 Crusaders in the same column as Jim the Lumberjack

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
  • With a conditional buff and being the cheapest dps-dealing crusader, Jim is one of the crusaders that are most commonly used as the main damage-dealer of the formation by players. Consider using him if he deals the most damage compared to other damage-dealers like Hermit, Sarah and Werewolf. 
  • The criteria of dishing out the most damage is relatively less stringent compared to other conditional buffs, since he only requires another crusader to be next to him to dish out an extra 100% damage. This allows him to be viable with almost any other crusader that could buff and/or benefit from him.
  • If you wish to buff your main damage-dealer (if it is not Jim), Jim is an important buffer to have in your formation. With his buff benefitting crusaders in the same column, he could easily find a place in the same column as your main damage-dealer in most formations.
    • To top it off, he also increases the Bush Whacker's Swordplay effect, making him more of an asset to have in your formation if you wish to use the Bush Whacker.
  • Due to the fact that he has a strong damage-dealing potential and also a great buffer, some players have adopted a dual-dps strategy, with Jim and another damage-dealer sharing approximately 50-50 of the total dps. This is viable if both crusaders have approximately the same damage-to-cost ratio.

