July 30th, 2015[]
Thursday July 30th, 2015
Version: v0.19
SFX, Music, and Fixes
- Added more sound effects
- Added music
- Bosses before 50 now also have a chance to drop a chest on subsequent play-throughs, just like bosses above level 50
- Changed 2nd and 3rd campaign objectives to 'beat area 150' and 'beat area 200' respectively
- Changed the cost for Jim's "Bulwark" ability from 500 to 5000 gold
- Changed Gold Panda's 3rd upgrade name to "More Gold! Mine!"
- Easier to click the Next Area Arrow
- Can no longer get stuck in tutorial because you didn't get enough gold from clicking the monsters
- Abilities can no longer be activated when the hero is dead, and they reenable when that hero revives
- Warlord Gavin will no longer spawn on area 92
- Forums button no long appears about the guidbook popups
July 30th, 2015[]
Thursday July 30th, 2015
Version: v0.18
- Added forum button
- Upgrade buttons no longer glow if you don't have the money to buy them
- Fixed monsters not spawning after closing the UseCache dialog popup
- Fixed bug where you couldn't easily select Crusaders behind the Princess
- Fixed bug where Crusaders would start hopping after you added them to the formation
- Fixed bug where Crusaders would occasionally face forward after you added them to the formation
- Fixed UseCache dialog popup happening during the tutorial
July 22nd, 2015[]
Wednesday July 22nd, 2015
Version: v0.17
Early Access!
Launched for early access! Have fun, new players!