Friday 6 July 2018[]
Version: v0.162
- Interspecies Introductions Weekend Buff
- Added the the Interspecies Introductions weekend buff (starting at noon PDT today)
- (Jun 29) Changed the Tier 3 Alien Invasion Crusader's name to First Lady Betty Smithsonian.
- (PC) The reset popup can now display larger Idol numbers
- (PC) Fixed a case where progress could be lost after a reset due to network issues
- (Jun 29) Fixed the area requirements for the Tier 3 Alien Invasion objectives.
- (Jun 29) Fixed the Alien Invasion recipes still being available.
- Minor text fixes.
Friday 13 July 2018[]
Version: v0.163
- Idols Through Time, Tier 4
- Added Tier 4 objectives to Idols Through Time.
- Added the Heat of Summer weekend buff, starting today at noon (PDT)
- (PC) Reduced memory use for long play sessions.
- (PC) The Crusaders who spawn as monsters on the Echoes objective should no longer be invisible.
- Minor text fixes.
Thursday 19 July 2018[]
Version: v0.164
- Song of Thrones, Year 3
- Updated the Song of Thrones event for year 3:
- Added 5 tier 3 objectives:
- Recruit The Wolf King: Reach area 500 with a snarling menace.
- Dragonfire: Reach area 600 without getting cooked.
- King of the Animals: Reach area 650 with bestial vigor.
- H-B-Uh-Oh: Reach area 700 while plot twists blow your minds.
- Jam-Packed Episode: Reach area 750 with everything all of the time.
- Tier 1/2 recruit objectives will automatically be marked as complete if you recruited their Crusaders via missions.
- Objectives for a specific tier will now drop tier specific event chests, which only contain loot for Crusaders unlocked in this event at that tier.
- Free play will continue to drop all-tiers silver and jeweled event chests.
- You can now select the tier of event chest you wish to purchase in the store. All chest tiers (and the all-tiers chests) will award the bonus golden epic if you make a real-money purchase.
- Minor text fixes.
Friday 20 July 2018[]
Version: v0.165
- Hiatus Interruptus Weekend Buff
- Added the Hiatus Interruptus weekend buff, which starts at Noon PDT.
- “Season One Rewatch” now includes The Wolf King
- The Wolf King now has the “Royal” tag as intended
- Updated the description of The Wolf King’s “Gouge” upgrade
- Tier 1 Thrones chests no longer provide loot for RoboQueen or Zombie Winter. If you opened any Tier 1 Thones chests prior to the fix last night (Jul 19 ~ 9pm PDT), please put in a support ticket.
- The “Extra Bloody” achievement will now save properly
- “King of the Animals” and “Jam-Packed Episode” now mention that the Reset ability is on Fire Phoenix
- “Continuous Coups” now accounts for the 28th slot. Note that only slots 1-24 can have the “Rulership” buff
- (Mobile) Healing Crusaders now work properly again.
Tuesday 31 July 2018[]
Version: v0.166
- Crusaders' 3rd Anniversary
- Normal monsters now spawn around the special Dinosaur monsters on the Lost World objective.
- Increased the stack timers of Croon and Bloodlust to 10 seconds, so they persist through area changes.
- Minor text fixes.
- (PC) Monsters in the “Echoes” objective will no longer be invisible (for real this time)
- (PC) Fixed gold-collecting daily quests sometimes having goals over 1e400