Wednesday 3 July 2019[]
Version: v0.202
- Tiering Up for Talents
- Added 7 new Tier 6 talents
- Increased the max level of the Synergy talent from 15 to 20.
- Increased the max level of the Bonus Training talent, to accommodate the 31st bench seat.
- Fixed talents showing the wrong area requirements.
- Minor text fixes. Thanks for the reports!
Friday 5 July 2019[]
Version: v0.202.1
- Christmas in July Weekend Buff
- Added the Undead tag, for Crusaders cursed with unlife.
- Introducing a skin with power: Wrena gets the Undead and Evil tags while this skin is equipped. Available with the weekend chests this weekend only.
- Changed how skins are shown when received as loot.
- (July 3) Fixed Phase Skip incorrectly applying outside of Free Play.
- (July 4) Minor performance improvements.
- Fixed the reset warning window showing negative Idols if you would gain more than 2.1 billion.
Tuesday 9 July 2019[]
Version: v0.202.2
- Back on Track
- Following community feedback, Bonus Idols at area 3100+ will now grow at the same rate as the areas before.
- To reduce clutter, CNE chat rooms will no longer announce duplicate Epics received. Only new Epics will be announced.
- The talent window will now auto-scroll to show tier 6, if you have any tier 5 or 6 talents purchased (as it did for tier 5.)
- The area map display should perform better at high levels.
Thursday 11 July 2019[]
Version: v0.203
- The Hidden Temple, Tier 4
- Updated the Hidden Temple event for Tier 4
- New Crusader: Kebos the Mummy
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Kebos: Reach area 600 with a pungent croc.
- Uncanny Valley: Reach area 700 under the Progenitors' scrutiny.
- Tomb of Kings: Reach area 750 with only the chosen and their attendees.
- Pilgrimage: Reach area 800 while paying your respects.
- Secret Torch Society: Reach area 850 while keeping all the ancient braziers lit.
- Changed the challenge tokens awarded by Domo Arigato, Animal House, Oh the Humanity, and Nature’s Not Enough, to match other challenges.
- Updated the FAQ on the Skins dialog to reflect that all base 20 Crusader skins are available, and that there are skins with powers.
- Fire Sprites spawned by Ishtar’s “Fire and Rain” no longer have more health than other monsters
- Shift-clicking the left or right arrows on the map display will once again show the first area, or highest area unlocked.
- Updated various references to “The Hidden Temple” to all use the same name
Friday 19 July 2019[]
Version: v0.204
- Raiding the Tomb
- Added the Raiding the Tomb weekend buff, starting at Noon PDT today.
- Added recruitment and gear upgrade missions for more Tier 4 Crusaders, up to and including Xygallix.
- The “Reign of Fire” weekly challenge will now includes Crusaders with visible ranged weapons.
- Crusaders now have a more helpful “swaps with…” description when shown as a mission or objective reward.
- Darkened the background behind objectives’ descriptions in the objective screen, so they’re easier to read.
- Katie's legendary quiver effect now counts as a formation ability, with a visible total effect.
- Fixed a case where many waves of monsters would spawn at once, when first entering an area.
- Karen's Center of the Universe ability now grabs Ishtar's Storm's Wake ability.
- Fixed Crusaders’ added tags from abilities sometimes counting where they shouldn’t, and vice versa.
- Fixed some more displays showing Idol counts incorrectly when above 2.1B or so.
- Minor text fixes! Thank you for the reports!
Wednesday 24 July 2019[]
Version: v0.205
- Mme. FInklebottom's Revenge, Tier 2
- Added 3 new Tier 1 objectives to Madame Finklebottom’s Revenge
- New Crusader: Arenvarr the Beheaded. Unlocked by completing the new Everest objective
- Added Tier 2 objectives to Madame Finklebottom’s Revenge
- Changed the description of Thalia’s legendary amulet, to avoid implying that the bonus is retroactive.
- (July 22) Fixed Tier 4 Crusaders from the new recruitment missions not starting with 300EP
- (July 22) Added missing missions for Ishtar
- Minor text fixes. Thank you for the reports!
Friday 26 July 2019[]
Version: v0.206
- 4th Anniversary Celebration
- Added the 4th Anniversary Celebration weekend buff.
- Tune in to our social media for special reward codes over the weekend!
- Be sure to collect all 3 for a special bonus.
- Projectile abilities have been overhauled.
- Projectiles now have a cooldown, instead of an interval. This means no longer wasting shots when no monsters are in range.
- Projectiles will generally avoid overkill, preferring to spread attacks out or wait for more monsters to spawn.
- Projectiles now benefit from your critical click chance and multiplier.
- For abilities with their own criticals, the multiplier is added while the chance becomes the chance of either or both occurring.
- Projectile abilities’ amounts have been dramatically increased, and canl benefit from either CLK or DPS.
- Note that for the purpose of special objectives, projectiles are their own damage type.
- Damage from exploding projectiles now counts as projectile damage, for monsters resistant to particular types.
- Updated the descriptions for normal silver and jeweled chests to reflect that they can award gear for all non-event Crusaders (not just those in slots 21-24.)