Tuesday 2 June 2020[]
Version: v0.245
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a jittering effect in some scrolling lists.
- Fixed the Extra Healthy talent not updating properly for Crusaders who aren’t in-seat.
- Fixed some cases where Mindy’s Mimic wasn’t activating all copied abilities.
- Fixed Crusaders counting as under attack during area transition, if under attack when it began.
- Fixed extreme lag when Mindy mimics Alacrity.
- Fixed Drosenthes’ Slow Digestion activating during area transition.
Friday 5 June 2020[]
Version: v0.246
- Synthetic Space Dreams Weekend Buff
- Added the Synthetic Space Dreams weekend buff, starting at noon PT.
- Increased the upgrade costs of Crusaders in slot 33, to match progression of previous slots.
- Disabled Drosenthes’ Slow Digestion on the From the Ashes objective.
- Fixed some triggered formation abilities firing when formation abilities are reapplied.
- Fixed some objective effects’ tooltips not describing the effects.
Thursday 11 June 2020[]
Version: v0.247
- Song of Thrones, Tier 5
- Updated Song of Thrones for Tier 5
- New Crusader: Imani Saskien (slot 34)
- New Skin: Rogue Machine skin for RoboQueen
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Imani Saskien: Reach area 400 with a ruthless hunter.
- Hot Potato Crown: Reach area 450 under the weight of the crown.
- Set Dressing: Reach area 475 while watching for mistakes.
- Well-Lit Night Scene: Reach area 500 with great visibility.
- New Show in Town: Reach area 525 while everyone fusses over a minstrel.
- Added recruitment and gear missions for Tiernan, Adina, Dr. Almquist, and Drosenthes
- Mindy now properly buffs her own versions of mimicked abilities, when mimicking Crusaders who buff their own abilities
- Fright-o-Tron’s Chained Explosions upgrade now counts as a Formation Ability
- Leerion, the Royal Dwarf
- Short and Sneaky now gives global DPS for each dwarf in the formation, instead of personal DPS
- His third legendary item now requires an adjacent tank instead of having Sasha in the formation
- Zombie Winter
- Added the Support tag
- For the North now gives gold bonus instead of personal DPS
- RoboQueen
- Her first legendary now gives personal DPS for each adjacent robot, instead of DPS with Nate in the formation
- Her second legendary now gives personal DPS for each human in the formation, instead of DPS with Natalie in the formation
Monday 15 June 2020[]
Version: v0.247.1
- Song of Thrones Fixes
- Clarified the description of Imani’s first legendary effect.
- Challenge token rewards will now update upon completing an area, instead of when the game next saves.
- Filled in missing graphics for Hot Potato Crown.
- Fixed Imani’s Marked for Death applying to monsters that it couldn’t hurt.
Thursday 25 June 2020[]
Version: v0.248
- The Dungeons and the Crypt
- Added The Dungeons!
- Dungeons are 12-week events during which you can complete special objectives with no DPS or CLK cap, to earn exclusive rewards. They can be accessed from the same tab as the Challenge window.
- The first Dungeon is The Crypt.
- Added the Dungeon Depot, where Dungeon Coins can be spent.
- Changed the Lingering Buffs Talent from stacking multiplicatively for the DPS and Gold Buff Cards to stacking additively like it does for the other buff cards.
Friday 26 June 2020[]
Version: v0.248.1
- Crypt Keeper’s Delight Weekend Buff
- Added the Crypt Keeper’s Delight weekend buff, starting at noon PT.
- Saved formations on Dungeon objectives now persist between runs, as with Challenge objectives.
- Fixed the Dungeon Depot not appearing.
- Fixed missing adjacencies on Dark Dwellers and Jungle Journey.