Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Littlefoot is the second Crusader from the first Littlefoot's Big Adventure event. At level 50 Littlefoot can employ her first unique ability, Parry. For the duration of the ability, Littlefoot is immune to damage for one second after a monster starts attacking her. If this effect lasts for more than 15 seconds in a row, it cannot occur for the next 15 seconds.


Who is this Littlefoot you speak of? With her new skin, she's disguised as one of those, er, one of us humans! The new skin provides only one set of tag changes:

Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Plus-green MTag Human Human


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Thick Fur
10 2.5q Increases the health of Littlefoot by 50%.
Quote: Claws of enemy no hurt Littlefoot.
Scary Roar
25 6.25q Increases the DPS of Littlefoot by 125%.
Quote: Littlefoot frighten tiny enemies with scary roar.
50 25q Littlefoot is immune to damage for 1 second after an enemy starts attacking her. If this effect last for more than 15 seconds in a row, it cannot occur for the next 15 seconds.
Quote: Little enemies so slow. Littlefoot dodge their puny attacks.
Nature's Fury
75 100q Unlocks the 'Storm Rider' ability
Storm Rider: Increases DPS by 10% for every use of the storm rider ability.
Quote: Littlefoot call down thunder upon all. Boom!
Growing Up
100 800q Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each point of XP that Littlefoot has.
Quote: No so little anymore. Now call me Mediumfoot!
Not So Secret
150 8Q Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 20%.
Quote: People look for Littlefoot long time, but never find.
200 481s For every 25 levels over and including 200, Littlefoot's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: Littlefoot start rumor that Bigfoot be found in Pacific Northwest. Haha. Humans believe anything.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Cameras Common
Nonfunctional Security Camera
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 10%

Grainy Security Camera
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 25%

Handheld Camcorder
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 50%

High-tech Night-vision Tablet of Spotting
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Pic-Snapping Whirlybird of Faint Buzzing
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 150%

3D IMOX Camera of the 8K Resolution
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Littlefoot's Growing Up ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Pic-Snapping Whirlybird of Faint Buzzing
Increases the effect of Storm Rider ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Littlefoot's Growing Up ability by 100%

Spears Common
Stone Spear
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 10%

Metal Spear
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 25%

Crossed Spears
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 50%

Ancient Family Heirloom Spear of Stabbing
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Stabbin' Grabbin' Spear of Dynamic Action
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 150%

Extravagent Primal Spear of Camper Reduction
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Storm Rider by 10% for each point of XP that Littlefoot has

Golden Legendary
Stabbin' Grabbin' Spear of Dynamic Action
Increases the effect of Growing Up ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Storm Rider by 10% for each point of XP that Littlefoot has

Footwear Common
Single Sneaker
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Ratty Sneakers
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Hiking Shoes
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Soft-Soled Hiking Boots of Rumor Chasing
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Mysterious Track-Leaving Boots
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Fairly Normal Human Shoes of the Misleading Trail
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each enemy attacking Littlefoot

Golden Legendary
Mysterious Track-Leaving Boots
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10% for each enemy attacking Littlefoot

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

  • Littlefoot's "Growing Up" ability makes her -eventually- become the best buffer in the game with enough XP, working well on longer runs or with a lot of the Fast Learners skill.
    • In a Royals formation (using Leerion and Brogon), Littlefoot with no gear needs 16 XP to outdo the gold and damage boosts from Thalia (no Gear) including the royals tag. (8 XP at full Epic on both).
    • In a non-Royals formation, Littlefoot (no gear) outdoes Thalia (No Gear) at the first XP.
  • As a tank Littlefoot appears to be very weak compared to the base Thalia. Littlefoot's 1.5x HP and second of immunity to damage doesn't hold a candle to (well equipped) Thalia's half damage and double healing.
  • Littlefoot is best suited to DPS formations, where tanking formations would prefer Thalia, unless there are enough other tanks available to get a decent tanking line without using Thalia.

