March 3rd, 2016[]
Thursday 3 March 2016
Version 0.51
- St. Patrick's Day Event!
- Features
- Added St. Patrick's Day pre-event. Runs until March 14th at Noon PST, three days before St. Patrick's Day, because we're rebels.
- New in this event:
- Two new Crusaders that swap with Detective Kaine and The Washed Up Hermit.
- Free play is once again accessible after recruiting both Crusaders.
- All three bonus objectives unlock after recruiting both Crusaders.
- Added a new Golden Epic card for the new Larry the Leprechaun Crusader that comes with the purchase of St. Patrick's Day Jeweled Chests for real money.
- Fixes
- Fixed a bug in Dual Descent (and any objective with a max crusader limit) which caused a crusader to get kicked when you reload the game if you were at the max
- Fixed purchased upgrades that buff formation abilities not taking effect until the formation was updated
- Fixed a subtle bug where transitions would wait longer than necessary for crusaders/escorts to get off screen
- Fixed another bug causing some achievements to not properly add their effects
March 18th, 2016[]
Friday 18 March 2016
version 0.52
- Easter Event!
- Features
- Added Easter event. Runs until March 29th at Noon PDT.
- Two new Crusaders that swap with the Fire Phoenix and the Bush Whacker.
- Free play is once again accessible after recruiting both Crusaders, for 2500 Gum Drops each play.
- All three bonus objectives unlock after recruiting both Crusaders.
- Added a new Golden Epic card for the new RoboRabbit Crusader that comes with the purchase of any Easter Jeweled Chests for real money.
- Reminder: Chests for Gumdrops are only available in the store until the event ends. The timer counting down until the event ends is visible on the event information pop-up and the objective screen.
- Fixes
- Reworked Sally the Succubus's' "Seduction" ability, so it properly counts down from 300%
- Fixed several typos, including one in Larry the Leprechaun's "Hiding Spot" and "Subtle Magics" abilities, where "adjacent" was spelt "adjacent"
- Larry the Leprechaun can now be used the in Beauties and the Beasts objective
- Changed the description of "I Like Potatoes" to remove an old reference to "unspent idols"
- Fixed the "gained tokens while away" notification not showing up
March 23rd, 2016[]
Wednesday 23 March 2016
version 0.52.1
- RoboRabbit Buffed!
- Tweaks
- RoboRabbit's Click Capacitor now stores 20% of your DPS per second, up from 1%, but only expels 5% per click, instead of 10%. This skill is intended to be used to temporarily increase your DPS for play styles where you click infrequently (like only when taking down a boss), with a moderate 'recharge period' before it's powerful again. It is not intended to compete with the consistent damage of the Bush Whacker's Swordplay when clicking constantly.
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players with +'s in their email addresses could not unsubscribe from the email newsletter