Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Matt Spacewalker is the new Crusader in Season 5 of the Dungeons, The Crypt.

For reaching level 8 on the free rewards track this season, or from the Dungeon Depot in future seasons, you can welcome your new marshmallow floaty friend Matt Spacewalker.

Found floating somewhere in space, and telling you he's Human, Matt joins your team and refuses to remove his helmet. Matt will grow stronger the more you use him, converting XP into a permanent DPS buff, as well benefiting from his personal EP and gold missions that you've completed.

When you want to use him, you can find him in seat 38 on the bench.

Matt Spacewalker Card


Mythials, the Cosmic
As part of the sunset celebrations, Matt becomes a angel space dragon. This creates a set of tag changes:

Minus-red MTag Human Human
Plus-green MTag Magical Magical
Plus-green MTag Supernatural Supernatural
Plus-green MTag Angel Angel
Plus-green MTag Dragon Dragon


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Chasing the Sun
100 1.05E+57 Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1e5%
Quote: I'm like a sunflower, looking for the sun on the worlds I explore.
Space Needs Exploring
200 4.20E+60 For every 25 levels over and including 200, Matt Spacewalker's DPS is multiplied by 5x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: Hearts need to beat, and man needs to look to space.
Lift Off
300 1.68E+64 Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1e5%
Quote: Clear skies and launch path calculated, time to depart.
New Heights
400 6.71E+67 Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1,000% for every power of 2 gold missions completed, stacking multiplicatively.
Quote: Are there actually heights in space?
Little Blue Dot
600 2.69E+71 Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1e5%
Quote: Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.
Planetary Systems
800 1.07E+75 Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1,000% for every power of 2 EP they have, stacking multiplicatively.
Quote: A galactic empire governing billions of worlds means so many systems.
Cryo Freeze
1000 4.30E+78 On resetting the world, for every 5 XP Matt Spacewalker has earned this reset, earn 1 stack of Cryo Sleep. For every stack of Cryo Sleep, buff the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 10%, stacking additively. Stacks of Cryo Sleep last forever.
(Can't be Mimicked or Propagated)
Quote: Helps to pass the time, but please don't wake the passengers early.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Rocket Common
Cheap Knockoff Rocket
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 10%

Toy Rocket
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 25%

Simple Spaceplane Replica
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 50%

Officially Licensed Space Shuttle Model
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Major Space Agency's Reference Shuttle Design
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 150%

Functional 1:10 Scale Rocket Kit
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 400% for each Human Crusader, stacking multiplicatively.

Golden Legendary
Major Space Agency's Reference Shuttle Design
Increases the effect of Chasing the Sun and Lift Off and Little Blue Dot ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 400% for each Human Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Helmet Common
Astronaut-Themed Fish Bowl
Increases the effect of Cryo Freeze ability by 10%

Stylized Football Helmet
Increases the effect of Cryo Freeze ability by 25%

Training Helmet
Increases the effect of Cryo Freeze ability by 50%

Commercial Astronaut's Helmet
Increases the effect of Cryo Freeze ability by 100%

Aldrin's Apollo 11 Helmet
Increases the effect of Cryo Freeze ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 400% for each Good Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Map Common
Child's Space Drawing
Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 100%

Crumpled Space Map
Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 200%

Precision Space Map
Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 500%

Solar System Model
Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 1000%

Holographic Solar System Model
Increases the DPS of Matt Spacewalker by 2500%
Legendary: Buffs the 3rd slot rune effect of Matt Spacewalker by 35%

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Thanks to Matt's legendary map effect, he has an unusually high maximum crusader level. With a level 15 slot 3 rune and a level 20 map, his rune will increase his max level by 688 131 750. Combined with his unusually high multiplier on Space Needs Exploring, Matt can be a strong crusader even with low gold. In extremely high-area runs, such as area 150 000 for maximum dungeon rewards, Matt is the 2nd strongest crusader available and is still sufficiently strong enough to handle such extremes himself.

