Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Mister the Monkey is the second Crusader that could be unlocked during the Carnival of Sorrows event. In the same manner as Pete the Carney, he can be swapped with another Crusader, in this case Detective Kaine, Larry the Leprechaun, Bernard the Bartender, or Zombie Winter.

Only one of these can be used at a time; although they can be swapped at any time.


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Banana Phone[1]
5 250K Increases the DPS of Mister the Monkey by 100%.
Quote: Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring.

10 625K Unlocks the Magnify ability: Increase the effectiveness of the next activated ability by 50%. Doesn't stack.
Quote: I stole this trick from a crazy sherlock-type fellow with a funny brown robe.
Barrel Roll
25 2.50M Increases the DPS of Mister the Monkey by 100%.
Quote: I learned this trick from my uncle Kong.
50 20.0M Increases the DPS of Mister the Monkey by 125%.
Quote: I can annoy our enemies with my high pitched screeching.
Follow the Leader
75 200M Increase all Gold found by 20% for each Crusader in the column behind Mister the Monkey.
Quote: Hey! I think there's gold this way! Follow me, and keep an eye out!
Monkey Business
100 2.40B Additively increases the effect of Follow the Leader by 5% for each other Animal in the formation.
Quote: It's not personal, it's just business.[2]
200 15.0t For every 25 levels over and including 200, Mister the Monkey's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: The more powerful I get, the more poop I can throw!

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Toys Common
Flappy Bird
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Annoyed Bird
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Three-Eyed Crow
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Spongy Toy
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Somewhat Creepy Mini-Monkey Toy of Self Reference
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Sparkling Squeaking Unicorn Toy of Amusement
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 33% for each Crusader affected by Follow the Leader (additive)

Golden Legendary
Somewhat Creepy Mini-Monkey Toy of Self-Reference
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases all Gold found by 33% for each Crusader affected by Follow the Leader (additive)

Hats Common
Last Year's Bowler Hat
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 5% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

This Year's Bowler Hat
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 10% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Slightly Dapper Bowler Hat
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 25% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Over-the-top Bowler Hat
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 50% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Golden Epic
Hypnotic Rainbow Bowler Hat of Queasy Stomachs
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 60% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)

Rocket-Powered Bowler Hat of Explosions
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 75% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Animal Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Hypnotic Rainbow Bowler Hat of Queasy Stomachs
Reduce the cooldown of Magnify by 80% (Can reduce past cooldown cap)
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Animal Crusaders by 100%

Canes Common
Twiggy Cane
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 10%

Perfectly Fine Cane
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 25%

Investigator's Cane
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 50%

Ancient Silver Cane of Walking
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Hidden Blade Cane of Secret Stabby Stabby‎
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 150%

Suave Serpent Cane of Sauntering Sapiens
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 25% for each Crusader in the column behind Mister the Monkey

Golden Legendary
Hidden Blade Cane of Secret Stabby Stabby‎
Increases the effect of Follow the Leader ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 25% for each Crusader in the column behind Mister the Monkey

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
  • Follow the Leader stacks multiplicatively.
  • If you find it difficult assign a slot for Kaine in your formation (especially in a Werewolf formation) without taking a toll on your formation DPS, or if Mister's gold bonus is greater than that of Kaine's, consider using Mister to boost your gold find instead. 
  • Mister's gold bonus skill, Follow The Leader, makes him an appropriate substitute to Kaine.
    • Mister is especially helpful in formations with many animals. With Monkey Business and several animals, Follow the Leader can easily be more effective than Kaine's Ah-Hah! ability.
  • As the tooltip suggests, he should be placed in front of the column with the most slots.
    • This, coupled with the fact that he is a non-human, makes him capable of replacing Kaine in a Werewolf formation where the Emo Werewolf occupies the column with the most slots (in diamond formation, for example).
  • As Mister also possesses the Magnify skill, this skill could be used without needing to switch to Kaine (and placing him in the formation) for it.


  1. Song by the singer Raffi, which later became an internet meme.[1]
  2. Line from the film, The Godfather.