Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Monday 3 October 2016[]

Version v0.79.1

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed talents not applying to Storm Rider properly
  • Fixed equipment not applying to Storm Rider properly
  • Fixed some other equipment not applying bonuses properly
  • Fixed a missing discription in the new Mister the Monkey upgrade (mobile)

Friday 7 October 2016[]

Version v0.80

Canadian Turkey Weekend Buff


  • Added the "Canadian Turkey Weekend" buff weekend event. Buffed Crusaders include the Jim the Lumberjack, Khouri the Witch Doctor, Merci the Mad Wizard, Pete the Carney, and RoboTurkey.
  • Added a new chest type containing gear for just the five Crusaders above, plus a special Golden Epic for Merci the Mad Wizard with purchase of any special chest package. Note: You will only receive gear for Pete or RoboTurkey if you unlocked them during an event or through a mission.


  • (PC) FIxed several bonus calculations when Mindy copies buffed formation abilities.
  • Fixed an issue with Carnival chest containing gear for tier 2 Carnival Crusaders in certain circumstances without them being unlocked.
  • Added "support" tag to the Half Blood Elf's tags.

Friday 14 October 2016[]

Version: v0.81

Octoberfun Objectives


  • Added four new objectives to the "Idols Through Time" campaign:
    • Echoes - Beat area 600 while under attack from echoes of yourselves
    • Hamstrung - Beat area 600 without any of those useless DPS Crusaders
    • The Lost World - Beat area 650 while constantly fending off scary dinosaurs
    • Atrophy - Beat area 700 while your Crusaders are constantly dying
  • Added the "Octoberfun Objectives" buff weekend event. Buffed Crusaders include the Washed-Up Hermit, the Princess, Natalie Dragon, Nate Dragon, or Mister the Monkey.
  • Added a new chest type containing gear for just the five Crusaders above, plus a special Golden Epic for Nate Dragon with purchase of any special chest package. Note: You will only receive gear for Mister the Monkey if you unlocked him during an event or through a mission.


  • (Mobile) max_percent_damage_by_second supported (some special objective enemies will take longer to kill)
  • (Mobile) Objectives with multiple randomly spawning enemies will no longer spawn at an increased rate to the flash version

Friday 21 October 2016[]

Version: v0.82

Emo's New Moon Year 2!


  • Updated the Emo's New Moon event for year 2:
    • Re-ordered the tier 1 objectives to the standard event objective order, and changed token prices and requirements to reflect the new order
    • Added new tier 1 objective to fill out the bunch. Much like the Carnival event, this new objective must be completed before moving on to tier 2
      • Trick or Treat: Reach area 250 while monsters Trick or Treat you
    • Added five new tier 2 objectives:
      • The Scaredy-Ghoul: Reach area 300 while escorting a wussy Ghoul
      • Research and Development: Reach area 300 while developing Fright-o-tech!
      • G-g-g-ghost!: Reach area 400 while fending off scary ghosts
      • Scared to Death: Reach area 450 while your Crusaders are getting stressed out
      • Halloween Hoopla: Reach area 500 with only Halloween Crusaders
    • Tier 1 objectives and free play now require that BOTH tier 1 Crusaders be recruited
    • Tier 1 recruit objectives will automatically be marked as complete if you recruited their Crusaders via missions.
      • Free play price reduced from 3000 tickets to 2500
    • Added Idol requirements to the tier 1 event objectives
    • Reordered the tier 1 objectives to the more traditional unlock-unlock-chest-chest order
    • Requirement for the two Halloween Candies spending achievements lowered to 16,500 and 33,000 respectively
    • Halloween Chests have been updated to drop loot for any of the four Crusaders, however gear for tier 2 Crusaders will only appear if those Crusaders are recruited
    • Halloween Chests will now weigh their drops towards unfilled slots and upgrades, making it easier to gear up all four Crusaders evenly (tldr; more drops for the tier 2 Crusaders if you geared up the tier 1 ones last year)
    • As before, the event dialog now lets you toggle between tier 1 and tier 2 of an event; you can still complete achievements, earn loot, and do objectives in either year at any time
  • Added tech for an Extra Life surprise starting tomorrow!


  • Fixed an issue with some achievements not displaying properly on mobile.

Friday 28 October 2016[]

Version: v0.83

Emo's Weekend Wonder


  • Added the "Emo's Weekend Wonder" buff weekend event.
  • Buffed Crusaders include Emo Werewolf, Detective Kaine, Artaxes the Lion, Sarah the Collector and Littlefoot.
  • Added a new chest type containing gear for just the five Crusaders above, plus a special Golden Epic for Emo Werewolf with the first purchase of any special chest package.


  • Reduced Fright-o-Tron 4000's and Henry the Scaredy-Ghoul's Rare Global DPS items from 20% to 15%, to match other Crusaders
  • (PC) Fixed Mosh Pit not crediting
  • (PC) Reduced lag when formation abilities are applied. Further improvements are ongoing.
  • (Mobile) Fixed Billy's Golden Epic Cufflink not applying properly

See Also[]
