Thursday 1 October 2020[]
Version: v0.261
- Carnival of Sorrows, Tier 6
- Updated the Carnival of Sorrows for Tier 6
- New Crusader: Mogra, the Ringleader (slot 36)
- New Skin: Cub skin for Sashimi
- 5 new objectives:
- Recruit Mogra, the Ring Leader: Reach area 600 by following the leader.
- Vaudeville for Life: Reach area 650 with some campy companions.
- Acrobatic Endeavors: Reach area 650 with some campy companions.
- Audience Feeding: Reach area 700 while begging for treats.
- Practical Effects: Reach area 725 with the wondrous duo.
- When an event begins, objectives which award skins will be automatically marked as complete if the skin has already been obtained by other means.
- Added recruitment and gear missions for all remaining Tier 5 Crusaders.
- Added all remaining Tier 5 skins to the skin shop.
- Hildr’s Mead Powered now affects all of Viktor’s upgrades.
- Tooltips for achievements now update when achievement progress updates.
- Added another level to the Bonus Training talent.
- Fixed certain pooled effects erroneously increasing DPS.
- Fixed formation abilities which target based on other formation abilities not being propagated.
- Fixed some formation abilities displaying a “Current Bonus” even when not active.
Thursday 15 October 2020[]
Version: v0.262
- Double Idol Weekend!
- Added the Double Idols buff, lasting all the way to Tuesday the 20th!
- Changed how active buffs are sorted.
Wednesday 21 October 2020[]
Version: v0.263
- Introducing the Clocktower, and Runes!
- Added the all-new Rune system
- Access it from the Runes button on the Inventory tab
- Added Runic chests for earning Runes
- Released season 2 of the Dungeons, the Clocktower, with all new rewards!
- Added new achievements for using the Rune System and for the Dungeon objectives
- Added a More Chests sale. Additional chests are awarded with all purchases. Up to 50% more chests, free!
- Changed the formations for Playing it Old School, Free for All and Sunday Stroll in the Dungeons
- Changed the rotating Dungeon Points and Dungeon Coins bonuses
- Changed the accumulation rates for Dungeon Points and Dungeon Coins
- Added rewards through area 14,000 on the Dungeon objectives
Thursday 22 October 2020[]
Version: v0.264
- Weekly Runic Chests
- Added weekly Runic Chests to the Ruby, Challenge, and Dungeon shops.
- 40 Challenge Tokens (3 per week)
- 45 Dungeon Coins (3 per week)
- 300 Rubies (2 per week)
- Added missing rune slots for Biff and Warwick.
- Fixed some rune effects scaling incorrectly.
Friday 23 October 2020[]
Version: v0.265
- Magic Shoes Weekend Buff
- Added the Magic Shoes weekend buff, starting at noon PT.
- Fixed the mission EP effect from runes stacking multiplicatively, despite saying it stacks additively.
- Fixed chest missions appearing to add twice as many chests.
- Fixed “Don’t show again” options not taking effect.
- Fixed EP tooltips not properly reflecting the effect of EP-sharing runes.
- Clarified that the mission-duration-decreasing effect from runes only applies to longer missions.
Thursday 29 October 2020[]
Version: v0.266
- Emo's New Moon, Tier 6
- Update Emo’s New Moon for Tier 6
- New Crusader: Crooked Crow (Slot 30)
- New Skin: Nightwing skin for Viktor the Vampire
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Crooked Crow: Scavenge all the way to area 600.
- Frightening Ghouls: Reach area 650 from beyond the grave.
- Bite Night: Reach area 675 without letting all that blood slow you down.
- Candy Mania: Reach area 700 to satisfy your sweet tooth.
- Soulful Escort: Reach area 725 with an enchanting troupe.
- Changed rotating store items to refresh at noon PST.
- Changes won’t be apparent until each item’s next cycle.
- (Oct 23) Fixed the Runic chest tab displaying two sets of purchase buttons.
- (Oct 23) Fixed the Mission Duration Time Reduction runes so they stack multiplicatively as described, instead of just using the highest reduction.
- (Oct 27) Fixed being unable to drag and drop runes properly with the game scaled.
- (Oct 27) Fixed runes’ EP-increasing effect applying before the Sharing is Caring talent.
Friday 30 October 2020[]
Version: v0.267
- A Light in the Darkness Weekend Buff
- Added the Light in the Darkness weekend buff, starting at noon PT.
- Henry’s Legendary tombstone now provides DPS for every DPS Crusader in formation, instead of for every empty slot.
- Henry’s Legendary light now provides global DPS for every undead Crusader, instead of requiring that Alan be in the formation.
- Fright-o-Tron’s legendary nightmare fuel now provides global DPS for every undead Crusader, instead of requiring that RoboTurkey be in the formation.
- Fright-o-Tron’s Remote Detonation now uses a multiple of your DPS, instead of the dying monster’s max health.
- Changed the graphic for Victor’s Vampiric Germ.
- Mindy now applies a different graphic when mimicking Vampiric Germ.
- Crooked Crow’s Back Alley Doctor is now reduced by 5% per gold-finder Crusader, instead of 10%.
- (Oct 29) Crooked Crow’s Creepy Crawlies now disappear if they reach the formation, which doesn’t count as killing them.
- Fixed the Merge slot in the Runes window not registering the mouse position properly when the game is scaled.
- Fixed the chance on Crooked Crow’s Carrion Picks not appearing to update when buffed.
- (Oct 29) Fixed the Bossing Around talent’s description formatting strangely.