Monday 4 October 2021[]
Version: v0.306.1
- Achievements and Bug Fixes
- Added the Season 5 achievements.
- (September 29th) Fixed a bug with stat information not updating. This resolves abilities for Garnet, Bruno, and more that have stack interactions on reset not updating.
- Added missing reward data to play history listings for Dungeon point missions.
- Fixed the permanent campaigns’ highest area display always showing 0.
- (October 1st) Unlocked Torakichi in the Dungeon shop.
- Fixed dungeon recipes being purchasable in the dungeon shop before the corresponding Crusader had been unlocked, causing nothing to be awarded.
- Fixed an issue with the rewards details when a reward amount was larger than three digits.
Monday 4 October 2021[]
Version: v0.306.2
- Bug Fix
- Fixed an exception breaking area progress when Matt Spacewalker was not in formation.
Wednesday 6 October 2021[]
Version: v0.306.3
- Miscellaneous Content
- Added weekend promo data.
- Fixed a bug in dungeon objective difficulty synchronization between the client and server.
- Tweaked the Dungeon Rewards Breakdown panel’s rounding and precision to try to limit floating point errors. Please note that reward amounts have not actually been modified.
Thursday 14 October 2021[]
Version: v0.307
- Carnival of Sorrows, Tier 7
- Carnival of Sorrows for Tier 7
- New Crusader: Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit (slot 39)
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit: Reach area 650 without becoming distracted by the lights.
- Carnival of Attraction: Reach area 750 while being mobbed by admirers.
- Carnival of Sushi: Test some new sushi ideas on the way to area 800.
- Carnival of Magic: Reach area 850 to perfect your magic tricks.
- Carnival of Evil: Reach area 900 while keeping your distance.
- Added an extra level to the Bonus Training talent.
- Renamed the Recruit achievements for Chiyome and Sashimi.
- Changed the Legendary effects on Mindy’s hat and makeup.
Friday 15 October 2021[]
Version: v0.307.1
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue listing objective requirements when there was a talent requirement and the related talent was not purchased.
- Corrected the objective effect on Carnival of Evil.
- Fixed an issue with buffing upgrades.
- Added a check to the Carnival Troops achievement to prevent it counting non-freeplay objectives.
- Modified the Carnival Troops achievement description to clarify the requirement.
- Restricted mimic and propagation on Erabelle's Electric Feeling upgrade.
Friday 15 October 2021[]
Version: v0.307.2
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing Erabelle's Pollinate upgrade from working.
- Fixed an issue which allowed Electric Feeling to trigger when it should not have been allowed.
Wednesday 27 October 2021[]
Version: v0.307.3
- Bug Fixes
- Tidied up the Dungeon Rewards Breakdown panel - added a vertical scrollbar and a small clarification.
- Some Taskmasters may appear in Flash Sales now if unowned.
- (Oct 19th) Fixed an issue with areas-cleared-with-only-campaign-crusaders (such as Carnival Troops) achievements sometimes not zeroing out the tracking stat on reset, causing the next run to fail immediately when it should have been eligible.
- Cleaned up rogue active/not active text appearing on some formation abilities.
- Minor text fixes.
Thursday 28 October 2021[]
Version: v0.308
- Emo’s New Moon, Tier 7
- Emo’s New Moon for Tier 7
- New Crusader: Xochitl, La Llorona (slot 24)
- 5 New Objectives:
- Recruit Xochitl, La Llorona: Reach area 650 while remembering that the ghost is on your side.
- Ghost Story: Reach area 750 while trying to keep it together.
- Malignant: Reach area 800 while feeling your way forward in the dark.
- Hex: Reach area 850 without spending too long on each area.
- Tooth Fairy: Reach area 900 while comforting a scared child.
- Added two new Taskmaster DLC packs, found in the store: Anna the Possessed and Yorick the Silent.
- Rebalanced the Season 5 Dungeon rewards:
- Decreased the cost per level past reward level 75.
- Increased the Dungeon Point payout for all difficulties starting at area 12,000.
Friday 29 October 2021[]
Version: v0.308.1
- Bug Fixes
- (Oct 28th) Fixed the Recruit Xochitl objective having incorrect targeting on its Formation Abilities.
- (Oct 28th) Fixed the Tier 7 Halloween chest being replaced by an incorrect chest.
- Fixed an error in the dungeon rewards level points calculation at level 75 & 76. This will have a cascading effect as higher levels shift up a small amount due to the correction.
- (Oct 29th) Fixed Xochitl’s 3rd slot Legendary’s base effect not being increased over the Epic in the same slot.
- (Oct 29th) Fixed a problem in the Ghost Story objective that caused some objective escorts to steal spaces from others.