Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Oona Para rugby star is the new Crusader in the fifth tier of the Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage Event.

ANNOUNCER 1: Have you ever watched Para Rugby?
ANNOUNCER 2: It's scary!
ANNOUNCER 1: And there's no one scarier on the field than Oona, Para Rugby Star.
ANNOUNCER 2: The fact that she is a Record Chaser is certainly noteworthy - her DPS increases exponentially as the enemy spawn rate increases.
ANNOUNCER 2: Yeah, it combines well with her Elven Stamina, which increases her DPS for every 25 levels over and include 200, multiplying her DPS by a factor of 4.
ANNOUNCER 1: What about her Blueshift? Have you seen that?
ANNOUNCER 2: I haven't yet, but I hear it somehow makes enemies weaker, reducing their effective level by 25 while retaining their damage and gold values.
ANNOUNCER 1: And of course, she also plays Murderball.
ANNOUNCER 2: Don't get me started on that - she's a force to be reckoned with! She can Turn on a Dime and improve Record Chaser even further.
ANNOUNCER 1: Would you say she has 'No Limits'?
ANNOUNCER 2: I certainly would. She is an asset to any formation.


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Attack Position
50 4.096e+46 Increases the DPS of Oona, Para Rugby Star by 400%
Quote: "Don't give them a chance to defend!"
Record Chaser
100 1.632e+50 Increases the DPS of Oona, Para Rugby Star by 50% for every 10% of bonus monster spawn speed, stacking additively
Quote: "Faster! Faster! Faster!"
Elven Stamina
200 6.56e+54 For every 25 levels over and including 200, Oona, Para Rugby Star's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: "I'm just getting started!"
300 2.624e+59 Reduce monster health by 25 areas.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: At speeds like this, monsters don't stand a chance.
400 1.048e+68 Increases the DPS of Oona, Para Rugby Star by 400%
Quote: "A brutal name for a brutal sport."
Turn on a Dime
600 4.192e+74 Increases the DPS of Oona, Para Rugby Star by 50% of the effect of Record Chaser for each Gold Find Crusader in the formation, stacking multiplicatively
Quote: Or any kind of coin.
No Limits
800 1.68e+77 Increases the effect of Record Chaser by 100%
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: "No more holding back!"

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Ball Common
Ruddy Ball
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 10%

Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 25%

Para Rugby Ball
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 50%

Unsigned Champion's Ball
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Winter League Championship Ball
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 150%

Special Edition Rugby Balls
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Oona, Para Rugby Star's Attack Position and Murderball upgrades by 100%

Golden Legendary
Winter League Championship Ball
Increases the effect of Blueshift ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Oona, Para Rugby Star's Attack Position and Murderball upgrades by 100%

Gloves Common
Thin Gloves
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 10%

Simple Gloves
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 25%

Ultra-Grip Gloves
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 50%

Protective Arm Covers
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 100%

Golden Epic
The Fearless Olympian's Gloves
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 150%

Master Series Arm Guards
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Oona by 100% for each Magical and Supernatural Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Golden Legendary
The Fearless Olympian's Gloves
Increases the effect of Record Chaser ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Oona by 100% for each Magical and Supernatural Crusader, stacking multiplicatively

Wheelchair Common
Loaner Wheelchair
Increases the effect of Turn on a Dime ability by 10%

Backup Wheelchair
Increases the effect of Turn on a Dime ability by 25%

Professional-Grade Chair
Increases the effect of Turn on a Dime ability by 50%

Speedster's Seat
Increases the effect of Turn on a Dime ability by 100%

'Night League' Wheels
Increases the effect of Turn on a Dime ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of Oona by 100% for each Crusader behind her, stacking multiplicatively

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

  • Gold finders that also have also abilities that boost spawn speed are:
    • Turps the Tasty's Tasty ability. 2% to 20% without items. 6% to 60% with Legendary Sauce
    • Alacrity the Matchmaker's Summon Scamp ability 50% (100% when male (will be male if there are more non-magical than magical crusaders next to Alacrity)), these numbers go 3(normal)-4(golden) times with her Legendary Love Meter.
    • Dr. Evil, PhD's Heavy Competition 50% when there are more infected Crusaders than monsters alive.
    • Rex the Wrestler's Exotic Markets ability 50%(base)-200%(with Golden Legendary Boots, 150% with non-Golden Legendary Boots) when active
    • Snickette the Sneaky's Quick Fingers ability starts at 100% but goes down 5% per second until it is only 25%
    • Sjin the Builder's Mountain "construct" boosts monster spawn by 10% (20% with Fortress "construct"). 30% (120% with Fortress "construct") with Legendary Hammer. 40% (200% with Fortress "construct") with Golden Legendary Hammer
      • Euodia the Fencer has Lightning Precision(Increase monster spawn speed by 100% for the first 10 seconds of each area) but isn't a gold finder
  • You can get up to 200% monster speed buff from Monster Spawn Speed buffs without talents. Part of these buffs will stick around if you have the Lingering Buffs talent.
  • Oona, Para Rugby Star is one of two crusaders to modify monsters health (the other being Fright-o-Tron 4000). There are some objectives where this is especially useful like objectives with Enemies that are damage-capped (like the witches in Breadcrumbs), or enemies that heal (like the healers in Wowza!)
    • The big distinction between the two is that Fright-o-Tron 4000 reduces health by a % of max health, which means when you hit an un-killable enemy it tries reducing infinity by a %, which still results in infinity, and doesn't increase the area you can reach.
    • Oona on the other hand, gives them the health they had 25 areas earlier. This essentially raises the max area you can reach by the effect of her Blueshift ability.
  • At normal area scaling (tier 1 objectives, freeplays, etc.), 100 areas of Blueshift is equivalent to about e29 DPS. At 4.5x scaling (tier 7 objectives), 100 areas is equivalent to about e87 DPS. At 7.5x scaling (difficulty 5 dungeons), 100 areas is equivalent to e145 DPS.

