Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Some Crusaders shoot projectiles, helpful for dealing sudden bursts of high damage, and often dealing with special enemies only damaged by limited types of attacks.

(Note: Projectiles were overhauled on July 26th, 2019. See the information below for details.)

Here is a list of Crusaders with projectile abilities. This information includes the rate of fire in seconds, the number of projectiles fired, and the amount of damage dealt. Note that Damage amounts are based on DPS and CLK respectively, so '10x/100x' means '10 times the current DPS amount, or 100 times the current CLK amount, whichever is higher'.

Name Damage Number Seconds Notes
VeronicaTheAndroidArcher 24 Veronica, the Android Archer 10x/100x* 1 5
Arachnobuddy 24 Arachnobuddy 5x/50x* 1-13** 5/3 Quick Blast reduces rate
TheWashedUpHermit 24 The Washed Up Hermit 10x/100x 1 5
KarlTheKicker 24 Karl the Kicker 10x/100x* 1-5 5 Play of the Game adds projectiles
TheGameGoblin 24 The Game Goblin 10x/100x* 1 2.5 Cave-Bound must be active
MontanaJames 24 Montana James 10x/100x* 1 5
GemthelTheGourmet 24 Gemthel the Gourmet 10x/100x* 1 5 Added to Crusaders in column
KatieTheCupid 24 Katie the Cupid 5x/50x 2 5
Odile, Snowflake Defender 24 Odile, Snowflake Defender 10x/100x 1 5 Increases Gold drop when used to kill Boss monsters
GreyskullThePirate 24 Greyskull the Pirate 20x/200x 1-13** 10
Agent79 24 Agent 79 20x/200x 1 5/3 Rapid Fire reduces rate
AnaGuinness 24 Ana Guinness 5x/200x 1 10 With splash damage
KoivuTheDryad 24 Koivu the Dryad None 1 5 Increases damage on 'acorn' monsters only
BiffTheMagicRabbit 24 Biff the Magic Rabbit 10x/100x* 1 10 With splash damage
LangleyTheConductor 24 Langley the Conductor 20x/200x* 1 10/1 Enemies drop x50 gold
Qadir of House Tintahal 24 Qadir of House Tintahal 10x/100x 1-9** 5/3 Extra Energy reduces rate

Damage: * - Can be increased by Gear
Number: ** - Gear determines projectile quantity

Agent 79 is especially useful, as she enhances all Crusader projectiles with her upgrades, allowing them to 'bounce' for more damage, explode for splash damage, and increase gold found from enemies killed by projectiles.

43G1S's Defensive Battery counts as a projectile attack for missions that require it, but they don't count as a projectile crusader.

Projectile Update

Here are the details from the July 26th, 2019 overhaul of projectiles:

  • Projectiles now have a cooldown, instead of an interval. This means no longer wasting shots when no monsters are in range.
  • Projectiles will generally avoid overkill, preferring to spread attacks out or wait for more monsters to spawn.
  • Projectiles now benefit from your critical click chance and multiplier. (Base rates are 1% chance and 2x damage)
  • For abilities with their own criticals, the multiplier is added while the chance becomes the chance of either or both occurring.
  • Projectile abilities' amounts have been dramatically increased, and can benefit from either CLK or DPS.
  • Note that for the purpose of special objectives, projectiles are their own damage type.
  • Damage from exploding projectiles now counts as projectile damage, for monsters resistant to particular types