Runes enhance crusaders' abilities in objectives and missions. Each Crusader has five slots: the first three buff objective ability, the fourth missions, and the last something unique per Crusader.
There are five rune types assigned to slots pseudorandomly: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Soul. Runes of levels four or less can be obtained from Runic Chests. Higher level runes can be obtaining by merging two runes of one level lower.
Runes are normally fixed in-slot once assigned, but can be removed with a special Rune Solvent, obtainable from missions. Notably, you can't replace a lower level rune with a higher level one -- you have to merge runes to upgrade.
Rune Descriptions[]
Rune Effect | Rune Descriptions | Starting Value* | |
In-formation Effects | |||
Self DPS | Increases the DPS of the crusader | 100% | |
Self Health | Increases the Health of the crusader | 100% | |
Formation DPS | Increases the DPS of the whole formation | 40% | |
Max Level | Increases the max level of the crusader | 250 | |
Click Damage | Increases click damage | 40% | |
Gold Find | Increases gold find | 20% | |
Out of formation effects | |||
EP Sharer | Increases the amount of EP they share with the others on their bench slot | 25% | |
Mission Effects | |||
Reward Doubler | Has a small chance of doubling the rewards from any mission. | 0.25% | |
EP Mission | Increases the amount of EP from missions | 200% | |
Gold Mission | Increases the amount of gold from missions. | 50% | |
Mission Shortener | Decreases the time it takes to run a mission | 5% | |
*Values displayed in this chart are the starting value with a Level 1 Rune in the slot. Values in blue double for each Rune level, values in the green cells are additive. | |||
double: Level X = Level 1 * 2(X) | additive: Level X = X * Level 1 |
Rune Distributions[]
# | Crusader | Rune 1 | Rune slot 1 Effect | Rune 2 | Rune slot 2 Effect | Rune 3 | Rune slot 3 Effect | Rune 4 | Rune slot 4 Effect | Rune 5 | Rune slot 5 Effect |
1 | The Bush Whacker | Fire | Click Damage | Water | Click Damage | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Reward Doubler | Soul | Crit Click 5%+ (mult) |
1a | RoboRabbit | Air | Click Damage | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Windup Bunny 100% |
1b | Graham the Driver | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Click Damage | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Splat, The Dance Button 400% |
1c | Warwick the Warlock | Soul | Click Damage | Fire | Click Damage | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Curse of Weakness 500% |
1d | Slisiblyp, the Alien Scientist | Earth | Click Damage | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Symbiosis, Alien Ecosystem 400% |
2 | Jim the Lumberjack | Water | Self DPS | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Max Level | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Sharpen Party, Buddy System 400% |
2a | Pilot Pam | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Co-pilot, Focused Teamwork 400% |
2b | Veronica, the Android Archer | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Precise Aim, Elven Eyes 400% |
2c | Arachnobuddy | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Friendly Neighborhood 1000% |
2d | James the Seated | Water | Self DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Max Level | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Mediator, Team Player 400% |
3 | Emo Werewolf | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Lone Wolf, Commiseration 400% |
3a | Sally the Succubus | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | Mission Shortener | Air | Seduction, Jealousy 150% |
3b | Karen, the Cat Teenager | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Center of the Universe 15% |
3c | Turps the Tasty | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Tasty, Grinding 400% |
3d | RoboQueen | Water | Self DPS | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Max Level | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | RoboFamily, I like Dragons 400% |
4 | Sasha the Fierce Warrior | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Ferocity 400% |
4a | Groklok the Orc | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Defensive Team, Gunslinger, Eligible Receivers 1000% |
4b | Mindy the Mime | Water | Self DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Max Level | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Mimic 0.5% |
4c | Danni the Daring Damsel | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Eye Candy, Penny in Your Pocket 500% |
4d | Torakichi, The Greedy Tengu | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Serial Copycat by 0.5% |
5 | The Washed Up Hermit | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Craziness 1000% |
5a | Kyle the Party Bro | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Self DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Party Animal, Ladies Man, Get Lucky 400% |
5b | Serpent King Draco | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Self DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Ssslithersss, SSSSSS!, Tigher Grasssp, and HISSS 150% |
5c | Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Spooked, Nervous 400% |
5d | Grandmora | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Still Suspicious, Untrusting 400% |
6 | Detective Kaine | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | A-Hah! 100% |
6a | Mister the Monkey | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Monkey Business 100% |
6b | Larry the Leprechaun | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | Reward Doubler | Earth | Little Pockets, Hiding Spot, Subtle Magics 100% |
6c | Bernard the Bartender | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Gold find 100% |
6d | Zombie Winter | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Gold Find | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Gold Mission | Water | Touch of Wealth 15% |
7 | The Princess | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Ignite, Char, Conflagrate, Incinerate 150% |
7a | RoboTurkey | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Short Circuit 500% |
7b | Ranger Rayna | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Princess Rayna 1000% |
7c | Baenarall, Angel of Hope | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Diversity, Ancient Hatred, The Old Guard 150% |
7d | Willy the Weregoat | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Reciprocation 1000% |
7e | Button Master Ian | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Augmentation 1000% |
8 | Natalie Dragon | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | Gold Mission | Water | Double Dragon by 50% per Human (mult) |
8a | Jack O'Lantern | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | Gold Mission | Air | Cry For Help 400% |
8b | President Billy Smithsonian | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | Gold Mission | Fire | Gold Find 100% |
8c | Karl the Kicker | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Gold Find | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Gold Mission | Water | Showoff 500% |
8d | The Desert Bus | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Drifting Right 1000% |
9 | Jason, Master of Shadows | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | Gold Mission | Air | Night Vision, Crouching/Hidden Jasons, X-Ray Vision, Use the Force 150% |
9a | Pete the Carney | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Bad Joke 400% |
9b | Broot | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | I am Broot (both) 1000% |
9c | Paul the Pilgrim | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Stronger Together 500% |
9d | Kathleen the Chaotic | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Self DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Magic Manipulation 1000% |
10 | Artaxes, the Lion | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Roar!, Hail to the King 400% |
10a | Drizzle the Dark Elf | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Hail Mary, Lateral, Running Play 1000% |
10b | Bubba, the Swimming Orc | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Spich Splash, For the Crowd! 400% |
10c | Sisaron the Dragon Sorceress | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | Mission Shortener | Fire | Focused Magic, Wyrm Armageddon 400% |
10d | The Game Goblin | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Whip It, Looty Booty, and Bad Games 150% |
10e | Ashton, Coffee Pong Referee | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Click Damage | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Dawn Guard by 1000% |
11 | Khouri, the Witch Doctor | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Koffee Potion 1000% |
11a | Momma Kaine | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Conductivity 500% |
11b | Brogon, Prince of Dragons | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Friends of Brogon, Nice and Toasty 400% |
11c | The Half-Blood Elf | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Know Me 1000% |
11d | Foresight | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Supernatural 1000% |
12 | Dark Gryphon | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Click Damage | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Heart Brimming Bravery and Fight in the Shade 400% |
12a | Rocky the Rockstar | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Rock 'n Roll, Amp Up, Sold Out Show and Groupies 150% |
12b | Montana James | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Damsel In Distress, Ladies' Man 150% |
12c | The Dark Helper | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | Reward Doubler | Air | Tank Line, Production 400% |
12d | Red, the Ace Pilot | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Cover, Coalition 150% |
13 | Sarah, the Collector | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | Mission Shortener | Water | Ooh Shiny!, Collect Them All!, My Precioussss, Mine! and Full Set by 150% |
13a | The Metal Soldierette | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | New Paint Job, Arms Race and Cocky Leader 150% |
13b | Snickette the Sneaky | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Focused Support, The Blame Game 400% |
13c | Sjin the Builder | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Teamwork 150% |
13d | Gemthel the Gourmet | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Gourmand Gormet 400% |
14 | Gold Panda | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | Gold Mission | Air | Better than the Slots, Gold!, More Gold!, Order of the Holy Coin 25% |
14a | RoboSanta | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | Gold Mission | Fire | Expensive Toys 100% |
14b | Leerion, the Royal Dwarf | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Gold Find | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Gold Mission | Water | Home Box Office Pay Back Debts and Golden Touch 150% |
14c | Katie the Cupid | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Lovin', Kissin', Huggin', Snugglin' 150% |
14d | The Goldhound | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Tail Wag, Gold Nose 100% |
15 | Prince Sal, the Merman | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Mad Trident Skillz, Shark Attack, Triton's Blessing, 20k Leagues, and Salt Water Taffy 150% |
15a | Wendy the Witch | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Draw Power 500% |
15b | Robbie Raccoon | Water | Self DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Max Level | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Soloist, Tinkerer, Acoustics, Plan B 150% |
15c | Princess Val the Mermaid | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Animal Kingdom 1000% |
15d | Penny the Park Planner | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Troupe Trooper 1000% |
16 | Fire Phoenix | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Formation DPS 100% |
16a | Alan the ArchAngel | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Formation DPS 100% |
16b | Fright-o-Tron 4000 | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | Mission Shortener | Earth | Remote Detonation 100% |
16c | Spaceking | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Ladies' Space-Man, Kirkin' It Up, Avenger 150% |
16d | Euodia the Fencer | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Firestorm dmg by either 1000% DPS or 500% CLK (higher of the two) |
17 | King Reginald IV | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Royal Grail 1000% |
17a | Queen Siri | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Queen's Decree, Role Model 400% |
17b | Mr. Boggins, the Substitute | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | Reward Doubler | Air | New Students, Diversity Day 400% |
17c | Squiggles the Clown | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Royal Past, Warming Up, Receptive Audience 150% |
17d | Beary McBearFace | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | King of the Forest, Friend of the Forest 400% |
18 | Thalia, the Thunder King | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Lightning Ore and Treaties 400% |
18a | Frosty the Snowman | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Chilling Power, Insulation 400% |
18b | Littlefoot | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Growing Up 100% |
18c | Cindy the Cheer-Orc | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Storm Rider 150% |
18d | The Exchange Student | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Class President 400% |
19 | Merci, the Mad Wizard | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Zombie Friends? 1000% |
19a | The Bat Billionaire | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Sidekicks 400% |
19b | Petra the Pilgrim | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Stronger Together 500% |
19c | Polly the Parrot | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Got a Cracker!, Tough Nut to Crack 500% |
19d | Skeletom | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Skeleton Reaper, Radioactive Decay and Exploding Skeletons by 150% |
20 | Nate Dragon | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Double Dragon by 50% per Male (mult) |
20a | Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Pew Pew, Sufficiently Advanced Tech, Actual Magic and Alien Allure 150% |
20b | RoboRudolph | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Trample, All My Circuits, Slay Ride, Sync Up 150% |
20c | Milgrid the Mining Mage | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | We've Got to Go Deeper 1% |
20d | Dr. Almquist, Tusk Specialist | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Wisdom Extraction, Gold Fillings 100% |
21 | The Exterminator | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | Max Level | Air | Mission Shortener | Earth | Spare Parts, Slaved Systems, Triangulation 150% |
21a | Gloria, the Good Witch | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Pixie Dust, Something for Everyone 400$ |
21b | Trixie the Treater | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | New and Exciting 400% |
21c | Holddoor | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Loyalty, Hold the Door 15% |
21d | Adina the Wonderful | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Paragons 400% |
22 | The Shadow Queen | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | The Shadow's Cowl 1000% |
22a | Ilsa, the Insane Wizard | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | What's Yours is Mine 500% |
22b | Bruno the Unicorn | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | Gold Mission | Earth | Dragons Sure Are Friendly, I Like Small Ones Too, Marvelous Gold 15% |
22c | The Evanescent | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Candle in the Window 400% |
22d | Odile, Snowflake Defender | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Gold Mission | Soul | Quad Loop of Death 5% |
23 | Greyskull the Pirate | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Plunder 1000% |
23a | Eiralon, the Blood Mage | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Support Support, Sacrifice, Ritual 150% |
23b | 43G1S | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Defensive Battery, Adaptive Defenses 400% |
23c | Mycall the Mushroom | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Propagation 5% |
23d | Tiernan | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Druidic Patterns 15% |
24 | Priestess of Time | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Time's Agent, Time's Master, Time Absorption, Flow of Time 150% |
24a | Agent 79 | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Hidden Pistol 15% |
24b | Ana Guinness | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Gold Find | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Reward Doubler | Water | Treasure Hunter, Hidden Wealth 100% |
24c | Koivu the Dryad | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Barkskin 100% |
24d | Xochitl, La Llorona | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Deadly Waters by 100% |
25 | Chiyome | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Blend with Shadows, Blend with Crowd, Blend with Enemies 150% |
25a | Griz the Robo-Coach | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Mission Shortener | Soul | Non-Binary Pep Talk, Contract Re-Negotiation 5% |
25b | Biff the Magic Rabbit | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Fan Club 1000% |
25c | First Lady Betty Smithsonian | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Rally the Troops, Human Will, Female Empowerment, Support Network 400% |
25d | Zoraeban, Demonic Angel | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Ignominy, Dual Nature 400% |
26 | Viktor the Vampire | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Allure, Garlic Allery, Stake Aversion, Moonlight 5% |
26a | Shenna the Centaur | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Top-Half Buddies, Bottom-Half Buddies, Gender Buddies 150% |
26b | The Holy Guardian | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Sacred Flame 400% |
26c | Dr. Evil, PhD | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Horrible Experiment, Special Grant Money, Humane Testing 150% |
26d | Nargulg Granitehand | Fire | Click Damage | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Fellowses, Inspiring Brawn 400% |
27 | Chef Casey | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Mission Shortener | Water | Carnivore 150% |
27a | Frankie the Demon Crooner | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Croon 1000% |
27b | Thoonoose | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Cosmic Gem 400% |
27c | Rosie the Rocklechaun | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Spiked Stone 1000% |
27d | Kebos the Mummy | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Lady of the Dead 150% |
28 | Xander, the Xmas Dragon | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Friendly Fire 1000% |
28a | Saint Patrokia | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Bless 1000% |
28b | Rex the Wrestler | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Trophy, Black Market 15% |
28c | The Wolf King | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Self DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Wolf Pack, Empowered Fur 150% |
28d | Langley the Conductor | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Reward Doubler | Soul | Gold find 100% |
29 | Sashimi the Seal | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Treats, Splashing Cash, More Treats 150% |
29a | Ishtar | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Starlight, Love Over Gold 400% |
29b | Arenvarr the Beheaded | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Unearthly Riches, Shared Curse 100% |
29c | Kris, the Enraged Elemental | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Fresh Air 400% |
29d | Marzimallow, The Delicious | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | Mission Shortener | Fire | Assorted Jelly Beans 15%, Tempering Master 5% |
30 | Wrena the Fair | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | Come My Friends! 30% |
30a | Deathpuddle | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | EP Mission | Air | X-Team 1000% |
30b | Drosenthes | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Induced Bioluminescence 25% |
30c | Crooked Crow | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Crawly Friends 15% |
30d | Gwendolyn, Daughter of Night | Soul | Click Damage | Fire | Click Damage | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | The Hunt Rides, Pack Master explosion dmg 400% |
31 | Bridget the Painter | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Egg Painting, Getting Along 150% |
31a | Xygallix | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | We Can Rebuild It, Fleet Tactics 150% |
31b | Alacrity the Matchmaker | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Summon Scamp Summon Scoundrel 100% |
31c | Ursula the Busy Bee | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Good Seeds, Golden Seeds 1000% |
31d | Regent Sawtooth | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Tight-Knit Crew by 400% |
32 | Aphelion the Distant | Air | Self DPS | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Twilight, Synchronized Rotation 15% |
32a | Carmen and Petunia | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | Mission Shortener | Air | The Power of Two 15% |
32b | Ichtaca, the Keeper | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Riddles and Keys, Earthen Family 15% |
32c | Rosoideae | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | EP Sharer | Water | EP Mission | Air | Rose Balm 400% |
32d | Mitsuko the Six-Tailed | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Reward Doubler | Water | A Thousand Grains of Rice by 400% |
33 | Jiaolong the Guardian | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Max Level | Water | Reward Doubler | Air | Eternal Waterfall 15% |
33a | Morrigan the Furious | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | I'll Make My Own Team, Leprechaun Rage 400% |
33b | Momma's Monster | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Scientific Tinkering 1000%, max level of Monstrous Assembly +1000 |
33c | Yaretzi | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Salamander Snacks 100% |
34 | Imani Saskien | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Marked for Death 100% |
34a | Oona, Para Rugby Star | Soul | Self DPS | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Max Level | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Record Chaser, Take Point 100% |
34b | Garnet, Enchantress of Luck | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | Gold Mission | Fire | Good Luck to Warp conversion 100% (Lvl 9+ adds areas Warped) |
34c | Farmer Brown | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | Reward Doubler | Soul | Liquid Gold by 100% |
35 | Queen Ysjorgnak | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Cybernetic 1000% |
35a | Hildr the Gym Teacher | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Mead Powered 5% |
35b | The Alluring Viragallant | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | Reward Doubler | Water | Antennae Tingling 5% |
35c | Umut, the Elemental Chimera | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Fire | EP Sharer | Soul | Mission Shortener | Earth | We Look Good on a Vase by 5% |
36 | Mogra, the Ring Leader | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Gold Find | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Ring Leader 1000% |
36a | Pascal, Highest Bidder Mascot | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Gold Find | Soul | EP Sharer | Fire | EP Mission | Water | Apt Disguise, Emperor of Chaos, Picture Session 100% |
36b | Qadir of House Tintahal | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Formation DPS | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Packed Curio Cabinets 100% |
36c | Kaala Rigel | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Ailuridae Sleepover 400% |
37 | Zuczek the Fire-Blooded | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Laugh in the Face of Fire 15% |
37a | Shir Brio of Cadenza | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Pros with Bows 400% |
37b | Audre DeLarveie | Soul | Formation DPS | Fire | Gold Find | Water | EP Sharer | Air | EP Mission | Earth | Funky and Fierce 15% |
38 | Matt Spacewalker | Fire | Self DPS | Water | Self DPS | Air | Max Level | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | New Heights 100% |
38a | Ligeia, the Lyrical Siren | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Souls of the Past 15% |
39 | Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit | Water | Formation DPS | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | EP Sharer | Soul | EP Mission | Fire | Humans Need Food 15% |
39a | Springy, the Patchwork Plush | Fire | Formation DPS | Water | Gold Find | Air | EP Sharer | Earth | EP Mission | Soul | Button Bling 100% |
40 | TUR7L3 | Air | Formation DPS | Earth | Formation DPS | Soul | Self Health | Fire | Mission Shortener | Water | A Bone to Gnaw 15% |
40a | Zephoralei, the Eventide | Earth | Self DPS | Soul | Max Level | Fire | Max Level | Water | Reward Doubler | Air | Me, Myself and I 5% |