Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Sasha the Fierce Warrior is the fourth Crusader in game. Sasha deals DPS damage to enemies, and her strongest upgrade Bulwark boosts her DPS and the DPS of crusaders in the column behind her by 30%.


Fiercest Warrior
Available in Jeweled Chests or with a one-time token purchase from The Ruby Exchange, Sasha can change her appearance.
(This is a cosmetic change only.)

Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
5 10.0K Increase the Base DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior and Crusaders in the column behind Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 30%.
Quote: Sasha's fearsome shield techniques leave monsters off balance.
Bad Guy Butt Kicking
10 25.0K Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 100%.
Quote: Are monsters bad guys? Close enough for me!
Power of the Warrior
25 100K Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 100%.
Quote: It isn't just power that's important to warriors. They also care about strength and toughness.
Soul of the Warrior
50 800K Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 100%.
Quote: Oh I guess soul is important too.
Joan's Jiu-Jitsu
75 4.00M Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 150%.
Quote: This ancient skill blends the best of medieval combat with Brazilian skill.
150 100M Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 5% for every 10 levels she has
Quote: When fierce isn't enough, it's time to get ferocious.
Take This[1]
200 150B For every 25 levels over and including 200, Sasha the Fierce Warrior's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: It's dangerous to go alone.

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Shield Common
Old Wooden Shield
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 25%

New Wooden Shield
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 50%

Polished Ash Wood Shield
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 100%

Unobtainium Wood Shield
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 400%

Golden Epic
Lunging Targe of the Impaler
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 600%

Super Pointy Legendary Shield of Impaled Enemies
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 800%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Tank Crusader in the formation

Golden Legendary
Lunging Targe of the Impaler
Increases the DPS of Sasha the Fierce Warrior by 1200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 50% for each Tank Crusader in the formation

Helm Common
Helm of the Cook
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 10%

Gleaming Tin Hat
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 25%

Charmed Chainmail Cloche
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 50%

Mithril Chainmail Turban
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 100%

Golden Epic
Flappity Flap Helm of Battering
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 150%

Full Plate Helmet of Pointy Purple Power
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 33% for each Crusader in the column behind Sasha

Golden Legendary
Flappity Flap Helm of Battering
Increases the effect of Bulwark by 300%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 33% for each Crusader in the column behind Sasha

Gloves Common
Rusty Iron Fisticovers
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Gleaming Tin Fenderbenders
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Elegant Chainmail Gauntlets
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Mythril Chainmail Gauntlets
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Evil Infinity Gauntlet of Fair Use
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Fierce Warrior's Gauntlet of Menacing Pointing
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Sasha the Fierce Warrior's Bulwark ability by 100%

Golden Legendary
Evil Infinity Gauntlet of Fair Use
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases the effect of Sasha the Fierce Warrior's Bulwark ability by 100%

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
  • Sasha is one of the available buffers that is viable if she is able to find a place in the formation. If there is an available slot in the column in front of the column your main damage-dealer is in, be sure to use her!
    • However, since Sasha's buff, Bulwark, only boosts dps by 40%, she is a buffer of less importance. In some cases, it is necessary to bench her to make way for the stronger buffs or the main damage-delaer's conditional buff.
      • In box formation, for example, if one decides to buff his main damage-dealer with all the available buffers, he will find that Pete is unable to buff crusaders in the middle column, where one could receive buffs from both Artaxes and Sasha, from any slot (assuming a full formation). In this case, he has to choose whether to bench Artaxes, Pete or Sasha. The correct choice would be Sasha as Artaxes and Pete boost dps by 65% and 50% respectively, which are higher values than Sasha's buff.
      • In jet formation, if one uses Werewolf or Hermit as the main damage-dealer, he would find it almost impossible to assign a slot for Sasha without sacrificing the better buffs.
  • Due to the fact that she is one of the cheaper crusaders to upgrade and every skill other than Bulwark buffs her dps, some players have used her as the main damage-dealer. However, this is only possible if she possesses far more enchantment points than other suitable candidates, since she hardly possesses any outstanding buffs.
  • Sasha is a good cheap buffer in the beginning of a match, since you only have to get to level 5 to get her bulwark ability.
  • With the advent of Legendary gear, Sasha becomes a much stronger buffing character, so carefully check gear to see if she is your best option or not.


  1. Line from the video game The Legend of Zelda.