September 18th, 2015[]
Friday September 18th, 2015
Version 0.32
New Objectives and Fixes!
- New campaign objectives: Inflation, 2,000 Levels for All, and Ms. Fizzle's Field Trip.
- Gold Bonus is now big number formatted. So 1792.71% becomes 1.79K%
- Now display the gold you'd get from using a Time Warp in the drop down effect text.
- Tutorial Wizard is featured in the Pro-Tip boxes.
- Added Hot Keys and Enchantment Points entries in the Help Archive.
- The equipment box border now updates properly. Won't see empty slots with coloured borders.
- Magnify + Storm Rider now applies correctly and persists after refreshing the game.
- Storm Rider no longer persists after soft resetting.
- The Storm Rider multiplier is displayed in the ability tooltip.
- Ability Cooldowns no longer become very long when you return to the game after a long break.
- The objective selection screen will now show the correct number of idols after resetting.
- Fixed some random issues that could be related to chest opening bugs.
- Time played and time since reset count up more accurately in the stats page.
- Fixed a bug that could occur with winning chests in the background.
September 11th, 20015[]
Friday September 11th, 2015
Version 0.31
New Campaign Objectives!
- New (better?) campaign/objectives selection interface!
- New campaign objectives: Around the World, Dual Descent, and PAARRRfection.
- Various bug fixes that might be related to the game freezing.
September 4th, 2015[]
Friday September 4th, 2015
Version 0.30
New Campaign: Captain Ghostbeard's Greed
- Added a new campaign (Captain Ghostbeard's Greed) with initial objectives. Requires at least 300 idols to get started.
- Buffed boss enrage speed and damage.
- The objective Double Trouble now drops less gold per monsters, bringing it back in line with the other objectives and free play in terms of idol farming effectiveness.
- Added support for the shop's Code Redemption to award Jeweled Chests. You are signed up for the newsletter, right?
- Added some code to hopefully help track down those annoying chest opening glitches that some players have been reporting.
- You can no longer open multiple instances of the Play History dialog.
September 2nd, 20015[]
Wednesday September 2nd, 2015
Version 0.29
Player Council & Prep
- Apply for the Player Council! See Instructions in the forums.
- Added a sweetener to your next purchase!
- Prep for future things...