Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Wednesday 4 September 2019[]

Version: v0.210.1

Hotter, Newer, Looks


  • Removed animated stars that appeared on various UI elements to indicate new items.


  • Fixed Dr. Evil still being referred to as evil in some places, with the “Doctor Nice Guy” Skin equipped.
  • Improved stability when loading many graphics (such as when first opening the Missions window.)
  • Fixed several UI elements animating at different speeds based on your selected frame rate.
  • Fixed Skins’ availability appearing to not update upon purchase, if their Crusader is selected in the Skins window.
  • (Aug 30) Fixed buff dropdowns disappearing with some scaling options.
  • (Aug 30) Fixed the Skin effect selector disappearing with some scaling options.
  • (Aug 30) Viewing a locked skin that has no effects no longer appears as though there are effects.
  • (Aug 30) Fixed frame rate defaulting to 30, without updating your settings, when entering full-screen

Friday 6 September 2019[]

Version: v0.210.2

Ice Cream Social Weekend Buff


  • Added the Ice Cream Social weekend buff, starting at noon today.


  • Increased the upgrade costs of Bridget and Xygallix to match their bench slot.


  • Minor memory usage improvements for long sessions

Thursday 12 September 2019[]

Version: v0.211

Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge, Tier 4


  • Updated the Sasha’s Schoolhouse Scourge event for Tier 4
  • New Crusader: Aphelion the Distant
  • 5 New Objectives:
    • Recruit Aphelion the Distant: Reach area 600 with a picky pixie.
    • Jock Shock: Wade through the football team to reach area 700.
    • After School Club: Reach area 750 with some passionate peers.
    • High School Recap: Flip through the yearbook on your way to area 800.
    • Supernatural Activities: Take a paranormal trip to area 850.


  • Opening single chests now uses the general rewards screen, which has been revamped slightly.
    • Single chests are now much quicker to open.
    • Improvements to opening multiple chests are in the works.

Friday 13 September 2019[]

Version: v0.211.1

Eternal High School Weekend Buff


  • Added the Eternal High School weekend buff, starting at noon today.


  • Added a 31st level to the Bonus Training talent.


  • (Sept 12) Reduced some lag during animations when loading new graphics.
  • (Sept 12) Fixed Crusaders’ availability not updating properly when switching skins on objectives with tag restrictions.
  • (Sept 12) Fixed being unable to reset on some objectives.

Friday 20 September 2019[]

Version: v0.212

Brooding Heroes Weekend Buff


  • Missions’ required tags are now sorted the same way for each mission.


  • Fixed a case where Crusaders on the bench would display as both locked and unlocked.
  • Fixed some achievement tooltips overlapping their title and progress bar.
  • Fixed the rewards screen’s “claim all” button sometimes not appearing.
  • Fixed cards flipping in the rewards screen when clicked directly, even when not face-down.
  • Fixed Rosie’s “Stone Form” ability activating when any Crusader dropped below 50% health.
  • Fixed Frankie’s “Croon” timer not updating in tooltips.
  • Various text fixes.

Thursday 26 September 2019[]

Version: v0.213

On a Mission


  • Added two new challenge objectives.
  • Added several new enchantment and material missions, with emphasis on newer tags.
  • Added recruitment and gear missions for the remaining Tier 4 Crusaders.
  • Added a second jeweled chest slot to the challenge shop.
  • Added a second golden loot slot to the challenge shop.
  • It updates every 2 weeks like the other golden loot, but is offset by 1 week.


  • Up to 8 EP missions can now be active at a time.
    • Increased from 7.
  • Reduced the cooldowns for receiving any Rare or Epic mission.
    • Note: Recruitment and gear upgrade missions aren’t subject to this cooldown.
  • Play history entries for resets will now mention the highest level unlocked in that reset.
  • The Domo Arigato challenge now uses the Dr. Evil’s Summer Sabotage formation, and allows using Xygallix.


  • Fixed a case where opening the crafting screen for a specific gear slot would show a previously selected gear slot
  • Fixed skins sometimes not showing properly in the chest screen.
  • The loot tab can now show trinket counts higher than 9999.
  • Fixed some tag-counting abilities only counting tags of which there were exactly 1.
  • Fixed Shenna’s third Legendary item saying it buffed Shenna’s DPS, instead of global DPS.

See Also[]
