Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

What can you do with all those Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens you've accumulated, those Red Rubies Red Rubies that have piled up, or those extra Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts? Go shopping!

Here's the list of what's available in the in-game shops:

The Ruby Exchange[]

Image Name Cost Description Notes
RubyRunicChest Runic Chest 300 Red Rubies Red Rubies Limit 2 per week Runic Chest
Computron9000 Computron 9000 1,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies Utilizes over 15 petaflops of processing power to click at regular intervals. Taskmaster
YvesTheButler Yves the Butler 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies Insists he's actually a valet. Taskmaster
FalseIdol False Idol 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies We're not supposed to worship it, but it's so darn handy! Taskmaster
TMGooby Gooby 7,500 Red Rubies Red Rubies Host to unspeakable powers. Thankfully, it likes you. Taskmaster
RubyTheDragon Ruby the Dragon 15,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies She'll gladly join your cause... for a price. Taskmaster
RubyJC Jeweled Chest 100 Red Rubies Red Rubies x1 Jeweled Chest
RubyBunchJC Bunch of Jeweled Chests 500 Red Rubies Red Rubies x5 Jeweled Chest
RubyPileJC Pile of Jeweled Chests 2,500 Red Rubies Red Rubies x25 Jeweled Chest
RubyHeapJC Heap of Jeweled Chests 10,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies x100 Jeweled Chest
Base20SkinToken Base 20 Skin Token 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies Can be exchanged in the Skins menu for any Skin for one of the original 20 Crusaders. Skin


  • Other Taskmasters are available for direct purchase. See Taskmasters for more information.
  • Only one Base 20 Skin Token is available for purchase, more can be obtained in Jeweled Chests as an Epic drop.

Challengers' Warehouse[]

Image Name Token Cost Cooldown Notes
CSDPSBuff Week-Long DPS Buff 40 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Increase the DPS of all Crusaders by 200%
Lasts for 7 days
CSGoldBuff Week-Long Gold Buff 60 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Increase all Gold found by 200%
Lasts for 7 days
CSIdolBuff Week-Long Idol Buff 80 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Increase Idols earned from Resets by 25%
Lasts for 7 days
CSSpawnBuff Week-Long Spawn Buff 80 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Increase monster spawn speed by 100%
Lasts for 7 days
CSLegCat Legendary Catalyst 60 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None
Scritches Scritches 400 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Taskmaster
CSOldLefty Old Lefty 600 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Taskmaster
CSMatsBox Epic Box of Crafting Materials 40 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None Contains 80 random crafting materials up to Epic rarity
CSRRecipe Random Rare Recipe 40 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None One rare recipe that you do not yet have unlocked.
CSERecipe Random Epic Recipe 100 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None One epic recipe that you do not yet have unlocked.
CTRunicChest Runic Chest 40 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens Limit 3 per week Runic Chest
CS3JC 3 Jeweled Chests 60 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens None
2 Random Jeweled Chests 80 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens 7 Days Event or Weekend Promo Chests
Random Golden Epic 360 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens 14 Days


  • Similar to other purchases, if the Golden Epic is for gear already upgraded to Legendary, a Golden Legendary is offered instead.

The Skin Market[]

Image Skin Crusader Cost Notes
Skin-TheFoul The Foul Wrena 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Evil Evil
Plus-green MTag Undead Undead
Minus-red MTag Good Good
Skin-RoboKaine RoboKaine Momma 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Robot Robot
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-HumanTeenager Human Teenager Karen 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Human Human
Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Minus-red MTag Clicker Clicker
Skin-DoctorNiceGuy Doctor Nice Guy Dr. Evil 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Good Good
Minus-red MTag Evil Evil
Skin-StarJuggler Star Juggler Chiyome 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Skin-TheEntreater The Entreater Trixie 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Angel Angel
Skin-AngelOfDespair Angel of Despair Baenarall 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Evil Evil
Minus-red MTag Good Good
Skin-BloodBloom Blood Bloom Eiralon 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Flora Flora
Plus-green MTag Female Female
Minus-red MTag Elf Elf
Skin-Changeling Changeling Mindy 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 7 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Alien Alien
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-ShortStacked ShortStacked Car/Pet 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts

Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf
Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-Kelpie Kelpie Bruno 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Demon Demon
Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Skin-PlantBased Plant-Based Casey 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Flora Flora
Plus-green MTag Male Male
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-SnowWight Snow Wight Frosty 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Demon Demon
Plus-green MTag Nonbinary Nonbinary
Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Minus-red MTag Male Male
Skin-Miniature Miniature Shenna 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-Undying Undying Cindy 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Undead Undead
Skin-SerpentsVirtue Serpent's Virtue Ishtar 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Angel Angel
Plus-green MTag Good Good
Minus-red MTag Demon Demon
Minus-red MTag Evil Evil
Skin-EmeraldWyrm Emerald Wyrm Ana 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Animal Animal
Plus-green MTag Dragon Dragon
Minus-red MTag Leprechaun Leprechaun
Skin-Deathpoodle Deathpoodle Deathpuddle 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Animal Animal
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-CyberBunny Cyber-Bunny Biff 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Robot Robot
Skin-BabyBroot Baby Broot 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Skin-ForgottenKing Forgotten King Holy Guardian 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Royal Royal
Skin-RogueMachine Rogue Machine RoboQueen 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Undead Undead
Skin-Hybrid Hybrid Billy 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Alien Alien
Skin-Disguised Disguised Littlefoot 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Human Human
Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Skin-Voxelated Voxelated Milgrid 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Supernatural Supernatural
Skin-MachineLearner Machine Learner The Exchange Student 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Robot Robot
Skin-TheWhackingBush The Whacking Bush The Bush Whacker 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 200 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 15 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Flora Flora
Minus-red MTag Human Human
Skin-Cub Cub Sashimi the Seal 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Skin-KitchenNightmare Kitchen Nightmare Gemthel the Gourmet 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Demon Demon
Skin-Plushie Plushie Xander, the Xmas Dragon 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Skin-NaturesGuardian Nature's Guardian Jiaolong the Guardian 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Flora Flora
Minus-red MTag Animal Animal
Skin-NightWing Night Wing Viktor the Vampire 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Animal Animal
Skin-DwarfCoach Dwarf Coach Griz the Robo-Coach 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Dwarf Dwarf
Skin-SuperKatie Super Katie Katie the Cupid 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies
or 275 Challenge Tokens Challenge Tokens
or 30 Legendary Catalysts Legendary Catalysts
Plus-green MTag Superhero Superhero
Minus-red MTag Angel Angel


  • The Skin Market is located inside the Skins menu (bottom left corner of the bench).
  • Once a skin is purchased, the appearance and effects can be changed independently as desired.

Dungeon Depot[]

Image Name Cost Description
DCRunicChest Runic Chest (limit 3 per week) 45 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Runic Chest
10 Random Event Jeweled Chests 1 Dungeon Vouchers Dungeon Vouchers Rolls over weekly
DDObjectiveToken Dungeon Objective Token 50 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Allows additional objective past 15 per week limit
DCCommonDungeonRecipe Common Dungeon Recipe 20 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Recipe
DCUncommonDungeonRecipe Uncommon Dungeon Recipe 30 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Recipe
DCRareDungeonRecipe Rare Dungeon Recipe 75 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Recipe
DCEpicDungeonRecipe Epic Dungeon Recipe 1500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Recipe
TMReaper Li'l Reaper 4000 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Taskmaster
TMTheVoid Li'l Reaper 5000 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Taskmaster
TMMicroPhantom Li'l Reaper 5000 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Taskmaster
Torakichi, The Greedy Tengu Card Torakichi, The Greedy Tengu 10000 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Crusader
Matt Spacewalker Card Matt Spacewalker 10000 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Crusader
InfernalClawOfUnlimitedStrengthGE Infernal Claw of Unlimited Strength 3500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Golden Epic
DCIdolBuff Extra Spoils 25 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins 25% extra idols per reset
DCBuffCoffer1 Buff Coffer 1 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Contains 7 random buff cards from Uncommon to Epic
DCBuffCoffer5 5 Buff Coffers 5 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Contains 7 random buff cards from Uncommon to Epic
DCBuffCoffer25 25 Buff Coffers 25 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Contains 7 random buff cards from Uncommon to Epic
DCBuffCoffer100 100 Buff Coffers 100 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Contains 7 random buff cards from Uncommon to Epic
Skin-DoubleAgent Double Agent 3500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (Agent 79)
Skin-GoodlyGhost Goodly Ghost 4500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (Gloria, the Good Witch)
Skin-GreenMenace Green Menace 4500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (Sarah, the Collector)
Skin-TheRatKing The Rat King 4500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (King Reginald IV)
Skin-TraditionalTengu Traditional Tengu 4500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (Torakichi, The Greedy Tengu)
Skin-PrismicPhoenix Prismic Phoenix 4500 Dungeon Coins Dungeon Coins Skin (Fire Phoenix)