Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

On May 27th, 2019 the first "Skins" were introduced into the game. These are alternate appearances for specific Crusaders, some merely changing the appearance, while others could potentially add new features as well.

The Skins menu is accessed with a button on the bottom left of the bench, below the Taskmasters button. The Skin Market is found at the top of this menu.

Release Information[]


May 27 2019: A new 'Base 20 Skin Token' was released in the The Ruby Exchange for purchasing, for a cost of 5,000 Red Rubies Red Rubies. This allows for the purchase of a specific skin in the menu. Otherwise, random skins will be found in Jeweled Chests as an epic item drop.
Also, the skins for the first 10 Crusaders were unlocked:

Bushmaster 48True Lumberjack 48Crestfallen 48Fiercest Warrior 48Unhinged 48
Super Sleuth 48Pyromancer 48Trailblazer 48Special Ops 48King of Beasts 48

June 28 2019: The remaining skins for the original 20 Crusaders were released, and the drop rate from Jeweled Chests was increased.

Head Doctor 48High Flyer 48Wrangler 48Gilded 48Warrior Prince 48
Reborn 48The Fourth 48Storm Lord 48Master of the Arcane 48Hapless 48

August 29 2019: The Skin Market was added, including 3 new skins for Dr. Evil, Karen, and Momma Kaine. Also, the previously-released Wrena "The Foul" skin is also available for purchase in The Skin Market.

KarenTheCattyTeenager 48MKII 48DoctorNiceGuy 48 WrenaTheFoul 48

October 3 2019: The final Tier 5 objective now awards a new skin for a Crusader, beginning with the "Fortune's Fool" objective in Carnival of Sorrows. This awarded "Star Juggler", a skin with a cosmetic-only change for Chiyome.

December 11 2019: Three new skins were added to the Skin Shop, as well as two previous skins for Chiyome and Trixie the Treater from previous Events.

EiralonTheBloodBloom 48BaenarallAngelOfDespair 48Changeling 48 Star Juggler 48TrixaelTheEntreater 48

March 20 2020: Two new skins were added to the Skin Shop, as well as several skins from previous Events.

Kelpie 48ShortStacked 48 PlantBased 48SnowWight 48Miniature 48Undying 48SerpentsVirtue 48EmeraldWyrm 48

July 10 2020: Event skins up to this point were added to the Skin Shop

Deathpoodle 48CyberBunny 48BabyBroot 48ForgottenKing 48RogueMachine 48Hybrid 48

October 1 2020: Event skins up to this point were added to the Skin Shop

Disguised 48Voxelated 48Machine Learner 48WhackingBush 48

January 28 2021: Event skins up to this point, except Night Wing, were added to the Skin Shop

Cub 48Kitchen Nightmare 48Plushie 48Nature's Guardian 48

February 5 2021: Night Wing was added to the Skin Shop

Night Wing 48

March 19 2021: Dwarf Coach and Super Katie were added to the Skin Shop

Dwarf Coach 48Super Katie 48

June 22 2021: Deernan became purchasable, having been the previous weekend reward

Deernan 48

July 28 2021: Event skins up to Queen of Demons were added to the Skin Shop

Alien Squiggles 48Leporidaeic Evolution 48Arachnophobia 48The Mischievous 48The Gator Queen 48Queen of Demons 48

August 31 2021: Grave Robber's Delight became purchasable, having been the previous weekend reward

Grave Robber's Delight 48

September 14 2021: Spiritual Reanimation became purchasable, having been the previous weekend reward

Spiritual Reanimation 48

November 10 2021: Event skins up to this point, except Graveyard Guardian, were added to the Skin Shop

Express Train To Hell 48Heavenly Defender 48Insectoidal Corruption 48

February 3 2022: Graveyard Guardian was added to the Skin Shop

Graveyard Guardian 48

March 18 2022: NIDL, Infernal Evolution and Mythials, the Cosmic were added to the Skin Shop

NIDL 48Infernal Evolution 48Mythials, the Cosmic 48

Skins With New Tags[]

While some skins (such as the original 20 Crusaders) are merely cosmetic, some create tag changes for Crusaders, which are listed below:

Crusader Skin Name Added Removed Notes
Wrena the Fair WrenaTheFoul 48 The Foul Evil
Dr. Evil, PhD DoctorNiceGuy 48 Doctor Nice Guy Good Evil
Karen, the Cat Teenager KarenTheCattyTeenager 48 Human Teenager Human Animal
Momma Kaine MKII 48 Mk. II Robot Human
Trixie the Treater TrixaelTheEntreater 48 Trixael, the Entreater Angel Gains 'Wings'
Eiralon, the Blood Mage EiralonTheBloodBloom 48 Blood Bloom FloraFemale Elf
Baenarall, Angel of Hope BaenarallAngelOfDespair 48 Angel of Despair Evil Good
Mindy the Mime Changeling 48 Changeling Alien Human
Chef Casey PlantBased 48 Plant-Based FloraMale Human
Frosty the Snowman SnowWight 48 Snow Wight Demon
Shenna the Centaur Miniature 48 Miniature Dwarf Human
Cindy the Cheer-Orc Undying 48 Undying Undead
Ishtar SerpentsVirtue 48 Serpent's Virtue Angel
Ana Guinness EmeraldWyrm 48 Emerald Wyrm Animal
Leprechaun Gains 'Wings'
Carmen and Petunia ShortStacked 48 Short Stacked Dwarf
Bruno the Unicorn Kelpie 48 Kelpie Demon Animal
Deathpuddle Deathpoodle 48 Deathpoodle Animal Human
Biff the Magic Rabbit CyberBunny 48 CyberBunny Robot
The Holy Guardian ForgottenKing 48 Forgotten King Royal
RoboQueen RogueMachine 48 Rogue Machine Undead
President Billy Smithsonian Evolved 48 Hybrid Alien
Littlefoot Disguised 48 Disguised Human Animal
The Bush Whacker WhackingBush 48 The Whacking Bush Flora Human
Milgrid the Mining Mage Voxelated 48 Voxelated Supernatural
The Exchange Student Machine Learner 48 Machine Learner Robot
Gloria, the Good Witch Goodly Ghost 48 Goodly Ghost Undead
Viktor the Vampire Night Wing 48 Night Wing Animal Gains 'Wings'
Gemthel the Gourmet Kitchen Nightmare 48 Kitchen Nightmare Demon
Jiaolong the Guardian Nature's Guardian 48 Nature's Guardian Flora Animal
Griz the Robo-Coach Dwarf Coach 48 Dwarf Coach Dwarf
Katie the Cupid Super Katie 48 Super Katie Superhero Angel
Sarah, the Collector Green Menace 48 Green Menace Supernatural
King Reginald IV The Rat King 48 The Rat King Animal Human
Squiggles the Clown Alien Squiggles 48 Alien Squiggles Alien
Arachnobuddy Arachnophobia 48 Arachnophobia Animal Human
RoboRabbit Leporidaeic Evolution 48 Leporidaeic Evolution Animal Robot
Torakichi, The Greedy Tengu Traditional Tengu 48 Traditional Tengu Supernatural
Leerion, the Royal Dwarf Graveyard Guardian 48 Graveyard Guardian Undead
Fire Phoenix Prismic Phoenix 48 Prismic Phoenix Angel
Tiernan Deernan 48 Deernan Animal Angel
Kebos the Mummy The Gator Queen 48 The Gator Queen Royal Undead
Langley the Conductor Express Train To Hell 48 Express Train To Hell Robot
Drosenthes The Mischievous 48 The Mischievous Elf Flora
Queen Ysjorgnak Queen of Demons 48 Queen of Demons Demon Alien
Hildr the Gym Teacher Insectoidal Corruption 48 Insectoidal Corruption Demon Angel
Arenvarr the Beheaded Spiritual Reanimation 48 Spiritual Reanimation Supernatural Undead
The Goldhound Grave Robber's Delight 48 Grave Robber's Delight Undead
Euodia the Fencer Heavenly Defender 48 Heavenly Defender Angel Human Gains 'Wings'

Skins FAQ[]

What are Skins? Skins are fresh new looks for your favorite Crusaders!

What do they do? Skins change the appearance of the Crusaders who equip them. Some Skins may change a Crusader's tags and abilities, or apply other bonus effects. For Skins with effects, you can choose to apply only the appearance, only the effect, or both.

How can I get them? Skins can be purchased from the Skin shop, accessed from the top of the Skins window. You can choose to spend Rubies, Challenge Tokens, or Legendary Catalysts. Additionally, cosmetic Skins for the base 20 Crusaders can drop as rare loot from regular Jeweled Chests. You can also purchase a one-time token from the Ruby shop which can be exchanged for any base 20 Skin of your choosing.You can also now achieve certain skins from Campaign's

How do I exchange the token? Once you have purchased the token, an option to spend it will appear when viewing any locked Skin. You can check out available Skins by using the "Show all Crusaders with Skins" option.

Will there be other ways to get Skins? Maybe!
