Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

The Bush Whacker is the first character players can use. Unlike Crusaders that deal DPS, the Bush Whacker deals damage to enemies by clicking the screen. The Bush Whacker’s special buff is Swordplay, which adds 5% of the DPS values of all crusaders surrounding the Bush Whacker as click damage (This value is not affected by upgrades to Bush Whacker's Click Damage % bonuses.)


Available in Jeweled Chests or with a one-time token purchase from The Ruby Exchange, The Bush Whacker can change his appearance.
(This is a cosmetic change only.)


The Whacking Bush
For the Fifth Anniversary, the Bushes can get their revenge! This creates a single set of tag changes:

Minus-red MTag Human Human
Plus-green MTag Flora Flora


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Big Clicks
5 25 Increases the Click Damage of The Bush Whacker by 100%
Quote: No more small clicks.
10 200 Unlocks the Click-o-rama ability: Automatically performs 10 clicks per second.
Quote: Together we are even stronger. You look tired, so why don't I take over for a bit?
Bigger Clicks
25 1.00K Increases the Click Damage of The Bush Whacker by 100%
Quote: Getting even more powerful together... I am as surprised as you. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
50 8.00K Crusaders next to The Bush Whacker increase your Click Damage by 5% of their DPS.
Quote: The Bush Whacker has always been a team player.
Biggerest Clicks
75 80.0K Increases the Click Damage of The Bush Whacker by 150%
Quote: I think this is the limit. It just can't get any biggerest than this.
100 400K Increases the Click Damage of The Bush Whacker by 200%
Quote: Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member.
200 752M For every 25 levels over and including 200, The Bush Whacker's Click Damage is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: Believe the hype!

Items[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Item Description
Hats Common
Ratty Green Hat
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 1

Soft Velvet Hat
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 2

Enchanted Elf Hat
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 3

Tri-Pointed Hat of Linking
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 4

Golden Epic
Destined Hero's Cap of Triangular Forces
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 6

Engraved Silken Adventurer's Hat of Clicks
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 8
Legendary: Increases your Click Damage by 100%

Golden Legendary
Destined Hero's Cap of Triangular Forces
Increases your Critical Click Damage Multiplier by 12
Legendary: Increases your Click Damage by 100%

Swords Common
Dull Sword
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 1%

Shiny Sword
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 2%

Sharp Sword
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 3%

Butchering Sword of Bloodiness
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 4%

Golden Epic
Unnecessarily Bisected Bush-Destroying Sword of Criticals‎
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 6%

Fantastic Bush Slicing Sword of Amythysts
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 8%
Legendary: Increases your Critical Click Chance by 1%

Golden Legendary
Unnecessarily Bisected Bush-Destroying Sword of Criticals
Increases your Critical Click Chance by 12%
Legendary: Increases your Critical Click Chance by 1%

Wands Common
Newbie Wand
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 10%

Polished Wand
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 25%

Unsuspecting Wand
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 50%

Ancient Wand of Wanding
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Wiggly Waggly Wand of Wonder
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 150%

Enchanted Ivory Wand of Diamond Finding
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the Base DPS of Robot Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Wiggly Waggly Wand of Wonder
Increases the effect of The Bush Whacker's Swordplay ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases the Base DPS of Robot Crusaders by 100%


Details on runes: Runes

Position Element Type Effect
1 Rune Fire5 Fire Click Damage
2 Rune Water5 Water Click Damage
3 Rune Air5 Air EP Sharer
4 Rune Earth5 Earth Reward Doubler
5 Rune Soul5 Soul Increases your Critical Click Chance by 5% (multiplicative)

Strategies[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
  • Perhaps the most underestimated crusader (in game chats, at least), the Bush Whacker can have a great impact in your total damage output if used correctly. The Bush Whacker comes in most useful especially when you are pushing towards the last few levels of your current objective.
  • Swordplay is what makes the Bush Whacker a strong crusader in your formation. Since he draws power from adjacent crusaders, putting him next to your main damage-dealing crusader like Hermit, Jim or Sarah could strengthen his click damage a great deal.
    • However, the use of the Bush Whacker would be counter-intuitive in a formation that uses the Werewolf as the main damage-dealer (without RoboTurkey); placing the Bush Whacker next to the Werewolf would make the latter lose his important Lone Wolf buff, while the former could not draw power from the latter if not placed next to him. 
    • Thanks to the addition of RoboTurkey, the Bush Whacker is now more viable in almost all types of formations. Placing the Bush Whacker next to both RoboTurkey and your main damage-dealer allows him to draw power from both of them. The Bush Whacker could also be used in a Werewolf formation since he could indirectly draw power from him via RoboTurkey.
  • Buffing your main damage-dealer generally contributes more to his click damage than increasing his Swordplay effect (with the abilities of Jim the Lumberjack/Pilot Pam, Emo Werewolf, The Washed Up Hermit, The Princess/RoboTurkey, and Dark Gryphon). The penalty of losing damage buffs for the main damage-dealer greatly overwhelms the bonus from increasing his Swordplay effect.
  • Coupled with appropriate buffs (such as the dps-boost buff and the click critical rate and multiplier boost buff), the Bush Whacker could push you to up to 50 more levels after you hit a wall, provided that you also level your main damage dealer along the way. Having as little as 20% of your formation dps as your click damage is enough for this. Consider using him if you wish to swiftly end your objective!