This is a crusader strategy subpage for [[::Viktor the Vampire|Viktor the Vampire]]. Its purpose is to hold any strategy suggestions about Viktor the Vampire. |
Torakichi and Viktor biting themselves.
- There is a visual glitch where the bite will seemingly disappear from a crusader prematurely; however, its effects will still be active. This can sometimes be fixed by moving or benching the crusader (the bite will persist on benched crusaders, duration permitting), but the glitch can also just happen again.
- His Vampiric Germ grants supernatural tag temporarily to bitten crusaders, allowing the latter to be buffed by supernatural buffers such as Shadow Queen's Corruption from her Legendary gem.
- For speed, he increases double drop/kill chance and monster spawn speed if he bites a Leprechaun or Dragon, respectively. However, due to requiring (a) Leprechaun(s) and (a) Dragon(s) to bite, he effectively takes up three spaces for a speed and/or double drop buff of mediocre power. Using Larry and TES as targets, Taskmasters can be used to cast Magnified Storm Riders on cooldown while also gaining the speed buff for the early part of a run, allowing deeper runs to increase idol gain even if the clear time is slightly slower.
- Due to the 45 second duration of Vampiric Germ, only 3 crusaders are able to be bitten at any given time. However, upgrade buffs can affect Epidemic to increase this duration.
- Uniquely, Stake Aversion is the only source of double quest rewards that is an Upgrade, instead of a Formation Ability. This allows the doubling chance to be improved by both Gemthel's Norog Spice and upgrade buffs. Even without these, with a sufficiently high-level slot 5 rune, Stake Aversion can reach 100% without any other crusaders.
- Vampiric Germ will also check tags that are added by Formation Abilities (i.e. Evanescent's The Great Equalizer and Odile's Pristine Avalanche Sculpture). Combined with a propagator or 2, these can help make Viktor much more space-efficient, since you would only need 1 of each desired tag in the formation to gain its effects multiple times, especially with buffed duration.
- All of Viktor's upgrades apply their effects to all bitten crusaders. As a result, all of their effects stack multiplicatively (except for the spawn speed). Thanks to this detail, Viktor's Garlic Allergy has the highest health increase of all abilities, giving over 1e120 health in very specialized formations.
- If Viktor is able to bite a propagator, then he will also be able to bite any crusader that is targeted by that propagator, including himself if applicable.
- If the propagator themselves are bitten directly, then all of their tag-specific effects will be propagated to targeted crusaders. For example, if Langley is bitten directly (and is Human), then they can propagate the Human effect from Stake Aversion to Emo Werewolf (a non-Human), even if Emo is not bitten at all.
- Karen's Center of the Universe will not interact with Vampiric Germ. She must be in range of Viktor to be bitten.