Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia
Crusaders Of The Lost Idols Wikia

Xander, the Xmas Dragon is a support crusader obtained from the third tier of The Nate Before Christmas event.

Xander's Friendly Fire support abilitity increases the base DPS of crusaders next to him. The effect of Friendly Fire increaes based on the number of formation ability buffs affecting Xander.


In The Nate Before Christmas 2020, Xander can become a fluffy, well-loved dragon. (This is a cosmetic change only.)


Upgrade Level Cost In-game Description
Jolly Scale
50 4.00d Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%.
Quote: One of his scales is actually gingerbread, but he'll never tell you which.
Friendly Fire
100 1.60U Increase the Base DPS of Crusaders next to Xander, the Xmas Dragon by 100%.
Quote: He means well, really.
Gifts Aplenty
200 6.40D For every 25 levels over and including 200, Xander, the Xmas Dragon's DPS is multiplied by 4x. This multiplier stacks.
(Can't be buffed by Formation Abilities)
Quote: Plucked at random from his hoard.
Spirit of the Season
300 256T Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 20%.
Quote: Come on guys, just get into it!
Empowered Inferno
400 10.2Qd Increase the effect of Friendly Fire by 5% for each Formation Ability affecting Xander, the Xmas Dragon.
Quote: More Yule logs for the friendly fire.
Carolling Dragon
600 4.09O Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 30%.
Quote: A song in the ice, with fire.
Wild Flame
800 16.3v Friendly Fire also applies to Crusaders who are 2 slots of Xander, the Xmas Dragon when there are 10 or more Formation Abilities affecting Xander, the Xmas Dragon.
(Can't be Mimicked)
Quote: Gather 'round, everyone.

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Item Description
Cap Common
Gnarly Christmas Cap
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 5%

Cap of Many Christmases Past
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 10%

Singed Christmas Cap
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 15%

Severely Sizzled Cap of Firey Zeal
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 40%

Golden Epic
Restless Cap of the Winter Wyrm
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 60%

Ashen Christmas Cap of Draconic Backdraft
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 80%
Legendary: Increases the Base DPS of all Dragon Crusaders by 100%

Golden Legendary
Restless Cap of the Winter Wyrm
Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 120%
Legendary: Increases the Base DPS of all Dragon Crusaders by 100%

Cape Common
Shredded Cape
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 10%

Shriveled Cape
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 25%

Crispy Cloak
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 50%

Pilfered Cloak of Sooty Swindlers
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 100%

Golden Epic
Mantle of the Mantle
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 150%

Ho-Ho-Horribly Mistreated Cloak of Wintry Saints
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases all DPS by 100% when Xander is affected by at least 5 Formation Abilities

Golden Legendary
Mantle of the Mantle
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Friendly Fire ability by 300%
Legendary: Increases all DPS by 100% when Xander is affected by at least 5 Formation Abilities

Scale Common
Cracked Scale
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Empowered Inferno ability by 10%

Dull Scale
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Empowered Inferno ability by 25%

Patterned Scale
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Empowered Inferno ability by 50%

Polka-Dot Scale of the Glamorous Wyrm
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Empowered Inferno ability by 100%

Starry Scale of Silent Nights
Increases the effect of Xander, the Xmas Dragon's Empowered Inferno ability by 200%
Legendary: Increases the DPS of all Crusaders by 100% when there are 3 or more Dragon Crusaders in the formation

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